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August 9, Live Feed Updates

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they wonder how long it will take to get the room ready.

E says 2.5 hours or so.

Jess: I was just so excited, i've been wanting hoh for a long time.

D/A in the exercise room. Dustin and Amber dancing and hugging and clapping and so happy. Amber says shes happy about how events went down, Dustin saying he's glad that amber trusted him and theyre both so excited how this worked out. Dustin and Amber are speed talking and so very happy. They're jumping around.

D: if dani takes herself off, we're putting jen up, and we put them up so we can say you lost to youer most hated person to herself.

Amber and Dustin talk about how they ruined Dani's big plans, how Dani should be embarrassed about the blog.

D: its gonna be the 5 of us to the end baby! you know it!.

A: i know! i know! dicks a psycho right now!

D: I don't even know what to do with myself! I feel like I'm on drugs!!!

Dustin and Amber all happy and laughs, talking how screwed Dick is.

back in the kitchen.

Dustin: I don't think i've ever screamed louder

E: we now have the single most childhood celebration in bb history..

Dustin and Eric talk about how happy they were and how celebratory she was.

Jessica said she said in her head they better celebrate with me!

E: you sure didn't have to worry about that.

Jess talks about how happy her parents and grandparents must be.

Everyone but Dick and Dani very loud and chit chatty

Jessica: my dad's probably getting a keg right now! my mom's probably writing a letter to my brother right now!

E saying he's never biting his tongue again, dustin and jameka showed him that ever the competition

Jess says she saw the bar and was pumped up.

Dick & DAni alone.

Dani: I feel like im gonna throw up. (said through tears)

both are very silent/ sniffy

Dick: win hoh next week and throw this place on its ass.

Dani: *sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

Dani: I hate amber

Dick: I hate all of them. Eric, Jameka, Amber, Dustin.

Dani: nobody else goes around claiming to be so real.

DIck: theyre all full of shit. Jamekas full of shit.

Dick: we'll see how t hings play out. see who she puts up against me, I wanna keep you in here.

Dani: *wailing* I WANNA GO HOME. *sniff sniff* (the tears are flowing)

Dick: I hope it's a POV with prizes cuz I'm gonna buzz up and get some good stuff before I go.


Dick: it's ok, honey.


Dani: *sniff* *sniff*

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now dick comes in daniele's bedroom, dick tells jen she did good trying, jen jokes well all i got to do was stand there...daniele says 'no offense but i cant believe you got that one wrong'..dick asks jen to let he and daniele talk

jen leaves

daniele says she doesnt want to talk in there...they move to dick's bedroom and shut the door

daniele: i hate this i hate this, i cant talk about anything without crying, i hate that its my fault kail is gone, i hate that my goodbye message to her was crappy because i didnt think she would be going, i told jen that as bad as i feel for kail i feel that kail is the lucky one because she gets to go home

daniele crying, sitting in the corner, dick lying on the bed

daniele: i'd rather spend my birthday alone, i hate everything about this place soooooooooooooooooooooooo much

daniele:it sucks so much because i feel like everytime i figure out whats going on its too late, now zach's trying to be all buddy buddy with everybody

dick: well you can expect that

dick: best possible scenario is they put me and zach up together and pov

daniele:then they'll put me up and i'll go home (boohoo, more crying etc etc)

daniele: i want to go home, i dont like anybody in here, no body, i'll be by myself the whole time

dick: its 500K it could change your life

daniele:its not worth it , i dont caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare, i want to go home

dick eases on over to daniele's corner to sit by her

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This is a longer version of the earlier Dick/Amber fight

Dick gives dirty looks at Eric and Dustin.

Amber asks how many staredowns he is going to do?

Dick says he isn't staring at anyone (he was, though--I'll post one in screencaps--Cat)

Dick: I already told you what I thought about you.

Amber: Good! I'm glad you thought that way. I'm glad you thought I was in on getting Nick out of here. That right there shows how much you trust me. I don't need you--

Dick: I can't wait until Eric pulls that out and throws that at you, because he will. I can't wait.

Amber: You know what, if he was gonna do it, he would have done it then.

Amber says that Eric would have done it when she screamed at him, and he didn't.

Dick says that he needed her vote, so why would he?

Amber says that he already HAD her vote!

Amber: He even told me today, you can vote however you like.

Dick: He said he would do it. He will.

Amber: Good! Let him do it then.

