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Eric - America's Player


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the only good thing about eric stay is..................... never mind.. there is nothing good. sFun_fly.gif

wait... what if he won hoh by accident.. hhahahahah that would be funny... he would be very nervous waiting for america's vote on who to nominate... sSc_hyper.gif

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So I am shocked that America picked Jessica. Every message board I saw people were voting for Dick or Jameka. I think it was rigged for Eric to make up for the banner like Katy said.

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Actually, I think Eric is not nearly as hated as this message board and others may make it appear. There are A LOT of viewers who never visit the message boards at all.

Also, the Eric haters on the board tend to be much more vocal -- making it also appear as though he's more disliked than he actually is. imo

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I voted for Jess in last challenge also...Eric was in enough hot water...I wanted to give him a break too.

Today's challenge though...I'm voting for him to compliment Dick...it will infuriate Dick so much and hopefully Eric will enjoy it....:naughty:

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My mother doesn't get the feeds and also hasn't come to this board this whole season and she can't stand Eric... She won't let me tell her anything about what we are seeing on the feeds either... She has said all along that he was going to mess things up and he did... My mom is one smart cookie she is...

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Jessica being the last AP choice makes perfect sense. Look back at THAT episode where they asked the question.

They literally shown a light on her saying PICK HER, PICK HER. She is Eric's best friend

If most of the voters arent avid feed watchers (I mean look at the cbs love em or leave em poll) they would pick Jess cause she looked so good on that episode.

While I was watching the show with my husband, I asked him who would he vote for based on that show(he doesnt watch feeds or read updates). He said he would have voted for Jess that time.

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and here i am on the message boards, i hate dick/ dislike daniele, and eric's ok..not the greatest but not the worst for me....we are all different....no reason for viewers to be a nerd herd too

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People need to back off of the "Eric Hate" a bit and step back and think about the guys position.

He has it harder than anyone in the house. He is not only trying to win for himself, but is trying to make "America" happy, AND BB happy.

The guy is a fan of the show, has wanted to be on season after season, and the season he gets on, he has to play for 3 different reasons and still try to play a good game. He cannot win no matter how he plays. Someone is gonna be pissed at him. At least he tries to be enthusiastic and try to do what the votes of "America" forces him to do. And he does it with a smile. (well, except one so far).

I am not a 100% Eric fan, but I gotta give the guy credit for at least accepting the challenge and doing his best within the confines of the house and dealing with all that he has to deal with, to do his best AND know that he is going to be hated when he gets out.

One huge mistake though, he is not using the info the "Votes" give him to change the house at all. By now he should know that Jen and Kail are not Americas faves, that Jess is doing ok etc. He has never seen certain names come up, but some he sees over and over. He should be using that more to his advantage and he isn't. He is not thinking, he is just reacting.


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Agreed Marty, he may be a weasel, but the guy is in a tough position. I just think people are being way too harsh on him and thinking of him as a "normal" player. He has alot of extra pressure. Dani and Dick at least can be open that they are a twist. He has NO ONE he can confide in or ask for advice.

I am just saying it can't be easy.


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No, he put himself in the position he's in. He went after Nick without checking out what America wanted. He's the stupid one for playing his own game.

People forget that he chose to sign the contract and be America's Player. He could have easily said no and waited for another season or something.

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I must say that the other night when he dished the dirt on Amber to Jessica I was so horrified that my initial reaction was... that is it, AP is dead to me.

As I have had more time to think on it, and watch/read/keep up with what the other HGs have been up to, I have to say, while it's deplorable that Eric would have discussed that information with anyone and threatened to use it against Amber, I don't think it makes him the worst person in the house by far.

I think it's pretty crappy that all the HGs seem to be held to different standards depending on whether you happen to like them or not. Eric's foul mouth and bashing are bad, but somehow, Dick's is acceptable. Everyone lies and schemes in this game, and yet somehow Eric's lies are that much worse.

Also, I don't agree that the AP's role is to robotically follow America's every command. I think Eric needs to be able to play his game while doing his best to fulfill America's wishes, but let's face it, if he does something completely counter to the house, he's out and we'll have absolutely no say in the game. Some people say that's fine, I think that would be a waste.

Finally, I am in no way saying that people are not entitled to their own opinion on any and all of these matters, including who they like or dislike or why. I am just expressing my own opinions and frustrations. :P

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Finally, I am in no way saying that people are not entitled to their own opinion on any and all of these matters, including who they like or dislike or why. I am just expressing my own opinions and frustrations.

i am currently on a few ignore list because of that lmao

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Who did everyone vote for in the poll tonight?

I voted all ten times for Dick, cause I think it would be so funny to see Eric have to go and be all nice with Dick and actually ask him for his vote. Also Dick would call him out and then people would be wondering why he was asking Dick?, wondering if maybe he was trying to make a deal with Dick and Dani? Just my thought.

If nothing else it would make for interesting t.v.

...and why did America vote for Jess that Eric makes a deal to go to the end with? that was so easy considering their relationship in the house and not a challenge for Eric at all.

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...and why did America vote for Jess that Eric makes a deal to go to the end with? that was so easy considering their relationship in the house and not a challenge for Eric at all.

I agree, That was no challenge at all. The AP tasks just get dumber and more boring. Hope that the AP twist is over on Thursday,

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Who did everyone vote for in the poll tonight?


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