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Nick Week 1


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yana, i think they painted his nails cause he said he bites his nails and someone said if he painted his nails he wouldnt bite them.. so they painted them..

i think that is how it happened.

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At least we know now that it was Daniele who painted his nails...ya right.. like she chose the colour all on her own! Don't get me wrong, I think men who paint their nails are HOTT.. but I tend to lean towards metalic blue, brown, and black..but ya..pink is okay... i guess :giggle:

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in no way am i defending him... but

there is a "pink" thing going around with the males. my son tells me so. i refuse to buy him anything pink. and all he wears is black... and he skates. but he wants pink wheels and a pink stud belt.. and crap like that... i say NOOOOOOOO but all his friends show up with pink things and i think wtf? and i have seen a few with pink polish... so i know there is a pink thing going on.. and its not a gay thing.

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don't know about skateboards and stuff.

but a few years ago, pink shirts were in for men. It shows that men are secure enough to wear pink. its a girly girl color--I usually only wear black...I never wear pink any other place than my toe/finger nails and lipsticks. but heck Nick would look good in flourescent orange too.

p.s. I dont think boys should be having pink accessories....I'm with you on that one.

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Wow, pink on a guy is no biggie at all to me, and I wear pink all the time.

I don't have boys, but I would be cool with pink.

lots guys wear pink now a days. i wouldnt. but to each there own. but allowing your nails to be painted pink is suggested certain tendencies jmho :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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On vacation so I can't post all that I want to, but.....

First, everyone can back off. Nick is mine. I called dibs back when the promo video aired and everyone else thought he was a meathead. :)

As for him giving a guy head.....Don't hate him just beacause he is evolved enough to realize that limiting your sexual experiences based on this countrys stupid rules is exactly that....supid.

There is so much more I want to say, but will have to wait until I get home, but I am soooo happy that Nick is in the house.


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On vacation so I can't post all that I want to, but.....

First, everyone can back off. Nick is mine. I called dibs back when the promo video aired and everyone else thought he was a meathead.

As for him giving a guy head.....Don't hate him just beacause he is evolved enough to realize that limiting your sexual experiences based on this countrys stupid rules is exactly that....supid.

There is so much more I want to say, but will have to wait until I get home, but I am soooo happy that Nick is in the house.


Dep, he's yours>

I gave him a shot even after his late night confession because who knows he may be lying, but the pink nail polish has thrown him over the top. He's not heterosexual, gay or bi - he's a freak. So, be my guest and I'm sure after the show is finished you can find him at the first manicurist in his town in MN.

thats nicks brain....

true, I am clearly beginning to see this. that guy doesn't have a thought in his head to express and I won't blame the jock thing either.

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I can't get past his hair. He seems to go out of his way to make it look like an overgrown pixie cut. I think he's one of several that are working on stirring up jealousies - in whatever gender corner he can.

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Oh oh, wait till the morning when Thelma and Louise see Deps post... Nick is gonna be torn in half by the end of this battle.....

ok, who is Thelma and Louise????? :huh:

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