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August 9, Live Feed Updates

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10:46 am BBT

Back from FOTH

Everyone sitting around, awkward silence. Jen says "the less entertaining we are the faster the lockdown will be."

Jessica is listening to Danielle's CD.

Almost everyone is laying down either in the bed or on the floor. Everyone is silent.

Jen talking about her ear.....

Then silence again.

Sounds like someone is in the bathroom but I can't see whose in there....sounds like running water though.

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10:57 am BBT

BB comes and says "remember house guests it takes 440 laps to swim 1 mile in the Big Brother Pool"

Dick says "what the fuck was that about"

Jen says "if we have to swim tonight I'm going to be mad because my ear hurts"

Some chit chat about that for a bit.....now totally silent again with the exception of sighs from some house guests and the coughs from Dick

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11:03 am BBT

BB calls out lockdown is over, they can leave.

Everyone slowly leaves the HOH room but all 4 feeds stay on the HOH room

Feeds change to kitchen area

Jessica remarks there are ants on the counter.

BB announces "house guests please clean your house"

Jessica, Jen and Eric are counting ants. Eric says "remember that for HOH, 440 laps for 1 mile in the BB pool and 15 ants"

Eric cleaning table

Jessica says that 440 laps doesn't sound right. Eric says "do you think it's long ways or short ways, and is it that one way down is 1 or that 1 down and 1 back is 1"....

I can hear Zach in the background talking about hoping he can keep his bunny suit.

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11:20 am BBTNot much going on. Cleaning. Jessica had a bowl of cereal. Jen is there with her. They talk briefly about having to wear the bunny suit tonight because of continuity (sp). Jessica asks if they promised her food, and she says "no" but Jen says she will do it then she doesn't have to mess up an outfitBB calls lockdown in HOH room again...Jessica says "everyone?"Jen yells "but I'm making slop"Jessica says "oh my gosh"BB calling out again for houseguests to report to the HOH roomBB music is playing in the house (very loudly) as everyone still getting up to the HOH room.Now music stopped.Everyone in HOH again.

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11:23 am to 11:32 am BBT

Jen is asking Zach how many meters are in a mile. Zach, Jen talking about meters, yards, and what it equals to a mile (earlier Jen asked Eric and Jessica in the kitchen and they didn't know and Jen said she would ask Zach that he would know).

Everyone quiet. Zach quiet....thinking....Zach says there are 1,760 yards in a mile. Quiet again. Then Zach says somewhere in the 900 meters in a mile. He says he thinks it is 2.8 meters in a yard but he knows that a meter is less than a yard. Zach says he used to swim the 500 meters and that is....he asked Jessica what she swam. She says she trained to be a life guard , Zach is surprised by that and he asks if she did it for a job and she says yes and he asked why she stopped and she says that because it is a summer job. Zach asks if she never had to save someone and she said yes, she jumped in and saved someone but she didn't have to do CPR.

More talk about lifeguards and how lifeguards here (in CA) have to be more experienced because of rip currents, and waves, etc. (Zach is doing all the talking). Zach is very deep into explaining rip currents and waves and how people can't feel certain things when they are drowning and what caused people to hit the rocks etc. Jen says "it's rough out there" Jessica says "the Baywatch people had it hard" and Zach says "baywatch was full of crap"

Jessica said ever since Baywatch she wanted to be a lifeguard and her dream came true. She says she has her lifeguard suit with her in the house.

Zach says that lifeguards in CA are paid very well. Jessica remarks that she is afraid of sharks and Jen chimes in with the same thing. Jen talking about how she did training too


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11:34 am BBT

Back from FOTH

Speculation that BB is spraying because of the ants.

Jen says "hopefully they are watching my slop"

I can hear whispering (sounds like girls) in the background on one of the feeds but I can't see anything...and can't make out any real words.

Jameka asks Eric if he is going to cut his hair, and he says yes.

Zach asking Eric if he was going to streak (something about a bet and 3%) and Eric says he can do it tomorrow and knocks on the glass table.

Talk about what they are going to do tonight (hair etc)

I can still hear the whispering when they are quiet.....still don't see who it is or where they are.

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11:41 am BBT

All 4 feeds still on HOH room.

I can still hear the whispering and I think it is Dani and Kail (who I don't see in the room) in the bathroom where the door is closed and there is no camera showing that room.

General chit chat between Zach, Jen, Jessica, Eric and Jameka.....

