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Jessica looked totally disgusted when Eric was started

talking about Zack and Jameka to the HG's

in the sequester house.

She also said She didn't want to see him there,

a BREAK, maybe?

AP disclosure is going to be a disaster for him.

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Jessica looked totally disgusted when Eric was started

talking about Zack and Jameka to the HG's

in the sequester house.

She also said She didn't want to see him there,

a BREAK, maybe?

AP disclosure is going to be a disaster for him

Jack :

Yea I died laughing .'' Eric was the last person I wanted to see .'' :animated_bouncy::animated_bouncy:

No mention of I wish he was there to win because she was not in it .

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Well..Amber is in for a very rude awakening when she is back out in the public again. Amber will find out, what the public really thinks of her. It is not going to be pretty for "This GOOD Person". It will be interesting when the other HG's find out that their interviews were cancelled due to Amber.

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I'd love to see more of the Sequester house, too. I'll bet the conversations there are WAY more interesting that what we're allowed to see/hear in Big Brother House. If CBS was smart they'd put some cameras in the Sequester house as a bonus puirchase.

Go Zach!

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the sequester footage was weak last night . i know their is more drama in that house then what bb showed us considering everyone hate jen or eric for the most part. bb really did a straight edit job to make it seem like jury is one big family

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spoke viles things about jew

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Did anyone else notice how awkward everyone was ESPECIALLY Jessica when Eric walked in?

I thought it was so odd for Dustin to be "acting" up everything. Like they didn't get used to being filmed 24/7 for the last 3 months??? Ugh, it was almost unbearable to watch.

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