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Eric - America's Player


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exactly Yana, Eric has no point in trying to play for himself, since he considers himself to be a really saavy player as we have heard him brag in his before the show clips he has made the mistake of trying to take what we tell him and then also play his own game, which has landed him in the spot he is in now. I n the back of his head he should think well "America" is seeing more than I see (diary rooms etc) so he should trust "America" and go for it, it would be so much better for him, in the game, He has yapped some pretty bs stuff, and more than enough to hang himself in the long run.

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DJB..point well taken and producer's lack of speed & or communication is even MORE reason why ERIC should realize how important it would be to maintain a lower profile due to the unenviable position he would be placed in should America's Choice not coincide with his planned strategy...I think that if he felt the way you do towards CBS's mishandling this idea it should be MORE of a reason to back down from being so vocal and disruptive.

Agreed. I think Eric was playing the perfect game, especially considering his position as America's Player, until he committed to going hard after Nick (who was on the block against Kail, the person America had directed him to, I believe twice previously, either target or evict) before receiving his instructions from the viewers. Now it's a slippery slope for him, but if he survives this week and manages to remain in the house after Dick and Daniele are gone, I can easily see him in the final four, maybe even winning it all.

I think this week will prove to be pivotal for him and his tenure in the house, as it seems like most HGs are either rallying around him or siding against him. This week will really show him who's with him and who's against him, and he can work from there.

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the melting pot that is America creates all forms of humans that have their own opinions passed down from generations of bigotry & racial prejudices..Amber coming from Alabama I believe, is merely a product of her environment no more so than Kail and her anti-Gay "lifestyle CHOICE" Zach's racist & sexist remarks towards Jameeka and the other women in the house, Jessica having never seen a black person before high school and Evil's reference to Eric as "that Jew Guy". Over a summer in a 24/7 lockdown with no entertainment...conversations are what we get and over time... ignorances as to other people's race, nationality or sexual preferences are bound to be discussed amongst the "hamsters"...they are not here to be our friends or members of our family but only to watch and reflect our own feelings whatever they may be.

They are not right or wrong they just ARE who they ARE.

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I think the whole AP twist is stupid. The tasks he has been given, other than noms and votes, are worthless, not fun and haven't really made much impact on the house. Seems to me that it would have been better if they just said at the beginning to the HGs, America is going to be casting one vote each time.Then, when they are puffing their chests out saying 'We have the votes" they would always have the doubt because Who did America cast a vote for?

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straykat...I disagree on only ONE thing and that's where you said they have made no impact on the house...ask ERIC about that one..

and maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea if America DID have their OWN vote but not requiring a houseguest to vote it...just add it to the total, that might be interesting!

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If he signed up for that than he got so screwed...being "America's" puppet isn't quite working out for him.

i dont think so, he gets money nobody else gets too. and even if he wasnt AP, then he would be out soon anyways.

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i hope the NLC turn on each other and this happens

Eric leaves

Dustin leaves

Amber leaves

skip a couple of steps


Daniele Jenn final 2


i can hope, can't i?

hey everybody turned on the twins and they were in an allaince season 5.

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I don't think he made much money...of course he could make more if he stays in the game. It doesn't look that way, right now.

He was given a task and it went to his head, that is all. One week he's "Okay, America I'm playin for ya" then the next week his head gets really big and he says "Screw you, America".

In order to be Americas Player he has to be consistent, because in reality he has to do what it says on the card he opens.

Last nights show I swore he opened the envelope looked at it then they cut to his speech. After speech he opened the envelope again. Now, I could be wrong and just thought I saw that, but I thought I did.

So not only does he have to do the task, he has to play the actor too. I never liked AP to begin with and I think Eric was not a good choice.

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I don't think he made much money...of course he could make more if he stays in the game. It doesn't look that way, right now.

He has made more than the others... They aren't making anything more than the stipen if they don't come in 1 or 2...

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"Amber coming from Alabama I believe, is merely a product of her environment no more so than Kail and her anti-Gay "lifestyle CHOICE" Zach's racist & sexist remarks towards Jameeka and the other women in the house, Jessica having never seen a black person before high school and Evil's reference to Eric as "that Jew Guy". "

First of all Amber is not from Alabama. She is from Las Vegas, NV. That said, I rarely get involved in arguments such as these on on this board, butas a lifetime Southerner, I feel I must in light of your comments about Amber being from Alabama and is a product of her environment. What exactly do you mean by that? Just because you are from the South doesn't mean that you are bigoted or racist.

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I am sorry to say this but he brought it on himself. If he had just said when the banner came out, "The banner is right I voted to evict Kail because I believe she is a stronger player that the Mike or Nick or I wanted to have all of the women to myself," or anything I don't think he would be in this position. He also lost my support when he got angry about the banner in his diary room sessions, saying "how dare they accuse me of this and call me out. I have been a good player, blah blah blah." He had a poor strategy in that he wanted to be the star from the second week. If he had lay low for the first five weeks or so (like he did in the first week), he would have been ok. Look at how far the laying low got Adria and Natalie in season five. If the two of them had started out from the get go being the stars (when they were both playing Adria), Adria would have been evicted before week five and they wouldn't have been able to enter the game as equals.

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GOOD!!! I just hope theres enough votes to get the booger out of there...

He has time to try & weasel his way out of getting voted out but then again

he talks so much it may backfire on him and they'll be sick of his blabbing. :shutup:

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i would love to see eric's face when he has to tell the house that it was indeed HIM who did vote for Kail.. but it wasnt because he was in alliance with her like D/D thought.. it was because he was the TWIST and he was America's Player. tadaaaaaaaa

and then to see everyone else's faces.... and a close up on Dick's face... i think he would stand up and say Mother Fer.... and then smile and give him a high five.

what? i am not crazy, i think thats how it would go if eric gets evicted.

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