Dick is in the HOH bed quiet (maybe sleeping)

Dustin and Amber on the floor quiet (maybe sleeping)

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Everyone on LD in HoH again. Earlier they asked Jameka about her hair, and she said she will have curls tonight. They asked if it would be like her picture, and she said no, those were flexy curlers. Now general chit chat, now about party kegs, mini kegs and pony kegs. Can hear someone whispering in the background, sounds like Kail but can't hear what she is saying. All 4 cameras on Zach, Eric, Jessica, Jen and Jameka.

Talk about Eric's "shark fin". He is trying to decide whether to shave it, or cut it, or what. He said his one of his brother's would look ok, but the other wouldn't look good, and it wouldn't go over well with his bosses.

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11:51 am BBT

Continued chit chat with the same people. Jameka talking about her dog and how vicious it is. Other house guests chime in about their dog stories, etc.

Can still hear the whispering.....(can't make out any words though).

(I'm out for about 90 minutes or so....be back later)

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They were just let out of the HOH room.

Jameka, Jessica, Eric, Zach, Jen, Kail, Amber all come downstairs. Dick looks to be asleep in the HOH bed and Daniele must be in the bathroom. No sign of Dustin.

Back to cleaning for the HGs.

Dustin just came into view no idea where he was.

Daniele was just told to vacate the HOH room.

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Note to self from Eric: Do not spray 409 on a hot burner. Lots of fire, smoke, bad smell. Can't wipe it because it's still too hot.

Note to self from Dustin: No one talk while I vacuum. If you do don't expect a response.

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Zach is talking about a friend of his that had a monkey. The monkey bit her, so she took it to the vet and had the canine teeth removed. It still bites, but not too well. Eric and Zach also talked about Nick wanting a monkey. General talk about what you could or could not do with one.

HG LD is over in the Hoh. When they try to leave, the door is still locked. Finally they can get out. Everything looks the same. The slop Jen was making is boiling. Dustin wakes up and goes downstairs.

Daniele was told she has to remove everything from the HoH room. Zach said to get ready for Jessica's reign. Eric starts killing ants again. They are up to 25 or so. Zach gets out a trash bag. Dustin said he is going to vacuum in 2 minutes. Eric said they need to find the origin of the ants. They are infested. Zach is putting chairs on the table so it is easier to vacuum. Eric is complaining the ants are now crawling on his legs. Dustin is fixing a protein shake, and Jessica is doing a cheer off camera. Amber comes in with yellow rubber gloves on. She complained it is really cold. Everyone is busy cleaning except for Jen, who is walking around watching them work and eating her slop.

Eric is sitting on the floor, cleaning it. he gets up and says not to spray 409 on a hot burner. It makes smoke, a foul odor, and you can't clean it up because the burner is still hot. Zach walks off camer (all 4 feeds on kitchen) and tells Jess he knows what she can do, she asks what and he says a neck massage. She said no. Can't see where Dick, Dani or Kail are. Dani should be getting her things out of the HoH

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Dani walks by carrying her things from HoH. She walks past Jen, who is still eating as everyone else works.

Dustin vacuuming, Eric waiting for him to get done to do kitchen floor the rest of the way, complains he is always losing the spray and paper towels. Dani walks by to get to the fridge, and we get FoTH.

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Dick is cooking (eggs I think)in the kitchen. Daniele is setting at the counter, whispering. He tells her he isn't worried about it, and he can't leave right now, anyway. Dani said she hopes Kail doesn't leave, she would hate her to see her goodbye message from the DR. She also says something about "them not sleeping in the same bed" and that would make sense with what she said. Not sure if she is talking about Dustin flipping his vote or not.

Jameka comes through, Dani said not to even threaten her (jokingly). She asked Jameka if she was straightening her hair, and she said no it is for Amber. Dustin comes in, sits at the counter. Dick said there is a big pot for such a little amount of stuff, does she mind if he changes it out. She said no. He said there isn't anything left, can he throw it out. (not sure what "it" is) Dustin says no, there are three pieces left.

All feeds switch to bathroom where Amber is brushing her teeth, and Kail was showering. She is out now, and in toilet to change clothes.

Back to Dick and Dustin. Saying DR told him if he wanted a smoke (around 5AM) to go right then. Dustin said it was strange they would lock it down for 12 hours. Interspersed with FoTH, now ...........FoTH

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