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Dick Week 4


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Dick showed his true colors by pouring tea on Jen what he did was way over the line . He is now defined as white trash as we call it in the South by those actions. If Dick had done it to me a guy he would have gotten his skinny ass beat.

Dick should be punished maybe be disallowed HOH next round if not kicked off the show . I am not familiar with the rules .

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Nick , Zach , Dustin and Eric are all wimps . all they do is talk about stepping in real "men" would not allow even this type of verbal bashing he has been doing today and stop him befor it gets to the point of actuall assult .

Totally agree add Dustin to that list

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So, Amber should feel bad for his daughter because she is sensitive, but he treats Jen like crap--she has no feelings right.

I am thoroughly convinced that Dick/Dani are a team from the get go and want that money so bad. Nick's leaving pissed them off - they lose one teammate and now he's convincing Amber to be friendly with Dani again...swaying her to their side.

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Disallowed HOH heck he should be gone!!!! If Amber is thinking that he is telling her the truth right now she needs to leave too ( stupid is as stupid does)!!!!! Dick stepped over the bounds tonight and needs to be gone!!!!

As far as the Barbi goes let her walk out, saves us the grief of hearing her say "frustrating" again. I hope her boyfriend isnt waiting for her, because frankly he is to good for her.

I know let the cry baby ( Amber), Barbi ( Dani) and the Dick go. Eric and Jessica are more entertaining then this, at least they make me laugh.

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I'm really amazed that NO ONE in that house says a word. Kail even left the conversation earlier today because it upset her too much. HUH? How do you leave your "best friend" sitting there because it makes YOU uncomfortable that SHE is getting the wrath. I would never, ever ever keep my mouth shut in that scenario, whether I was the person he was yelling at, or if I just happened to be there when it happened. I probably would of said something even if I didn't know the person.

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I am going to throw up listening to Dick tell Amber that poor Dan has gone thru so much because she's dealing with the boyfriend thing, and the Nick leaving thing and that "Bitch" (Jen)...poor dan needs a friend and he wants Amber to be there for her because now Dan wants to leave...if his daughter is going through hell for things she's chosen to do, how about thinking about how Jen feels about living in a house with someone that will go off on her and berate her constantly and now physically attacks her too...TWO SETS OF FRICKEN RULES FOR THIS A'HOLE!!!

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I don't have the feeds because I am gone most of the summer....................

But, I'm regretting that I don't have them tonight. The stuff that I'm reading is stunning. I liked Dick at first. I thought he was just really honest and wanting to call people out, but this stuff sounds like it's gotten out of hand. :o

In addition to everything else he's done, I just read about the Drano/douche comment and am :jawdrop: stunned.

I wish now that I could see everything first hand to further shape my opinion of him. This is ridiculous though.

WHY ISN"T BB DEMANDING A DIARY ROOM ASAP???? If they want him to stay on the show, they should probably tell him that his behavior is unacceptable. But, even if they want him to leave after everthing that's been going on, they should still be talking with him ASAP!

I don't like Jen, but I read that she is going over the BB guidelines. She must be worried about what he's going to do/say next. I'm just thinking that if I were in her shoes, I would probably be very concerned to pull out the rules and read them.

Somebody mentioned in their post to give them more alcohol. IMHO that is only going to add fuel to the fire if things are getting out of hand. The last thing the other HG's need is a alcohol induced rage by dick.

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With all the hate being spewed about Amber (on these boards), I have a feeling there would be less commotion had he dumped on her. Definitely just saying...

And if one of the girls had done it to one of the guys I doubt it'd be called an assault or next to.

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Well apprently he has been arrested. I guess they are willing to bend the criteria for a father/daughter twist. Really pathetic men in that house who chose to avoid (Dustin/Eric) or join in (Nick/Zach) the whole ugly bashing. No idea why dick isn't out of the house, someone so vulgar and hate filled doesn't need a chance to attack like this.

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Well, I'm giving points to Amber for telling Dick that it was Daniele who started that confrontation with Jen, whe he was telling her about poor dan getting picked on by Jen...Dick even insisted trying telling Amber twice that it was Jen who started it but Amber stuck to her guns both times and said she had been there from the start and it was Daniele who started it. When Dick couldn't get Amber to agree with him, he told her Jen had started it much earlier in the day. Gotta give Amber props for that, wasn't expecting it from her.

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I think he wasn't called to the DR because Kail was in there at the time, then Jen went right in there when Kail came out. Jen is out now and Dick still hasn't been called in, so we will see I guess.

Krystel, go to the video thread. Not sure what's there yet, but keep an eye on it and I'm sure a lot of the clips will be there.

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With all the hate being spewed about Amber (on these boards), I have a feeling there would be less commotion had he dumped on her. Definitely just saying...

And if one of the girls had done it to one of the guys I doubt it'd be called an assault or next to.

So not true, I for one have stated many times I do not hate Amber and many others have not said that. Sure, she's annoying but she does not deserve to get what Jen gets...no one does.

Does the justification of his actions ever end?

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i agree that if one of the girls had done that to a guy, maybe a few comments wouldve been said. not near as many because dicks a guy. i feel like this shouldnt be a gender issue at all. dick verbally attacked someone, which, as far as i know isn't against the rules.

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