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These Are The Things I Know For Sure

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I know for sure that Jen will cry again over something really stupid.

I know for sure that Nick and Danielle will not be the only hookup in the house.

I know for sure that Carol will prove to be a lot more mature than Jessica.

I know for sure that Dustin will prove to be a lot more mature than Joe.

I know for sure that I'm missing way too much by not having the live feeds.

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i know for sure that i like dani the best outta all the other girls in the house

i know for sure that nick is jumping into more alliances than he can handle

i know for sure no girl wants to evict nick just yet

i know for sure that nick and dani need to keep their shomance a secret

i know for sure that the dani/nick alliance will make it very far in this game with nick being the muscle and dani the brains

i know for sure nick would rather hook up then win the money LOL

if you can't tell i'm already biased toward dani and nick, i do agree that nick is jumping into to many alliances but i don't blame him i think people are like "wanna be on my team" and nick not wanting to make enemys is all like "sure" i think the only person nick will be faithfull to in the end tho is dani, i think dani is a great house guest but then again i'm comparing her to the other girls in the house... yhea not much competition there LOL

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