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Eric - America's Player


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Red ...I can see Dick saying that but Eric was supposed to be working for

"us"........we were suppose to tell what to do......lol and I don't think most

of us wanted him to blackmail someone .......JMO...lol :pleased:

AP=America's Player

Amber's too stupid to come up with anything.......

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Maybe I missed something somewhere (I usually do) but Eric DIDN'T blackmail anyone. He may have said he would or could, but he didn't. And Dick saw an oppertunity to attack and used it. Dick is the one responsible for this info being spread all over the house. It really suprises me that no-one in the house can see that he's the one doing the manipulating...

He's doing a lot of things he's accused Eric of, yet he's the good guy?

LOL... Okay! :animated_scratchchin:

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I think it is Dick's fault that I got a speeding ticket today. I know he was behind the officer being parked where he was and Dick made me put my foot on the gas too hard.

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feel bad for eric big mouth for not keeping it shut when he should have

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Ok....Eric said he had something real bad on Amber that he could use on her...

no he didn't use it on her......but just saying that....made alot of people mad....

he's AP.....and he started playing his own game.....and he was so cocky in the DR.

Amber was very stupid to have told anyone.....but no one should be hurt outside

the BB game.....even stupid ones... :cookoo:

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Maybe I missed something somewhere (I usually do) but Eric DIDN'T blackmail anyone. He may have said he would or could, but he didn't. And Dick saw an oppertunity to attack and used it. Dick is the one responsible for this info being spread all over the house. It really suprises me that no-one in the house can see that he's the one doing the manipulating...

He's doing a lot of things he's accused Eric of, yet he's the good guy?

LOL... Okay!

You didn't miss anything...Dick is the original scum and others are following suit. It's a scum mob mentality and Dickie set the pace.

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Sounds like Eric is worried about what they are going to say about him on the feeds when he's gone. Strange that he's still saying he didn't do the votes and mustard like it's something against his character.

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I am amazed how much dick can control all these people with just some yelling cussing and then back bitting. as far as I can see only Jen is immue to this

BB should hire a plane with the message DDJKZ WIN DAJJE LOSERS

Amber going off was so dumb as she was saying most of what dick did not eric

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Everything in the Big Brother house is Dick's fault? Dick made Amber go nutzo on Eric. animated_scratchchin.gif

Danielle is actually the brains of the operation, but I would say that it has been a long time since I have seen a smear campaign that was as near as effective as the one Dick and Jen put on Eric. especially when Dick and Danielle knew that Eric was not the one responsible for 75% of the crap they convinced the house he was. Including knowing full well that it was Dustin in alliance with Kail, Jen and Dick telling everyone that Jen and Eric were in an alliance, telling Amber and Dustin that Eric was constantly saying they were the 1st to go (if I remember correctly the only ones that said that were the Donato's) and the list goes on. It worked and so I guess that is okay, but if people cannot see them for the scum they are they need to look in the mirror.

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Eric is still playing the game. He told Danielle her dad might have overheard the convo with Amber and used it against him. When Danielle told Eric that he told her about Amber's secrets, Eric said that didn't happen. He's got guts to tell someone to their face that he never told her something that he obviously did.

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Watching and listening to the little weasel talk to Dani is sickening. Apparently, there is no bottom to his behavior.

Things the little weasel still claims he didn't do but DID.

  1. Eric DID smear mustard on Jen's belongings. Gameplay
  2. Eric DID vote to evict Kail Gameplay but started the search for the stray vote. ( Don't give me the America voted not eric... )
  3. Eric DID say he had something on Amber and may use it. Despicable!!! This is what is going to get the little weasel tossed!!!
Nobody to blame but HIMSELF.

And he's got the stones to complain about an attack on his character... What a delusional little twirp... What a scumbag

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eyeluvhowie just posted the video of Eric telling Dick about Ambers secret. The thing is, he never said what that secret is, just that he had a secret, and that if Amber ever pulls her self righteousness on him, he has something to put her down with.

And I'm not saying Eric is a saint, but Dick promised not to out him on that comment, so who's the bigger weasle? Eric didn't say anything about Amber... but Dick did about Eric. Dick has been using anything and everything he can think of to slander Eric out of the house. Granted, it's how the game is played, and he's doing a great job, but he's still a snake.

He made that comment to Eric... "If you're like this in the house, you're like this outside..."

I guess one could say the same about him?

Eric is AP, but he's also trying to win the game... A game that's all about lying, cheating and backstabbing your way to the final 2. I still like him.

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Remember that Eric really didn't vote for Kail to leave, nor did he spread the mustard. These were the actions of BB fans. Eric would never have gone out on a limb to do those things on his own. Those were our votes, we're the ones that really made Dick so angry. As far as I am concerned, Eric's real personal mistake was the threat to "out" Amber's secret if the need arose. He didn't reveal the secret. Everyone in that house is playing hard and that involved a lttle weasling. I can take a weasel a lot better than I can stand Danielle's incessant whining.

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the thing is... eric would probably play the same if not worse if he was not playing as AP. he would still have that nasty mouth, that hyper ADHD, that twitchy behavior and i the gift of trashing people behind their backs. at least we can blame some of his faults on being the AP and having america MAKE him vote or do certain ways. but imagine if he was playing his own game... whoooooow... i dont think i wanna go there.

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