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August 26, Live Feed Updates


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Zach trying to make conversation asking if anyone went to some super hero restaraunt at city walk; Dick says he thinks he took Dani and Vincent once...... Jameka is reading the test strip dick took of the HT, she says he just needs to put some clorine in it

Eric was talking about a place in Orlando that served shots in syringe shot glasses

Zach asking Eric if Survivor has started yet, he says probably right before we get out of here

Zach just radomly trying to sound like the BB voice "BB we are running out of dry spots".. "BB do we know anything about the washer" (they haven't been able to do laundry for quite awhile) Dick says he might take some towels upstairs and wash them in the tub

It must be raining, they are all talking about rain, Jameka saying she likes to watch it out the window, Dani likes to drive in it.

Now some chit chat about pictures they have taken and how goofy they were

Dicks says it raining on his legs only , the rain must be coming straight down

Jameka wants chili, she says it's a chili making day but Dick says they only have pinto beans no chili fixings

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Zac talking about computers/CAD software/games. He tries to sound like he's knows what he's talking about. But he's blowing a lot of hot air. Dick gets feed up with him and goes to the other side of the BY. No sign of Jess. Everyone else on the couch outside, still on LD.

Lock down is over.

Jess was on the couch too, couldn't see her

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Everyone checking out the house to see what BB did. Nothing to see so far. Jess heads up to the HOH, probably to sleep some more. FOTH/Triva


Jam outside talking to herself, zac & ED in kitchen.

Jameka trying to throw some piece of clothing over the wall. Not sure what it was. I think BB said "thank you"

Eric and zac go lay down in their respected bed. Jam playing teether ball by herself, now she's done. Jam goes back inside to workout. Asks amber if she wants to join

ED joins amber outside, he bitches about how annoying Zac is. lights up a fag.

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Feeds show Jess lying in the HOH room with her eyes open and Eric lying in his bed with eyes open.

Dick bitches more about Zac to amber

Not much going on, everyone either lying around or sleeping. Oh wait, amber is alone outside and now praying out loud, I love it!

Jameka comes outside, amber continues to pray aloud. Jam sits down by her and says nothing. (this makes me feel uncomfortable)

ED making somehting to eat

(I'm hoping in the shower, see ya)

Ohh uh, ED comes outside. Damn, Amber stopped praying.

Jam starts talking to ED about food.

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Amber sitting up in bed, fiddling with her necklace, reading.

Dick outside on couch smoking.

Jameka laying out in the sun.

Everyone else seems to still be sleeping

(pretty lame so far today)

Amber now crying (first time today?)

Dick into the house, topped by the fridge, now in the bathroom.

Still in there, 2 feeds looking at the door waiting for him to exit.

Zacs up and walking around. Heads into the kitchen, checks the fridge, grabs a slice of lunch meat and eats it. Heads outside, takes off shirt and pants and heads into the HT.

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lol, camera guy just switched back and forth between amber's face reading the bible and the cross on her necklace that she is holding. They did it really fast like 8 times in a row. Then amber kissed her cross, it was like it was planned. BB keeps zooming in on bible. I'm running quad cams so I can see what the passage she is reading.

Dicks back outside, now sleeping (must have took a load off)

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Jameka is in HOH room with Jess. She brought up when she came up last night to say goodnight and saw ED & Dani in there. Now questioning Jess about why she doesn't take one of them out. Jess saying she doesn't feel threatened by them.

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Jess is asking Jameka what she thinks about what Jen told Amber to tell Jess about Eric as she was leaving. (That he has a girlfriend) Jameka is saying she thinks Jen was just mad at Eric. (Jess still not 100% sure of Eric)

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General chit chat about TV shows. Dick wants to know if Eric goes out, since he knows every TV show. (Note: I think the show that Jessica was talking about was called "Smith", it didn't last very long).

They are all sitting down to eat except Zach. I don't know where he is, don't see him on any of the feeds.

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8:13 PM - BBT - Zach & Amber on kitchen duty. The others are still sitting around the dinning room table. Idle chit chat continues. A lot of laughter tonight about silly stuff. The air is very light in the house tonight.

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