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Is BB8 a Good or Lame Season - Why?

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It appears some of the houseguests on the show were recruited off of the street. Guests like Jenn, Mike and Nick.

I suppose that explains why I have a hard time getting into this season. Unless it was done in seasons past I don't know. I think if it was they may have struck gold a few times. UInfortunatly this seasons cast seems like a flop.

As much as it pains me to say it I don't want Dick to go home. In the same breath if it was another season I wouldn't miss the guy much. It seems that in seasons past if a guest went home there were other personalities that kept things interesting.

I dread having a house full of Nick, Mike, Daniellle, Zach and Jameka. Talk about a snorefest!!!!

Watching those guys sleep would be more exciting than watching them awake.

At least Joe, Dick and Jenn offer some villains to get a little angry at. And Jenn, for someone who doesn't watch the show, at least offers some minute entertainment.

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One of the posters on this board was recruited for the show and made it to the semis. I sent in a video and got no response (except online and on this board - positive from both). I went to Charlotte for an open casting call and they seemed to like me - but no callback. People obviously made it from Charlotte because I saw one of the "Beefcake Boys" wearing a Winthrop College shirt - but it wasn't anyone in line, that's for damn sure.

From Season 5 on (Allstars excepted) the casting has all been Hollywood types all under 45. The only way the non-beefcake Cowboy and not even close to Barbie doll Nakomis got cast was they had an illegitimate sibling they didn't know about. Dick got in only because his daughter is hot. If Dani looked like Rosie O'Donnell, some other parent/child freak show would have taken their place. Sadly, BB has morphed from an interesting, dynamic social experiment into The Real World, Burbank.

While I wish the cast were more diverse a la Survivor, I don't hate this season like I did the start of Season 6. At least I can tell all the girls apart already. I also know Dick, Eric, Dustin and Joe, but still have trouble telling the three frat boys apart. Season 6, I couldn't tell anyone apart until after Crappy left and all Hell broke loose.

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i read where Carol was recurited as well. i made it to the finals while sending in a tape. but at my semi-finals interview, the producer was talking about going out to nightspots and recruiting! i drove 5-6 hours to go to my interview only to hear that. i was very upset that they didn't think everyone that applied and THEY picked was good enough!

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I think it would be so cool if the recrited HG from the message boards. We are their biggest suporters. We could have some from different forums.

It would really get a lot of attention from the die hard BB nuts.

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I want a season where everybody is over 45. It would be something different, I guess. I agree that it's getting lame. To bring Mike, Zach, and Nick, for instance, to the same show was just a waste of time. They are the same person.

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This Big Brother is turning out to be an even more lame edition of the Surreal Life... you know the show, washed up celebrities living a la Real World?

Apparently BB's casting pseudocelebrities now... which is even lower than washed up ones... and trying to pass them off as "just regular joe's"...


T.V. Appearances:

"Word for Word" (Co-Host 2007)

"Las Vegas" (Felt up girl at Pacific Tropic Contest 2007)

Channel 5 and 11 interviews for Lingerie Bowl (Feb 2007)

"CSI MIAMI" (Charity Auctioned off 2006)

"Las Vegas" (Local Pool Sneak "Jenny" 2006)

"Las Vegas" (Snow Ball fight x-mas 2006)

Showtime Ring Girl Toney Sept 2006

"The BEACH" (Pilot & Episodes, A&E 2006)

Southern Comfort (Pilot filmed March 2006)

CSI "Miami" Overboard(filmed February 2006)

Lingerie Bowl III Commercial (2006)

Bones (filmed November 2005)

The OC (filmed October 2005)

Wheel Of Fortune (Contestant April 22, 2004)

Movie Appearances:

Soon: "Hitting the Nuts"-Ill be in and I am line producer

Smart, Sexy, and Jewish -Groupie #1 2007

Super Bad "stand up prop and others" 2007

5 alarm music video-lead girl Nov 2005

Click (Bikini Girl) 2006- stars adam sandler

Crimson Gulch (neighbor) release 2005

How is she at all worthy of BB (REALITY TV) casting???

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Yeah, picking these people up off the streets makes for an extremely boring game. And having the HoH games be all trivia gives them a chance at having power they have no idea how to use. Basically Jen is working for Kail 100%, so Kail has had it two weeks in a row in all honesty.

