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I don't get it. With Jen, we're left with two equally unlikely scenarios.

The first is that she actually agreed to go to sequester. Given the circumstances she left the house in, and her earning potential I just can't see her being willing to stay in sequester for $750 a week.

The other is that she left sequester (and the show) but is actually laying low. I can't see that either. If she was out of the house, somebody on some message board would know about it.

:footballhelmet: Oh well, at least we have football to distract us till sunday :footballhelmet:

In response to the AP question, yes AP is going to get direction from the audience on how to sway the jury. And I'm sure given those sneaky producers at CBS, that if he doesn't make a good faith effort at whatever America tells him to do then he forfeits the $40K

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is it just rumored that people are sequestered seperately, or is their actually proof. julie chen said that eric would meet up with jessica in sequester, however julie has been wrong before with information. so just curious as to find out if this is actual proof or just speculation.

i think they just stopped the interviews, because of amber's racist comments, and they didn't want those brought up until the show was over because amber is in the jury.

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We just won't know until they let us know.

Keeping AP secret to the end though (if they do that) bothers me. I'd rather they have revealed it to the houseguests already. That way we get to see their real reactions unfold, unlike at the finale, where we'll get "live TV reactions", in other words people won't say exactly what they all feel and we'll get limited reactions. The same goes for jury members, there's just not enough time during the last show to spend on AP with everything else. They could easily use the shows before then, since there isn't much going on in the house now.

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think they just stopped the interviews, because of amber's racist comments, and they didn't want those brought up until the show was over because amber is in the jury.

I think the producers could care less about those comments and they could have still interviewed her easy . I think there is another reason.

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Oldguy says:

"My always reliable sources have informed me that there is indeed a problem with Jen. I'm sorry, but I am not permitted to divulge the details at this time.

I've also learned that, because of this problem, Jen is sequestered alone in Alison's basement. The conditions there are not ideal. There is one hanging light bulb, which Jen bumps into while moving about.

The bulb swings from side to side, reminding Jen of the scene in Norman Bates' basement in the movie Psycho. There is no batroom available, but Alison has provided Jen with an empty 10-gallon bucket.

Jen is fed a bowl of slop three times a day, some of which she has spilled on her red unitard. She s looking forward to September 18. "

Oldguy I love you I really do...you made me spit on my screen and yes I have lol before. but I I have never ever spit on the screen... the funny part is as I started reading I really thought you were taking up into your confidence..lol

I am glad to hear that Jen is ok down there in the basement and I have a mental picture of her coming out of there

trim and fit and a beauty to behold..lol

I only hope that Allison is not a smoker...

lol Hugs oldguy.. love you :animated_wave:

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CBS morons! As stupid as Amber is, don't you think she noticed that she was the first evicted jury member NOT to do The Early Show, Housecalls, or any interviews? I can only imagine the explanation Dustin is coming up with. "Hon, you're too emotional, you're all over the place, blah blah blah." To be fair, Dustin was asked about his calling his black poodle the N word. So, who knows. I'm so sick of guessing. Show us the house already. God, I really hate CBS.

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If there is individual sequester the only reason I can think of is that the producers are attempting to stop the conversations between hg that enter the house to protect their commodities of Eric (no worries about that now), Dani and Dick. If the sequestered hg can't converse than they would have no way of knowing what slimy characters Dick and Dani really are and some foolish hg will award them the money if and when one of them should make it to F2.

The producers are big just like their Sicko Dicko hg.

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CBS has screwed up so many times already that isolation is the only way to assure that the jury doesn't share the info they have with each other...the 18th can't come fast enough for the bumbling producers of this show...

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on the sunday 9/9 show they spent like, what, a half-hour recapping the double eviction episode when they could have (SHOULD have) been running footage from the sequester house. that was a total waste of time. plus, because i'm on the east coast where the show ran a half-hour late, i totally missed britney stinking up the VMA's. :censored:

obviously something weird is up. maybe jen left, or she's acting like a spoiled brat. maybe she knows eric is america's player. maybe CBS is doing a total media blackout on amber because she's an ignorant rube. whatever, something is wrong at the sequester house -- or there isn't a group house at all. we deserve more from CBS and Allison, they should either show sequester or explain why they don't want to. it's annoying!!!

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I wish they had just revealed AP to the sequester house and the actual house already. That way they could run a video montage for them and we could get to see their reaction for longer than a few minutes at the end of the show. At least they'd have something to talk about in the house until the end, since right now it has to be extremely boring for everyone.

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