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Renting Out Bb House

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Oh relax oldguy--we won't go out EVERY day, just most days. And we'll tape reassuring messages of our voices, to lull you to sleep. Your walker and cane will be right beside the bed, and the railings in the HOH bathroom will provide you with stability.


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I KNEW IT!!! A few minutes ago I was trying to think of other Woodys and Harrelson was the first one who came to mind. You're psychic, DB.

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GOODNESS...I nap for one day and all of a sudden..two more woody's and old guy alone in HOH with nothing but some scratchy hooker voice messages, a walker, cane and bed railings??

Not to worry OG, I have plenty of experience too handle your care. :pleased:

There are some very useful things we can do with the walker :dance2: and cane. :wink: And the railings, those are helpful too, can't fall out and get hurt.....


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SueZ, I know bed railings will prevent fallout, but what "useful things" can we do with a cane and walker?

Please elaborate.

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Sorry to interrupt these posts but I know that I could hang you from the rafters with the cane and then read you "spot" books. That would tickle me. As for the walker, it must be the kind with the wheels...I'd just hook you up behind the treadmill and put it on full speed. Better than viagra!

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Ginger...your too funny and bet a little kinky too :animated_rotfl:

Oldguy, as I have been caring for my 94 year old MIL for the last 5 years, she has had to used a cane and is now only able to walk using a "wheeled" walker. I do believe that women of her generation had to keep their inabitions and "little nasty" thoughts so buried when they were younger that once they hit 90 they let 'em fly!! She even wanted a "dancing man" for her 90th b-day party too which we obliged!! When we told the man not to go to the g string...she ended up panting him herself as he was wigglin his butt in her face....it was a riot. :hahohi:

On topic, I have seen her make many a jester with both cane and walker that would make all the "dirty hookers" blush. But trust, I have stored them in my memory banks ........ :devilish:

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Fine Oldguy, don't invite me

I get it, even you discriminate against us old folks when it comes to casting. :)

Fine, but, I don;t want to hear you complaining that there is nothing to talk about in the house besides strategy. I could provide hours of topics and games that would take your mind off of that boring stuff.

Oh, and fizzle has already told me that she is gonna be packing her ferrets to steal food at night. Just want to be upfront and honest and not reveal anything said to me in confidence that was supposed to be just between me and fizzle but since it may benefit me I am gonna spill it anyways.

(gotta love run on sentences :) )


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:glare: thanks a lot Dep.. i thought you had my back.. :o i mean.. you know... i thought you and me.. to the end! pfft!

I see you live in Florida, I guess that also means that if we go out to dinner as a group we'll leave the BB house by at least 2:30 pm so we can catch the early bird dinner menu.

dont laugh, but i think i saw Oldguy in his scooter-mobile in the slow lane wearing a green sun visor and plaid pants. when he got to the all you can eat buffet he beeped his little horn at some old lady wearing a pink dress with white poka dots (she had a big butt) and yelled "hey you fat dirty hooker, outta my way!"

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Being as our first week is about over in the BB house...do we now have HoH comp, noms, veto etc. I feel very shakey at this point as you know how "the girl with a personality" always finishes.....


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he beeped his little horn at some old lady wearing a pink dress with white poka dots (she had a big butt) and yelled "hey you fat dirty hooker, outta my way!"

That was oldguy????? :furious:

Not only was he beeping that stoopid horn, but he poked me in my--uh--derriere, with his cane. Made me spill my strained carrots all over the floor.

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You all are just plain funny! Fizzle, you nailed my outfit, but you didn't comment on my new sandals.

I got those beauties down at K-Mart.

You should have stayed around. Turned out the crowd recognized the old gal from her days in vaudeville. She was ZELDA GLOCKENSPIEL!!! Can you believe it?!!! Well, we ate our pureed oatmeal together and afterward the crowd began to call for her to entertain them. She got up, put her gnarled old hands on her rickety knees, and commenced to dance The Charleston. I got off my scooter, whipped out my harmonica and accompanied her. Wish you could have heard all those folks whoopin' and hollerin'

We left and her daddy was waiting outside for her in his van. They left and I scootered off into the night.

I forgot to get her number, dang it.

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OMG and I must ask...high high are your shorts belted? :lol: Your bermudas, I mean.....Not up to your breast bone I hope? Oh well....I'll still :wub: ya anyways. And you gotta stop pokin with your cane, dirty ole hookers enjoy it too much.... :hahohi:

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I do wear my bermudas up high, held up by my belt and suspenders. I like that double protection, cause if my shorts fall down, everyone will see my boxers wih the hearts on them. Also, by wearing them up

high, I get to show off my new long black socks and sandals. I hate to brag, but I get lots of admiring looks when I'm out in public.

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Well, I am old and Oldguy put me in... Well, I am old for BB standards anyway... I'm 39... Oldguy you goosing Yath with your cane again? How many times do I have to tell ya babe... You gotta go for the ones that don't enjoy it... I lubs me some Yath you know... By the way I am having to take xanax, loritab, and somas all at the same time and I may end up looking like fizzle by the end of the night, typing wise that is... Anyways Oldguy I wanna ride on your scooter please... (said in my best whiney voice)

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I LIKE this . . . a mirror from Ginger and plain colors from Fizzle. May I request a green shirt and bright yellow shorts? The ladies think I look good in that combination. I can tell, because they always nudge each other and smile.

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Well, I am old for BB standards anyway... I'm 39
Yana your still a spring chicken for any standard!! If you want old...bet I have most beat even oldguy...I'm 58 this Sept. AND LOVE IT!! Age has advantage, discounts on movies, easy parking, youngster helping us across the street...etc etc etc... :animated_rotfl:

take xanax, loritab, and somas all at the same time
Now since we are being honest here...my cocktail is Effexor, Soma and a Darvacet.....this is getting to be some "loaded" houseful.... :animated_rotfl:

An oldguy, bet they are lookin cause you got cute knees :rolleyes:

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