Zach: It's gone to the dogs.

(Talk of beer that Jess will get in HOH basket)

Zach says they should make a cheers to Carol.

Zach: She saved you!

Eric says he wants to make a toast to "unicorn" (This is Jessica, from the Uni-tard wearing night)

Jess: This sucks.

Amber: At least Eric believes what I tell him. At least Eric believes what I tell him. At least I got that.

Dick: He uses it, too.

Dick: Eric said it. Thirteen people in his way of him getting the money. That hasn't changed.

Eric: I said that's what I felt before I moved in.

Dick: Nothing's changed.

Eric: That changed the second I actually met the genuine and real people in this house. Which actually applies to most of the people in this house.

Dick: Absolutely. Another liar. You and Dustin. It's a good pairing. A very good pairing.

Eric says according to Dick, every person other than Dick is a liar. Eric names them all off.

Dick says Eric said it was in his back pocket. Eric says that he spoke to Amber about it, and he and Amber will speak more about it when they are ready. Dick says Eric made it between Eric, Dick and Daniele. Eric says he hasn't denied saying it, and he will speak more to Amber when he and Amber are ready.

Dick is silent for a minute.

Jess says she is excited about her HOH, as she hopes she gets word from her brother. She says you see how much every word means to the people "over there," and her brother has it a lot worse than she (Jess) has it!

Eric says there just might be some streaking tonight.

(Zach is hanging around Eric and Jess, his usual M.O. of hanging around the HOH)

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6:30 pm BBT

Dustin and Amber in Gym talking. Dustin just jumped up and down for joy (Bah humbug! - Mel) Amber all smiles and "Finally, Dustin, Finally!" gloating over their *power* and how they want Dick gone.

Dick and Dani talking in round room. Daniele crying - she wants to go home. She hates all these people. Dick is trying to calm her down.

Everyone else is in kitchen laughing and chatting it up.

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daniele: i accomplished nothing, just like everybody else

dick:its ok, you have to take chances in this game, you did a great job

daniele:no i didnt

daniele:jen even said too that dustin's plan all along wasnt to get zach out it was to get nick out

dick: its allright, i didnt expect anything different from dustin, i wasnt surprised

daniele : i wanna go home sooo bad, you dont understand

dick: we can stick together we can do this

daniele: i just wanna go home...i want to take this stupid thing off (bunny suit) im sweating to death

dick: come sleep in here (round bedroom)

daniele: i told you yesterday, that whole thing..so fake with amber

dick: i knew amber was lying today, her whole disposition, i told her she was acting weird, she was 'no no' , i knew she was lying

dick: dont worry its ok

daniele: im not worried, i just want to go home (multiply this comment by 10)

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(I'm a bit behind in time, about 15 minutes behind them now)

Jameka comes in. She says she is sorry. It looks like she was maybe crying in the bathroom.

Eric hugs her and says he loves her, and he thanks her for everything. He says they will have a great week with Jess in the HOH, and it all worked out great.

Jameka is crying

Jameka: He always tries to attack me. Where did that come from?

Eric says that Dick says that every person in the house is a liar but Dick.

Eric: Good for you for standing up for yourself. I should have been doing it all weekend, and it's on. It's on.

Eric just chugged a beer.

Zach says it's like a beer commercial.

Eric: The days of mopey Eric are behind us. Original Eric is back in the house.

Dustin: Yay!!! (Dustin claps) Happy go lucky Eric!!!

Eric says the "hawk" is going tonight.

Zach: You're shaving it off?

Eric says yes.

Dustin and Amber go in the HOH (I got a picture of this--Cat)

Dustin starts jumping up and down, pumping air. Amber is beaming. He says that he thanks her so much for doing this--it's working out great, and Dick is out this week! That's why Dick is so upset. He says he told her it was the best. Amber says she knew!

Dustin says he already told Jess -- He thought it would be Jess or Dustin winning HOH--

They will put up Dani and Dick. Then if one wins POV, then Jess will put up Jen.

Amber says that Dani wrote all of this stuff in her blog to Nick, saying this week is for you...

Dustin says he "fucking ruined it!"

Dustin says that taking out a person on their side would have done them no good! It will be the five of them in final five. Dustin says that is why Dick is "psycho" right now, and Dustin says he (Dustin) feels like he's on drugs, he is so excited.

Amber says Dick is upset because he doesn't have the power!

