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Actually, he does. Here is a full list of Eric fun facts provided by CBS.com:

1. Eric loves some Waffle House

2. He's got a beauty mark on his left side of his ass

3. He went to Georgia Tech

4. Works for CBS

5. He was originally the enemy of Zach because they've been messing around with the same damn girl. (But Zach didn't know so CBS canceled that and made Eric AP)

At the risk of seeming dim, are you joking ( particularly about # 5 ) or has that really been said by CBS ?

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I am of the opinion that Endemol productions is using CBS' money to set up their new Reality Show "The Golden Cage" and is being intentionally frugal with Money and Production Overview this year with the BB8 Show.

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I wonder what will be disclosed about the Sequester setup...and when.

At the moment, the HG's all think the evictees are in some house together, as it's been in previous years.

There could well be some pertinent information that would change a HG's game strategy--i.e. in terms of how the jury will react, and who they will vote for.

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Actually, he does. Here is a full list of Eric fun facts provided by CBS.com:

1. Eric loves some Waffle House

2. He's got a beauty mark on his left side of his ass

3. He went to Georgia Tech

4. Works for CBS

5. He was originally the enemy of Zach because they've been messing around with the same damn girl. (But Zach didn't know so CBS canceled that and made Eric AP)

I too would like to know where this information came from... Do you have a link or is it a joke? I have been over to cbs.com and can't find anything on the offical site... If it was from the message board or chat rooms then I wouldn't believe it...

Oh and Rod BB is no longer now a production of Alison and I'm not sure it's the same company as the past... I know in the past it's been the endemol or however it's spelled, but I don't think it is anymore...

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It's a joke, it's a "conversation" from R. Kelly and Usher's Hip-Hopera "Same Girl" where they find out that they've been messing "round with the same damn girl"

Usher: "Hold on dawg, do she got a kid"

Kelly: "Yep"

Usher: "Love some Waffle House?"

Kelly: "Yep"

Usher: "Do she got a beauty mark on the left side of her mouth?"

Kelly: "MAN!"

Usher: "Went to Georgia Tech?"

Kelly: "Yep"

Usher: "Works for TBS?"

Kelly: "Yep"

Then they arrive at the same conclusion, they're screwing the SAME girl.

(I figured that #2 would hint at it being a joke, sorry for the confusion)

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You know, that would've been awesome though. Bring two guys into the house who are COMPLETE strangers, except for one MINOR thing, they're screwing the same girl. This girl could be someone who travels long distances between "home" (Like say in Kansas or something) and to her actual residence in NY, having boyfriends in both places.

And they meet...........in the BIG BROTHER HOUSE!

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Do we know for SURE that each hg is sequestered separately?

That's what I'm wondering...Did anyone actually say that, or is it just another rumor?

But what I'm MORE interested in is the whole story-- that will come out at some point-- as to why we're not seeing Sequester happenings.

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I guess I dont see why Jen would have a single thing to do with not showing sequester, there are SO many people watching live feeds, sho2, and reading the boards that most of us know of her threats anyhow, so who cares if she is not there, all BB would say is for personal reasons Jen decided not to go. Period.

I am bummed that we dont see any of it, even if its "them" that are there, I would still like to see it

(for about 5 seconds) ;)

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I was wondering if anyone can tell me why they are not showing us the sequester house this year? Is it because Jen refused to go or was this already in the plans? Normally they show us the evicted HG showing up there and everyone acting suprised to see them. I am confused.

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I've always wished that they'd have a camera feed hooked up for the jury house as well as the regular bb house. Sometimes the best stuff happens in jury and we miss it.. sucks to be us, especially this year =(

I so so agree. I feel robbed this year. :outfitted_pirate:

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You know, I wish CBS would give it up with the stupid AP thing and let Eric vote the way he wants to, ESPECIALLY since Dustin and/or Jen presumably already know about the AP twist. He's not in the final two so let the cat out of the bag already and get on with it!

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