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Dick Week 4


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The best line spoken by a hg so far this season;

Dick in the DR: "Where do they GET these people?"

That's what WE'VE been asking since day one!

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Hi guys, this is my first post on the boards but I have been here every year since BB3.

I hope I am posting in the right place...did anyone else notice after the food comp that Dick kept swinging his sleeve in Kail's direction and spraying her with slop off his sleeve?

I am watching the show right now and it cracked me right up! :animated_rotfl:

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[did anyone else notice after the food comp that Dick kept swinging his sleeve in Kail's direction and spraying her with slop off his sleeve?

I am watching the show right now and it cracked me right up!]

Yes, too bad it wasn't cowpie.

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Hey fizzle will you be in my alliance? I think we think the same in this game. We could try to recruit ginger too......

Marty...me too, me too!! I don't sniffle, whine, cry, either as long as I got my meds!! And remember GMTA and all that stuff...


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My opinion of Dick varies from week to week. I didn't like him at first, then began to like him, but now . . .

I'm not so sure. I keep thinking of a phrase that was popular decades ago -

Crude, Lewd and Tatooed

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My opinion of Dick varies from week to week. I didn't like him at first, then began to like him, but now . . .

I'm not so sure. I keep thinking of a phrase that was popular decades ago -

Crude, Lewd and Tatooed

Yeah, well I think of stewed and brewed to go along with yours.

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This guy is deprived...calling Amber "dollface" okay they're all officially off their rockers.

Dick says that he told Jen he wants to smack her across the face, and he really does want to. He wants to "get the bitch out of there next week."

From the live feeds^...and that is why I think Dick is a piece of dog doo.

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Okay, I don't see how anyone can like Dick after his confrontation with Jen.

Quote from Dick: "You are a good person in your own mind and so was Saddam Hussein."

That is inappropriate and completely uncalled for along with using the f word and "bitch" numerous times.

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Thanks for that post. I wasn't going to reply to Jfetch but to think that a woman would enjoy that? Maybe you used wrong choice of words...just because she ignores it and grins because he makes a fool of himself does not mean she enjoys it. He is not amusing...the guy is an animal and I wonder how he would react if someone spoke to his princess like that. What a piece of crap he is.

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yeah, she really does like it.. she was grinning and asking for him to bring some more... the both of them are nuts. and wait! she even said afterwards in the kitchen to others that it even makes her "feel... uhh ... like she wants more"


the girl is wack!

and KAIL.... what about her, she got up and left! if i was there with someone that was getting verbally abused... i would not leave... specially if that person was someone i called a friend. kail offered no help what so ever. to me, thats just as bad.

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