Amber says "He's fucked! Finally, Dustin! Finally!!!"

Dustin and Amber all excited.

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everybody is in the kitchen except dick and daniele (bedroom still those two)

kitchen people are discussing kail's multiple business ownership

zach mentions that kail was worried when they revealed some people had enemies coming in, that kail had someone she really had problems with in the beauty pagents

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Eric says that it was mostly Eric's doing, but that was the "single most childish celebration in BB history." He says he was screaming, pumping his fists, jumping.

Jess says that probably the cameras were on Eric, and not her! (Laughter)

Dustin says he screamed as soon as Jess said "Carol."

Jess says that her grandparents are on the phone right now, so excited! Jess says they are a "big part of her life."

(During this time, Jen tries to say something about she's glad it happened this way, because it would have been "all her" and this way is better. No one seems to listen.)

Jameka is happy now, and having fun.

Zach's still hanging with the group.

Jameka says she is "done" and she's not going off any more. She says she needs to be more humble now, but she has a lot more she could say (to Dick).

Eric says that he's not going to bite his tongue any longer like he did this week, and no one is going to drag his name through the mud any longer for "shit he didn't do."

They think that the theme was for Jess-- the beer, the Western theme.

Eric: I thought it was an olive-eating contest, and I thought, I'm fucked!

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continued silence

Dick: I don't wanna cause you trouble or headaches this week at all. let's just have fun together, ok?

..meanwhile dustin giggling in the kitchen over the shirt question.

Dani continuing to be silent.

Dani sniffing

Dick: it's going to be easy. no campaigning or nothing, no bullshit. I just wanna spend some time with you.

Dick: why would you think me and zach instead of me and you?

Dani: to use me as the backdoor.

Dick: yeah, that's true.

Dani: cuz then they'll have everyone playing use it.. to put me up on the block.

Dick: if I get it and it's me and zach, I won't use it.

Dick: but if I get HG's choice, i'll pick you. And if you get it, you can pull me off and they cant put you on.

Dani: I know, but i'm sure eric will think of that senerio.

Dick: true.

Dani: well theyll think everything through cuz eric and dustin are soo smart.

Dick: if they put us up, i'll use it on you. you need to stay and i need to go.

Dani: i dont wanna beeee hereee with thesee peeeeeple. I don't wanna be hereeeee. I hateeeee them. I don't like being hereeee. I'm not having fun! I don't wanna spend my birthday with these peeeeople (still crying)

(((btw dustin already said to amber that dick and dani WILL go up next to one another)))

Dick: jen and zach.. they can help you out.

dani continuing to sniff and cry

Dani: eric must have made deals with every single person yesterday

Dani saying after everyone talked to Eric, everyones deminor changed COMPLETELY.

Dick: it's ok.

Dick: you can still do this. you can.

Dick: I"m way to vocal and confrentational for this.. it's ok, you can do this. It's something I wanted to do for a long time. I did it, it's cool. you need to stay, you're much smarter and a much better competitor. you can do this

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dustin and eric sneak off to the gym and jump high five and express their joy over dick calling out everyone (amber,jameka,themselves) as being fucking liars

dustin : i talked to amber, if we send eric home we're fucked, now the five of us will rock this house

eric: i know how it feels to feel on the outside...lets call jen and zach up too and let them (dick and daniele) feel how it is to be on the outside, that motherfucker is going home period end of story...no ones going to listen to a fucking word he says and he's going home next week, im going to bury his ass this week and i will fucking cackle over his fucking grave

(ed-mom forgive me for typing this many 'fucks)

eric: they've tried to underestimate her, bully her and now she gets to put them out, its so much better that she won that if i won myself, and now you and i get to both play (hoh) next week

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D/E alone in workout room

Dustin: poor daniele, that's just embarrassing.

E: she now has the worst HOH ever... she told me you're the biggest threat and now.. HAHAH sorry bitch you and are you dad are gone.

Dustin saying he didn't even think it'd be 3 on 3 next week cuz Jess and Jameka both can't play.

Eric and Dustin saying they should lure Jen in.

Eric called to the diary room... Dustin and Eric still celebrating and happy.

E can't wait to go to the diary room.

They called Eric to the DR before Jessica, everyone thinks that is funny.

