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Eric - America's Player


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I am wondering what the final vote was for task "choose someone to take to final 2" He hasn't seemed to be talking about it yet. Could it be that America got smart and had fun with the vote....Could it be Dani or Dick....Eric probably freaked out if he read that on the task envelope.

let's hope! I voted for Jen, but Dick or Danielle would be just as funny to watch :party_smilie:

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The idea was to help the guy through the game with knowlege only we know, but it seems to me America is a spiteful ally who only seems to want to screw Eric's game-play up or have him get caught doing something stupid to his allies.

I have to agree with whoever said the point was to play for us... I think BB knew full well that Eric never stood a chance and that is why they are paying him to do the tasks... If they thought he was going to make it to the end they would have offered him double the prize money like they always have in the past...

He's there to do what we tell him to do period...

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The only reason I could see him taking the AP thing is if he was forced by CBS and they would not let him in unless he was AP. Can anyone confirm or deny this theory?

While I can confirm or deny the theory, it does make sense. They couldnt ask him to be AP and then let him in the house knowing about the potential twist. They had to have been pretty certain not only about who they were going to pick but also that they would say yes. My guess is that Eric said yes because he thought that info from the outside world would make the game easier, but we havent exactly helped him out in that respect.

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The whole America's Player thing has pissed me off for a while now.

Personally, I don't think America has been playing fairly with Eric's tasks.

So far we have not given him any hard tasks. Would you say the Kail task and the Jen task were hard ones?

He has been on Easy street.

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I think he might have pitched the AP idea to CBS to get himself in the house.

but we havent exactly helped him out in that respect.

The tasks we have given Eric have been very easy and predictable. Jen/Kail

It is not like we asked him to try to evict Jessica or Dustin. America has been very good to Eric.

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Eric oh Eric, why did you have to be AP, I think you could be final four material if he wasnt Ap and had to do these things. And for what price, 5 things equals 10k, if I am not mistaken, 500k is more than 10k. I dont think he would have the oppurtunity to make more than 100k with all these tasks he is given. The only reason I could see him taking the AP thing is if he was forced by CBS and they would not let him in unless he was AP. Can anyone confirm or deny this theory? Or does anyone agree or disagree with me on that?

I am pretty sure that once they offered it to Eric, he would have had to take the deal or not get in due to knowing about the twist in the game. So he was either AP or he was at home watching right now.

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Some sites are reporting it was Jessica and some are reporting it was Jen... I don't think we really know, cause he has offered that to everyone in the house even Dick and Daniele...

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so they could just show that clip where he said he would make a 450k mistake and take her to final two.

Hey, TV -- I'm not sure if I'm hearing dripping irony in your voice or not. :animated_scratchchin:

I do think she has been his plan all along - well, at least to final 4.

I think he's counting on Jess to get him past Dustin.

So if we handed him Jess he had an easy task.

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I think Eric was playing an ok game in the beginning, and it was not America that has not done him right, it was him, because to burn both ends of the candle you have to be low key, not spouting this and that before you have even hear what America wants. I know there are dynamics in the house but he got himself too close too soon and America can see what is going on and are asking him to play according, this could benefit him greatly if he had conducted himself differently, now because of his game playing in a personal way it is gonna be hard for him if America says align with Dick Zack, Dani,,Jen or Kail, he dug his own hole, so I feel not a bit bad for him, plus I did not apperciate his lack of keeping his mouth shut with Ambers Business.

As far as the prank things they have asked America to decide, those are pretty stupid, but if Eric had kept himself sort of neutral, in a sly friendly way, and listened to us he would be sittin alot prettier at this point. His Friendship with Jessica is gonna burn him in the end, if he gets past this week, and he probably will cause that whole group is being handled and played by Dustin, no one thinks on their own, seriously they hash and re-hash more than any season so far, and just like every season I am disgusted with more than a few of them. Then I think gosh what if this is the last season, what would we here at Morty's do?? I know a lot of us watch other shows and do come to this board, but BB is the big one for us.

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