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Kail Week 3


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gulp, i just reread what dick said to her 'you can still win veto'.......i dont think i could watch (as much) if she somehow stays, she really wanted to be on BB after trying out several seasons but she sure sucks at the game

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Kail did make a serious mistake by campaigning against Dick to his daughter, of all people. My first reaction was that Kail & Jen would be nominated by Dick this week, but with Dick fighting with a different person every day, who knows.

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Kail did make a serious mistake by campaigning against Dick to his daughter, of all people. My first reaction was that Kail & Jen would be nominated by Dick this week, but with Dick fighting with a different person every day, who knows.

she is not the brightest lad :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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she is not the brightest lad

She is neither bright. . . nor a lad. She made a bad, bad move. I actually had nothing against her until her bonehead mistake this week. In fact, I liked the Mrs. Robinson reference. Now, she just might have to really become Mrs. Robinson & seduce everyone in the house in order to keep herself safe.

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It WAS funny how she turned on her so called alliance so quickly. Just shows how loyal she really is. It will be fun seeing Jen and Kail go after eachother this week. Lot's of backstabbing...he said she said! Oh and the fact she was using her "relationship" Dani was just disgusting.

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but Kail and Jen are BFF? They wouldn't turn on eachother would they?

What I don't understand is how Kail keeps saying that her alliance turned on her. An alliance of four, three vote one way, one votes another...so that ONE turned, not the three. Right?

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It will be fun to see how she plans to do damage control (and there's a LOT of damage) this week...

What can she possibly salvage?

Who would possibly align with her at this point?

And how's she gonna be around Dick?

Yup, it'll be fun.. :D

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She is annoying, which is why she needs to get out of the house. She is so paranoid, she's gonna act like Allison, and hid in pots to hear what is going on

She has gone passed paranoid and right to nut job.Shes repeating the samething over and over again.

Poor Dustin

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I don't know, if it's Kail and Jen on eviction day, I would vote for Jen to get the boot. I mean, she may pull it off with either Jen or Zach...or even Mike. She can play the "I'm playing the game, they aren't" card.

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Hey everyone, I had to work late last night, but I really rushed home to see the results of last night, then my computer was actin up so I had to deal, then finally I got here, I always come here first before I watch the show. So I was thrilled to see the results.

Good God Almighty tho, what is Kail thinkin??. I really think this is who she is and she can't help herself, she probably knows she should zip it, but she can't and just keeps diggin the hole deeper. I could not believe my eyes to all the running around she was doin, she looked nervous and desparate, and even if you feel that way, I think you should act as tho you are calm and collected, you do not see Jen freakin, just yet, that is, she will probably go off some how when she is nominated.

It was a good show tho, and I watched it thru 2 times before I erased it, and the After Dark was mostly of Kail runnin off with her paranoia. Her alliance did not turn on her, she turned, and I think her reasoning for why she went ahead and voted for Dick was bogus, I think she really believed all her stuff and when she saw how the vote went and she was the only one who voted for Dick she was trying to cover her ass. AND I would NEVER show my vunerability by asking Mike "What should I do?" Or go and ask someone else in the house what to do, she really has showed her cards to too many at this point and noone will trust her, I see "by by" Kail this week, and it should be very entertaining,lol

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Well, she can still win the veto, save herself, win HOH, nominate Dick and Danielle, and get Zach and Mike on her side short term.

These people are still mostly strangers to us, but you can see their true face sometimes through the way they play the game. What she said about homosexuals on the first day was truly disgusting. For me, that was enough. Last night on the show, she campaigned against Dick to his own daughter by bringing up their life outside the game. Think about that! No matter how big the animosity is between Dick and Danielle, if Dick or Danielle makes the final two and the other is in the jury, they will vote for each other, instead of a stranger. That is just a fact. Instead of playing the game, she wanted to break a bond between two family members, even if its a fragile bond, by bringing up a very emotional issue for her own personal benefit. That is going beyond the game. That is simply a sign of an awful, calculated person.

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Well I agree that was over the line, and a desparate measure. No matter what the trouble is between the 2 (dick & dani), they will stick together if they can. It is kinda like I can say smack about my dad but if you start talkin smack ,no way, blood is thicker than water, so I see them goin for a while.

I also caught the comment that she made about choosing a gay lifestyle, did not care for the remark, I do believe she is very ignorant of whether you can choose or not. I plain think this woman is clueless in a lot of aspects of the house and the outside world. She lives in a town where she "rules", so that has to affect you after a while,it must make you feel VERY IMPORTANT, haven't liked her since day one, and will be happy to see her go, and what you said is true, she could win veto,etc, but I do not see it happening, I think her winning the first HOH was lame and just by chance.

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Surfgranny, that made me laugh out loud, so true. I did not know she had a Hummer, but I know she's got no game,lol :animated_bouncy:

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I have a great distaste for hummers and their drivers on the road. The waste of money and when I am behind those monstrosoties I feel like I am scuked into a vacuum...can't see anything ahead of me, including changing lights. Those vehicles should be banned.

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