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Ah good point. I thought it may make them look foolish if they didn't because he'd only be going by what America says so that should show them how people perceived them and that's only their own faults.

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I don't think they will be made aware of it until the finale because it will be the "ultimate twist" Of the other evicted HG's it wasn't mentioned in the interview with Jule except for Joe and Nick and that was because one of Eric's tasks directly affected them (Joe because Eric had to get in bed with him and Nick because Eric's "rogue vote" for Kail led to his eviction.

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I seem to remember reading that the HGs were discussing having cameras and that they were suprised. Wouldn't it make sense to have cameras as Eric, AP, would still be working for us in some manner or fashion?

I would think that we would have to be aware of what is going on there so we could still 'vote', right?

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Amber just got the ax ... time for HOH Comp - now it's started .... and NO clips of what's happening in the Sequester House.

I thought they at least started showing the reactions when the 2nd HG was going in.


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