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Eric - America's Player


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I was wondering what the definition of TASK was. If his TASK was to tell Jessica she was in his F2 and he has been saying that already for a week...... How is that a TASK???

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and it was not America that has not done him right

I think we heard a sample of Eric as to how unhappy he would be if he were to be bounced because of his AP involvement, or the banner. He was sounding like a Philadelphia laywer to me.

When was that? Must have been a DR session. Was I dreaming?

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Hey not only has he been with Jessica from the beginning they were talkin about their so called fake wedding, they are close so what difference would it make if he told her she was his final 2 he has already done that believe me. I just think he got too close too soon to a certain group and he should have sat back and watched what was happening and listened to what America was saying to him, after all we do see more than him, he got attached and all involved in his own personal game playing and dug himself in a little too deep. Since he has done that I would find it hilarious if we told him to tell Dick or Dani they were his final 2 that would so blow his cover,lol

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Thanks, Missy.

I also remember commenting that he had better start preparing the group for there being a second mysterious vote. He had plenty of time to think up a way around it, but he never did.

He gets no sympathy from me on the America's Choice muck-up.

The banner thing is another story, but Amber certainly seems to have ducked it. If she can, Eric should be able to do it with flying colors (no pun intended there).

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Well is he almost done with his assignments? Does he quit playing AP when he gets so many done? I am sure this has been answerd somewhere but I missed it.

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I think the difficulty of being Americas Player is that you dont get to talk to your alliance members 49 times a day like everyone else in the house and are therefore forced to make alot of decisions on your own. Everyone is getting on his case for not playing Americas game, but imagine being in that house and having a one question/one answer discussion every 2 or 3 days with a representative sent by your alliance where you didnt even get to choose what question you wanted to ask. If there was something for us to vote on everyday, maybe he would be doing a better job. Even if there was an ongoing poll of who Eric should trust (or not) and each day he could go in the DR to check it. Or if Eric was given the top three names in each poll, but still had to complete the task only on the number one choice, he would have a better idea of how we felt about different HGs.

Its easy to sit here and bitch about it, but how many people think they could actually do a better job with the exact same amount of info? I know I wouldnt want to try it.

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just being in the house and seeing what is happening from that perspective, then getting what America says would give me some thoughts and I think you could put 2&2 together,, Erics mistake has been to not pay enough attention to all and I mean from every side what is going on in the game, he has gotten too close too to many people too soon, in the beginning he was playing very good stayin quietly neutral, he has let Dustin dictate what everyone is supposed to do in the house, 100% as Dustin spouts. The he started runnin off at the mouth making his so called personal opinions known, if you are gonna play for us you have to keep your personal opinions to yourself, they ALL give up way too much information, if you keep stuff on the qt then when it comes time to do what America says he would not have dug the hole he is in or have all this negative attention on himself, the last straw was when he told the WWW the info he had on Amber, now America is through with him.

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I'm not sure about this AP...but doesn't he have a choice on wether or not to do what America had asked him to do? If he does what he was told then he gets some sort of prize (money or something) but he doesn't necessarily have to do what was asked of him? Is this correct?

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Rules are little fuzzy, Len. He hasn't flat-out refused anything (yet) -- only failed at a few things. But when it comes to the weekly vote for eviction he has no vote - America's vote is put in there instead.

Does that help?

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The only way the Americas vote counts for him is IF that person who we told him to evict is in fact evicted.

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America's vote is a task? Does that mean he can refuse to vote what America wants to vote?....he just doesn't get completed task and not get his 'compensation' for a completed task?

The only random task I can remember is the Mustardgate and the I'd do that for a dollar....kinda lame random IMHO....what else did I miss?

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He had to get in bed with Joe, they say that was uncompleted but he did do it and did it well, he had the mustard thing, geez I forget, he has completed 4 and needs one more completion actually to get his first 10 grand, and no he has NO choice but to vote the way we say, so he just goes into the DR as a formality, so no one will suspect he is of course AP, we told him Jen I believe, and now he is up so this task cannot be completed.

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LenLen every week Julie calls Eric in and says we've called you in so they think

your voting.....but America has already voted....lol

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He had to get in bed with Joe, they say that was uncompleted but he did do it and did it well

I also thought that should have counted as a completed task. They said something about that chosen HG had to wake up and kick Eric out of bed which is why they considered it incomplete.

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Question, if Eric would win HOH, would America determine who he nominates, and if POV is used who to be the replacement? Maybe thats why he throws HOH all the time, so as we can't do that.

Also, if that is the case, means if he isn't voted out (though I hope he is) then it's Dustin, Amber, Jessica vs. Dick, Zach, and maybe Jen (she's playing floater now). Amber is useless in competitions, and I don't think Jessica wants HOH (though she might this next week). If that all is the case, like Dick, Zach, and Jen's chances, and then definately have Eric/Dustin nominated.

Another question. Lets assume Eric wins POV, does America tell him how to use it?

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So he has to get all 3 tasks completed to for the week to get his compensation? This is sounding more and more 'jacked up' of a deal...again IMHO

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