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Eric just got called to the Diary Room. In the round room, Dick is reminding Dani that their two votes will mean a lot in sequester. Dick is saying that Dani should work with someone (Jen Maybe?). It looks like Dani is calming down now. Dick just said that he'll go before Dani and that's ok because he'll go to mexico with the waves. Looks like the plan is to save Dani if it means sacrifice Dick. They have a couple more hours of the bunny suit off. Dick is saying once he's gone it will be easier for Dani. She says she hates this place and got worked up again..

(My feeds are cutting out every other word... :()

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dustin: its better that kail is gone now, she gets to see her family

zach: then why was she in the game

dustin explains kail wanted to either leave before sequester or win..she had said she couldnt last with him (dick) in here

zach: what he was going off on her too

dustin: are you kidding? all the time!

(everyone stares at zach like 'where have you been?')

jessica says her cd's she requested are going to be either carrie underwood or beyonce

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Jessica saying that she will prob get carrie underwood.

Dustin,Amber, jen, zach and jess are talking about how "the ecstatic best friend" always gets called into the DR before the winner, like Amber got called first when Dustin won and Eric got called in first this week.

Dustin saying D/D asked at 4:25 PM if Dustin's vote was still on... and everyone was asking him too.

Amber saying she told her first lie in the house today... D/D asked Amber if Dustin's vote was still on. Amber said yes to him. Amber saying now "don't fucking ask me, ask dustin." so yeah, that was my first lie- guess I can't say I'm not a liar anymore. Next time maybe theyll ask the person instead of their friends.

Jessica "don't mind me guys,I'm just getting ready to move to my HOH room!"

everyone laughs.

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In the Kitchen Amber asks Dick "how many more stare downs are you going to do? Dick: I'm not giving you any stare downs, I already told you what I think about you...

A: Good! I'm glad you felt that way, I'm glad that you thought I was the only one getting Nick out of here, that right there just shows how much you trust me I don't need you...

Dick: I hope...Amber: I don't need you...Dick: I can't wait until Eric pulls that out and throws it at you, cus he will, I can't wait...Amber: you know what if he was going to do it he would have done it then, and he could have done it there in the LR the other day when I yelled at him and he didn't do it then either...Dick: why would he? He needed your vote...

Amber: He knew he had my vote. He had my vote, and he even told me today "you can vote however you like" Dick: he said he would do it. He will... Amber: Let him do it then...

(the whole time Eric and Jess have been sitting at the counter and zach's been walking in and out of the room)

Dick sits at the DR table stewing...Everybody chitchatting...Amber turns to Dick and tells him that at least Eric believes what she tells him that at least she's got that...Dick nods, smiling...then says "Eric said it, 13 people in the way of getting the money...nothing's changed"...

Eric replies that that's what he said when he moved in and then it changed the second he "actually met the genuine and real people in this house...which applies to most people in this house"

Dick answers with "sure you did. Absolutely...another liar, you and Dustin, it's a good pairing" Eric tells Dick that, according to him (Dick) everyone else in the house is a liar...Amber is a liar, Dustin is, Jasmeka is...everyone, other than Dick. "Everyone, we are liars, we're all lying, all the time, other that you, every word out of your mouth is true"

Eric tells dick that he (Dick) will see he (Eric) didn't cast those votes and didn't do any of the things Dick says he (Eric) Did. Dick brings up again about the convo with Amber that Eric told him is in his back pocket.

Eric tells Dick that he spoke to Amber about it and that they (A&E) will continue to speak about it when Amber is ready to do that, that it is between Eric and Amber. Dick says Eric made it into something between Dan, Eric and Amber. Eric says he does not deny saying it and he will speak to Amber when she's ready to speak to him about it (awkward silence)

Dustin comes in the room where Jen and Dan are in bed and tells dan that "You know, it's not against you, it's not about getting Nick back, it's nothing like that , so i don't want you to think that by us playing this out in a way that you didn't expect was a personal attack on you, cuz it wasn't..." Dan says nothing so dustin says after a pregnant pause "and I hope at some point that you're ready to talk"... and he leaves the room. Jen alooks at Dan who's been playing with her hair but they say nothing...

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Jess and Dustin joke how they can hear eric in the DR. Jess tells him that they are probably saying shh quiet eric!

Jess tells Dustin she's not even listening to the D/D's bullshit this wk.

Dustin tells Jess that amber knew it was the right thing.

