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Daniele - Week 1


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Hmmm.... she reminds me of Holly but, I'm hoping she isn't that stupid.

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this time next week, she will be trying to win a food challenge..

:lol: I just imagined her on slop for a week! HAHAHA!!! :lol:

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lmao Cajun.. i saw that last week.. and even still... seeing it again picturing Daniele doing that... i just laughed so much by myself i got into a coughing fit, had to take some cough syrup with codine...

ohhh nooooooo

thanks cajun.. now that thought will be in my head all day. that and her eating slop for a week.

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:hahohi: i didnt even have to play that.. i read your quote and automatically my face made the face itself!!!

omg... i havent laughed that hard in a long time....

:::::::Looks around for you know who:::::::::::

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After all this, the best would be if Dick and Danielle are NOT father-daughter, and don't even know each other.

LOL, I could actually see that happening; it's been too obvious and easy to figure out from the beginning.

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OR.. they ARE father and daughter but really love each other.

i mean.. that pic on myspace isnt that old.. she is only 20 and looks the same in that pic as she does now.

:::shrug::::::::::: she is annoying to me. so i dont care. i am rooting for the dad... for now anyways.

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For those of you that wanted to know when Daniele would turn 21... This is what her brother said...

yes, her birthday is august 20... so if she lasts that long, she will be turning 21 while in the house.
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Yana, I love your avatar

Yeah he's not liking anyone making a new thread... Including me...

On the subject of Daniele turning 21 in August, just think Daddy dearest is a bar manager and by the looks pretty liberal... Meaning that if both are still in the house when she turns 21, it might, just might be a blow out, if BB will give them alcohol...

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Maybe liberal isn't the right word... Like my mom would have a hissy fit if she saw me drinking right now, and I'm 39... He seems the type to party with his children...

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