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Old Bb??

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I know this topic has been talked to death, but it still really bothers me.

I want BB to be like the old BB's in a way that not almost everyone on the show wants to be famous or already has too much money.

I would love to see 14 TRUE strangers who are normal people applying for the show that just want to play the game, so that there are no pre-formed alliances and no one knows ANYONE.

I know everyone is sick of hearing about this but when I watch it there isn't the same excitement as the older seasons because they all know how to play the game and some don't even need the money, and some know each other.

I would like to see actual twists in the GAME and not just with the players.

Okay, had to get that off of my chest... Any thoughts?

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Wow I just mentioned this on another thread. I just want regular people in the game. Not people with agents.

I know Kail does some acting and been on a few shows with all her other stuff and I guess everyone else except.....

Does anyone know if Jameka, Dustin, Joe, Amber, Daniele have ever done any acting or modeling or .......

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I wonder if they were going to go that route, and then decided that BB After Dark being boring was just too much of a risk, so they went the "some experience" route instead.

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I think it would be better in the middle of the season with just strangers. maybe not in the begining. but it just sometimes makes me mad to watch it because they say "14 strangers living in a house" and some know each other, and most of them DO have agents.

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I would also like to see more "normal" people playing the game. I've noticed over the years everyones teeth are getting better and better. Everyone on BB8 has near perfect teeth. There's hardy any body fat if any. The cast looks great on the outside but I think it's what's inside that comes out under all that pressure. For example when Jen cried after seeing her photo I knew she looked great on the outside but is a mess on the inside. I'd like to see Jen voted out soon but if she stays she will make BB8 a great show. I can't imagine being that self centered.

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I agree. BB has gotten way too Laguna Beach for me....

I mean, look at Kail! Even their "older motherly type" looks 25!

When will we get another Marvin? Another Bunky? Can I get a little Amy action up in this house???

The closest thing we have to normal people in here right now are Amber, Dick and Eric.... and that's a dang shame.

CBS, wake up. And give the viewers what they want! Real people, total strangers, with NO Hollywood (or Chilltown) connections!!!


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At times you hear that they met at auditions or prior to entering house while first sequestered.

Auditions should be held in 14 different areas and only one candidate chosen from each place.

Anyone who has an agent at time of audition should not be chosen. If agent needed to be on the show (because of sag rules) then aquire during first sequest before show begins.

And by all means possible, keep the away from each other before they enter the house.

Just adding my 2 cents worth.....

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I completely agree with you guys. I like to be able to relate to people when I watch a show and I can't relate to most of the guests on BB8, they aren't real; they are aspiring actors and what not. I want someone on there who can't afford designer things and who has to work for a living; if BB thinks they need an actor or model, then pick just one and lets spread out the age. I'm only 24 and I feel old watching the show because everyone is so young and still in college and what not. I also don't know why they feel they need to limit it to one or two married people. Average looking working people have personalities to. give us a break bb.

They're turning the show into that stupid show, "surreal life" full of no name wannabe entertainers.

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I think BB should have to interview prospective HG thru a curtain & never lay eyes on them til they are chosen as the final 14. That way they would have to pick the 14 most interesting people & it could not be based on race, looks, or sexual orientation :grin2:

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Good point, Blonde...

I wish we could let them know how we feel about their choices, you know?

I mean, they're catering to what they think their demographic wants... most BB viewers, I would assume, are young white people.. soooo they stock the house with young "attractive" white people. But I don't think they realize that we LIKE for people to be different... we like to see bonds between people who, outside of the house, would prob never meet... let alone be friends (y'all remember Kent and Bunky? That was the cutest!)

Hopefully they read these fan boards and realize that BB9 needs to bring it... cause this homogenized cast ain't doin it for em.

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Good thread Elizabeth. I've been sitting here thinking the same thing this year.

It seems as though BB is only picking the "pretty people". I personally don't want to be watching wannabe actors and actresses looking for their "first break". I'd rather see more normal everyday people on BB who are complete strangers.

Ex: Chicken George wasn't their prettiest player, but he was more "normal" and could even be entertaining at times.

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Or at the very least, mix it up a little bit..."I'll give you one Jen and raise you two Chicken Georges and Nakomis'..." ^_^

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I agree.... Let's put the reality back into Reality Television..

I'm enjoying the season, hence me being here but having Chicken George and Nick and her Brother showed that you

don't need to be a "model, actor.. ect" to make quality reality TV..


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I just wonder how many normal everyday people apply to be on big brother. I don't think a regular man or women would want to leave a steady paying job or their kids for a crap shoot at .5 million dollars.

I'd bet a late 30's or older person that's not married, doesn't have kids, without ties to the entertainment industry and willing to do this are few and far between.

Casting doesn't bother me and really being on BB does nothing for acting careers. In fact I think it does more harm than good after all their baggage is played out on national TV.

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I would normally agree that being cast in BB might hinder somebody's "acting" career more than it would help it. But, we live in a different era now. You no longer have to be a good actress, musician, etc. We've all watched people like Paris Hilton and seen that you don't have to be good at something in the entertainment industry to gain international attention. (All IMO)

A lot of people think that there is no such thing as bad press. A lot of the people that are cast pray that the reality show that they are on will serve as a stepping stone to something better.

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I guess that old saying "no publicity is bad publicity" could be used for BB HG aspiring to be actors..Except for a few I bet most ex HG who wanted to be actors probably don't subscribe to that thinking. A lot of people come out of BB hated and badly at that.

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I totally agree. This show has gone out of its way to put players that look like they're off the cover of Sports Illustrated or Maxim in it. There is also no shortage of "sexual scenarios" at the HGs fingertips...pool, hot tub, "open shower" concept, the way the beds are set up etc..I'm not trying to sound like a prude, I'm 27 and I party with the best of them. But I don't tune in to BB to see this crap. I like the competition and the plotting and seeing sides of people that they wouldn't normally show in everyday situations. I don't need beauty queens and ken dolls shoved in my face to watch their "showmance" develop for 80 days. I am all for a petition to get "real" people on a "reality" show! Where do I sign?

BTW..Blonde...GREAT idea about the producers not seeing the candidates until after they're chosen. That's truly unbiased.

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I agree about the curtain blonde, that's a really good idea, maybe even if it's just for half of them, i also like the idea about 14 different place and only one person from each place can get in the house

i think a lot of normal people audition for BB, but definetely don't get picked before the young actresses and actors. a few people from this board even tried out and didn't make it, NORMAL people, werll maybe not NORMAL, but, yah know. lol just kidding, we're ALL normal here....

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On House Calls, the casting woman openly admitted that 50% of the reason someone can get into a house is if they are hot.

I guess BB's definition beauty defined for men is that they have to have a good face and a good set of muscles and abs. For women, it's the skinny model types... so that pretty much excludes most average, unarrogant people.

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I'd bet a late 30's or older person that's not married, doesn't have kids, without ties to the entertainment industry and willing to do this are few and far between.

They found Jack didn't they? We really liked him.

Marvin? George?

We remember their names just as well as many others!

So it IS possible.

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Katydidit wrote

They found Jack didn't they? We really liked him.

Marvin? George?

We remember their names just as well as many others!

So it IS possible.

I didn't say it wasn't possible but few and far between. As you said there have been "many" , but I say maybe 4-5 at most. So that's pretty few considering there's been 8 seasons of BB.

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