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7:15 BBT

Dani: did you see the way Amber was acting towards Eric, she didn't even talk to him yesterday and their probably in their laughing now

Dani: whatever she probably didn't even swear on her daughter

Dick: whatever swear on you child, swear on the bible, it doesn't mean anything.

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jessica is gathering/sorting her belongings to get ready to move into her hoh room

dustin asks jen about her ear, she says she feels sorta better...dustin offers that she can talk to him any time she wants and get to know him a little bit better, and that he wont be 'lying' (he said this with a sarcastic tone)

jameka/amber fixing something to eat in the kitchen

dick/daniele still have not moved from the bedroom corner

daniele: i bet everyone hates us (the viewers)

dick: not you, just me

daniele: how fake, amber out there laughing now, how can she when someone did that to you...she proably didnt even swear on her daughter

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daniele: we got rid of the fun honest players

dick: joe wasnt honest

daniele: thats true

dick:and carol (kail?) wasnt fun

dick: and amber...'he's so out of here'...she's a lying cunt

daniele: she lied to me about nick, and i hope she did lie to nick

everybody else is still blabbing/eating in the kitchen

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7:19 BBT

dani; amber would have never changed her vote

dick; Neither would of Jameka, of course not their lying

dani (talking like amber)and you guys and if i have to go back on my word, erics going out of here, dick; shes a lying cunt

dani talking like amber again; youll see from the tapes she the most honest person

dick; yeah sure, shes the most pshyco person in here

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Dick and Dani still alone in round bed room. BB scolds Dustin for something with his mike and Dick says: "give him a penalty nom, the douche bag nom"...Dick tells Dan that the only thing said that was true was when they (D/D) were told that a line had been drawn in the sand, the rest was BS"...

BB calls Danielle to DR, she tells Dick that she doesn't want to go, "I hate this place" asks if she can go later...no response. Dick says: I don't think so...Dick asks if he can go to DR and BB calls Dick to Dr. Both Dan and Dick say "thank you" and Dick leaves the room... Jen comes in now to check on Daniele...

Amber talking to Jess and Jameka in their bedroom about how funny "karma" is...

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(I've been posting pictures, and I'm not great at it yet, so it took me a while. In the meantime, I've been listening to the discussions in the weight room with Dustin/Eric, Dustin/Amber, and then in the kitchen with everyone but Dani and Dick)

To summarize:

Eric told Dustin in the weight room that it is so priceless that Dick and Daniele were torturing Jess this week, trying to get her to vote her "best friend" out of the house, and now she is HOH! They jumped up and down and celebrated. Dustin told Eric how he told Amber to pull it together, and they needed to do this, and it was the right decision. Eric told Dustin that he now knows how it feels to be on the "other side" of the fence, and he feels they should make a real effort to pull in Zach and Jen and be nice to them. He says even if they have to have Jen up in the HOH for two hours a night, it's worth it. Eric said that since Jen seems to think she has this alliance thing with him, he can always use that to get her to vote with them. They agree that with Kail gone, Jen will need a friend, so they will be nice to her.

Dustin asked Eric if he ever really doubted for a minute that he would be there. Eric said yes, he did, and if he left he would have brought it on himself with what he did to Amber. He said that he had talked to Amber and they were on their way to mending their relationship.

Zach keeps standing around in the kitchen, hanging around the HOH as always. He claimed at one point that he "votes with the percentages" and that he would never base a vote on "bullshit."

He also called to everyone's attention the fact that the people left in the house are the ones who will be deciding who will get the money.

Jameka brought up the question of whether they might let America have a vote. They all seemed taken aback, and Zach questioned if that would be fair, and whether they will base that vote on what people see on the feeds or the show.

At one point earlier, Amber and Dustin celebrated and she was really glad that she made the choice to keep Eric. Dustin told her that Dick acting like he did tonight after the vote proved that it was the right decision.

General talk in the kitchen has been about slop, Kail (nice stuff), vitamins, a workout/diet plan they plan to use, etc. Dick came into the kitchen and congratulated Jess at one point, and she thanked him.

About Kail: People were talking about how she wanted to go home before sequester if she wasn't going all of the way to the finals. Zach was surprised and said that she shouldn't be in the game, then. They think it is good for Kail because she can eat now, and she doesn't have to worry about being on the block every week, as she had no chance of HOH for 5 weeks. They talked about the fact that Kail owns those businesses, and Jen said that she kinda knew, as Kail offered to get her a guest house on a lake and stuff like that.

