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Carol Week 1 - Evicted


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uhhh fatcat? i am with you on how its not all farms.. and people know that...

however.... there are some things people that dont live in kansas dont know about kansas... and i say that because my family has put up stakes in Kansas since the indians were the only ones there.. (uhh that might explain where the indian in me comes from) so i stand on what i said previously about kansas.

the only thing i can say that i agree with jessica on.... i do love some jungle juice..... :food-smiley-005:

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She just said she shouldn't be on a reality show.... The cameras are evil eyes of the devil and this experience may change her for the worse.... She wants to take a bat to every camera....



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Joe just said that Carol was recruited, she hadn't applied for the show.

That explains her schizo attitude about being on the block. Poor thing, they probably souped her up about how perfect she would be on BB and everyone would love her blah blah blah

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i heard that

who are the other recruits

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well.. there is a BIG door, a regular door and a tiny door.. take your pic carol and walk!

i told you they are :cookoo: in kansas.. nobody listen to me exept Ginger.. and that is why i only give her the best info around.

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I hope we're not forgetting that this is a 21 old kid. I think she's handled being put up and the crap being said about her very well.

With any luck people will see Amber for the back stabbing gossip she is and let us get to know Carol a little longer.

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well... she signed a contract that says numerous times how many cameras are in the house.. and what those cameras would be doing. so that is her own fault.

she enjoyed those cameras following her all over the house after her shower yesterday/night... i think this is all an act to try and stay in the house.

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Okay, let's see if this makes sense. For those who remember BB6...

Ivette once said in the DR on an episode that how stupid were they that they got rid of Ashlea the first week because she was annoying instead of getting rid of Kaysar, who, at the time, had just put his plan into action to get rid of Eric.

Maybe, if they get rid of Carol now because they think she's annoying, Amber will be more of a threat later on.

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i am getting my feeds/showToo mixed up cause i DVR the ShowTOO and watch it the next day as i watch the feeds live.. :faint:

so from now on.. i guess i will have to say feeds/showToo... so i cant be called out.. lmao. right now i am watching both and jen is again walking around with a bathing suit bottom that shows her crack and her cooch sag... and carol is putting on makeup late at night still talking about the camera's all up on her.. could it be cause your an idiot for putting makup on at 11pm?

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It's her time to go if she's freaking out about being in the house already, strategy or not. Do we really want to hear her constantly moaning and complaining about the cameras and what not, nope. It would get old fast. She did have potential I think, but being put on the block made her snap.

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Carol is talking to Jameka about Bible stuff. She is playing the religion card to get her vote. It seems she is doing a LOT of campaigning.

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