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So The Blacks Only Get One Person


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Butt Slappin' Hippo, I am totally with you. I want MORE diversity. Not just one black and two gays. How about a couple of Asians or Latin Americans...where's my Eskimo??

BTW...how is her name pronounced? I've been referring to her as "Yamaka", is it really like "Jamaica" my hubby's homeland?

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now you questioining my devotion

i am a bb fanatic

i was the onewho said ericka would go far in bb allstar

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i work nights

3 days week days varies

so the bad guy wont be here

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are you howie, kaysar, marcellus?

Wait a minute... Howie is the lest racist person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing... UVP that was uncalled for... Howie might grate the nerves a little, but Howie is a WONDERFUL person... He's a really nice guy and does a lot for his fans and charity... Maybe we should bring in people we don't know...

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Wait a minute... Howie is the lest racist person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing... UVP that was uncalled for... Howie might grate the nerves a little, but Howie is a WONDERFUL person... He's a really nice guy and does a lot for his fans and charity... Maybe we should bring in people we don't know...

yana you are reaching big time. where did i call howie or snipa a racist. how was i uncalled for when i just asking why is he pressing me so hard in this thread he must be sov. you and i both knew he isnt howie. i am done with this thread. folks turned what was a last three page of me joking to me calling folks racist when i didnt say one word to snipa about being a racist.

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pure bs. jameka has no change plus a name like jameka she bound to stand.

My girl is gonna open a can of woopass in that house...


She will be ok in there!!!

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UVP What I was trying to say is, don't compare Snipa and Howie... You don't know Howie and Howie would never say things like Snipa is... Howie would be more likely to agree with you on the subject... I wasn't trying to say that you were calling anyone rasist... Sorry if it came off that way...

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I too believe there should be better representation. People say it is all about the viewers and ratings. Well maybe if they represented different races those races would start to watch.

I don't disagree with you at all Talker... My whole point has been that none of the reality shows are representing races the way they could... It's not just Big Brother that is doing it...

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Maybe it depends on the type of reality show it is...

Deal or No Deal, The Dating Game, whatever -- those shows work out some decent representation over the long run.

So if we set the "politics' aside, the "unfair" becomes a bit more personal.

If I were on a show the likes of Survivor or Big Brother, I would like to think that there would at least be two of us, whatever we were.


300-lb hefties

Dumb blondes

Gang leaders



Blacks, whites, yellows, or tans

I'd like to have at least a chance to start out with a "kindred."

I think UVP mentioned walking into a party of "others" alone - VERY tough.

Maybe it is better this way - no kindreds -- even enemies.

The pressure is on right from the beginning.

The only difference with this thread is that we can "see" a looming pressure for Jameka.

Well, what if Carol has a lisp? Mike is missing a nut?

Which one do you think is a homophobic?

There could be lots of loners in this bunch.

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Maybe it depends on the type of reality show it is...

Deal or No Deal, The Dating Game, whatever -- those shows work out some decent representation over the long run.

So if we set the "politics' aside, the "unfair" becomes a bit more personal.

If I were on a show the likes of Survivor or Big Brother, I would like to think that there would at least be two of us, whatever we were.


300-lb hefties

Dumb blondes

Gang leaders



Blacks, whites, yellows, or tans

I'd like to have at least a chance to start out with a "kindred."

I think UVP mentioned walking into a party of "others" alone - VERY tough.

Maybe it is better this way - no kindreds -- even enemies.

The pressure is on right from the beginning.

The only difference with this thread is that we can "see" a looming pressure for Jameka.

Well, what if Carol has a lisp? Mike is missing a nut?

Which one do you think is a homophobic?

There could be lots of loners in this bunch.

Katy you are the smartest person I know. Good post!

I am #5 top poster! whooooooooo hoooooooooooo

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Thanks, marty -- you're a sweetheart to say that.

But it's not smarts as much as it is heart -- empathy or compassion are closer words.

but as a parent I say --

Never sympathy

i figured it out over the years -- they can too, right?

i know you go there, woman!

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