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Zach now talking to Dustin. Zach explains why he voted to keep Kail, that it was nothing against Eric...Dustin tells Zach that all is good, and he completely understands. Dustin says something to the effect that Dick had said he (Dustin) was trying to influence Zach into voting his way...Zach says he has no one who's ever influenced his vote. Dustin says he knows that and walks away...dustin keeps walking in and out of the kitchen and Zach keeps chatting to Dustin about food, but just gets short "passing by" replies from Dustin...

2 cams on round room where Jen and Dan are and 2 on the rest of the group chatting in the bedroom (Zach's there too, trying to be included in the convo, Dick is still in DR)

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Dani and Jen in the round room:

Dani: It's funny how, in here, if you know somebody lied once...I don't know. I don't know. This place is too much.

Jen: Yeah. It's a crazy house.

Dani: So, it looks like Zach is siding with them.

Jen: I know. Well, he never was trying.

Dani: He's kissing Eric's butt.

Jen says Zach always does that with each HOH.

Dani: Not really to me, to be honest. But he knew he wasn't going up. That's probably why.

Jen: Yeah.

Jen says she actually likes everyone in the house.

Jen says they have to all get along or they will be miserable. They'll be together for a long time.

Jen: I wonder who Jess will put up, though?

Dani: Me. And my Dad.

Dani: It will be what everybody else tells her to do.

Dani says that she hardly talked to Jess, but everyone thinks they talk all of the time.

Dani: I think she'll put up me and my Dad and put Zach up if the POV is used.

Jen: Yeah. Or, if Zach were to use it....

Dani: That's true, too, huh? But he wouldn't. He wouldn't with that side being so strong.

Dani says she knew about this ahead of time, because Eric was wearing Jameka's flip flops, and he said he hoped that the contest wasn't something where they had to run.

Jen says she knew-ish.

She says she told Kail the votes were flipped.

Dani: I smell fish. Hmmm. I don't smell it anymore. That was really bad, though.

Dani: I can't believe the last question was Carol! As soon as Julie said the last word, Jessica knew. Some of those questions were...whatever.

Jen says they were things that people said in the house, not the DR.

Dani says that she's glad Julie screwed up the Nick questions (that Eric knew). She says that Nick said that all of the time in the house. She says that the "salt and pepper" one about Joe was hard. Jen says she knew it.

Jen and Dani can't believe that Dick got his question wrong. It was because they twisted the word and said "our beds."

Dustin talking to Zach:

Dustin tells Zach that he knows that Zach told Dick that Dustin tried to persuade Zach to one side.

Zach says that it doesn't matter, though. Zach says "there were people from both sides" trying to persuade him.

Dustin says he only told Zach that he thought the vote would be 4-3 Eric.

Zach just keeps saying he had to keep Kail because she was so naive as to give up HOH for 5 weeks. Zach says it was nothing against Eric.

Dustin: Dick tried to throw it in my face and say, "I know you told Zach that he needs to vote your way, and I know that you threatened him." And I was like, actually, no, I didn't tell him that.

Zach says that he "got onto Dick about that." He told Dick "that wasn't how it went down."

Zach: I don't let anybody ever influence my thought. I listen to what people have to say.

Dustin: I know that. I totally respect you for it.

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Dani tells Jen that Jameka told her dad when he was yelling at her that "Well, I had to do something" like to the effect that she (Jam) had made a deal with Dustin and Eric. Jen says she doesn't like Dustin, Daniele says she hates him (Dustin) She hates the way Dustin carries himself in the house, like he owns it.

Dan asks Jen who she would have put up had she won HOH, Jen says "Dustin...like...I would not put up your dad" then says that she thought about it and Kail had told her if she (Kail) was voted out to put up Dick. Dan says not to tell him (Dick) that because he (Dick) would not have put her (Jen)up and that that would have been stupid (for Jen to put Dick up)...Dick comes in and says he'll be leaving this week for Dan and that he'll go to the beach...

Dick says that they'll put up D/D and that he's gonna ask Zach and Jen that if they win POV to save Dan (?). Dick says he talked about Jam's "faith" in DR...

Dick says Zach's prolly thinking he'll be up next because his name had been spoken before so he probably expects it.

Dani says Amber is laying in Nick's bed and she (Dan) could spit on her for that too. Dick says Amber needs a psychiatrist (Ed. and he doesn't?)

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