Dick best not get voted out! Pleeassee nooo!!!

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She's not the only one, Dick was in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and even Kail has done some acting... We talked about this fact right after the cast was announced... I don't get how they can be called reality contestant if they have a SAG card personally, but maybe it's just me...

Basically Jen is working for Kail 100%, so Kail has had it two weeks in a row in all honesty.
I don't think so at all... I think she is putting up Joe and Kail really doesn't want her to... Jen is doing that because she and I think it was Zach or Mike talked about it and they convinced her...
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I don't think so at all... I think she is putting up Joe and Kail really doesn't want her to... Jen is doing that because she and I think it was Zach or Mike talked about it and they convinced her...

Maybe so, well probably so, I haven't been on recently. But from what I've seen in updates and such it seems it's Kails handywork with evictions. Whenever I turn on the feeds I see Kail talking and Jen staring back in the HoH room..

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Dick was in Pirates 3? Really? I loved that movie. But if he was an extra, I don't think you can call that really an acting gig. They filmed a couple of movies in my home town and it was a big, "be here by 5 am" call and you will get in the movie. Playboy also did a shoot at my school and I helped, but like the extra thing, I don't think that's the same as a full fledge model/ commercial deal.

i have faith that Dick would not do us wrong!

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When I had my casting interview, he asked me why I went to Charlotte when I live so close to LA. When I told him I didn't want to go up against a bunch of professional actors sent by their agents, he said, "That type is pretty easy to spot and easily weeded out."

Sounds kind of unbelievable now given the number of cast that was recruited right from central casting. One of the Beefcake Boys has an agent and auditions for commercials. Being on the show gets their butts past the paper screen and into the room where they read for the director which is the edge agents want their "talent" to get. Holly's carwash commercial pays her agent 10%.

I wouldn't like a Big Brother with all the cast over 45. Diversity is more interesting. Besides, you think they sleep a lot now???? :animated_shocking:

I'm all for a spin-off of Real World (they could call it Geezer World :P ) where we could follow them around as they crash their cars into shopping carts, break wind and blame it on the dog, get fitted for dentures, shoplift Viagra, etc. They could get seven crotchety 90-somethings and put them together for five months or for as long as they might last.

Recruiting from the message boards for interesting people makes too much sense. Alison said she was going to have a far different show from Arnold, yet here we are again with eye candy - not boring to look at, but boring to watch. I wish someone in charge would get a clue that while some of the eye candy is necessary, they also need a diverse and interesting cast like Survivor always seems to put together. They're sooo afraid that the 25-45 demographic won't watch if they cast people who aren't like what they've had in recent years. Don't they see that Survivor has a large following in that demographic.

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Well, Ginger you could be right now with that one... I was thinking Aussie because of his myspace... I could be way off...

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Recruiting from the message boards for interesting people makes too much sense. Alison said she was going to have a far different show from Arnold, yet here we are again with eye candy - not boring to look at, but boring to watch. I wish someone in charge would get a clue that while some of the eye candy is necessary, they also need a diverse and interesting cast like Survivor always seems to put together. They're sooo afraid that the 25-45 demographic won't watch if they cast people who aren't like what they've had in recent years. Don't they see that Survivor has a large following in that demographic.

I think it would be a shame for Dick to vacate after this week.

Strange how some of the players that make this show interesting are on the block right now. The show is pretty much about Dick so far.

I think if this kind of recruiting keeps up I doubt the show lasts much longer. I think they got the right mix of personalities in seasons 6,3 and 4. 6 and 3 being the better.

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Welcome to the 21st Century, everyone -- this is the age of democracy. Don't like BB? Make your own. Venture capitalists (especially tech ones) are just burning money by the buckets. Propose a new, more unique Big Brother to be delivered via new internet technologies (Joost? YouTube?) to some venture capitalists and see what you get. You can get by on four or five mil between prize money, stipends for the cast, a cam-outfitted house, and a few people to edit the feeds. (Just as an example, here's a post I pulled off the front page of TechCrunch talking about a tech website that got $28mil of funding in three rounds of financing.)

Don't let CBS rule your world. :D

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