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Favorite Male before the show starts ...


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I totally had to open another browser in order to look at the HG's pictures on Mortys site before I could answer this .. still don't have all the names with the faces yet, only know 'beau' because his was the first profile I looked at .. and 'ashlea' because she seems like another allison type personality to me ..

I voted for eric. He mentioned rum and diet coke (yum) and he's a dad + fire fighter .. he doesn't seem like he could be evil.

But we shall see.

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Wow..so hard to choose. Unlike what some have said, I think they are all just cute as ever. I mostly just chose based on looks and not their profiles. I like Beau..adorable. I like Eric...sweet. I like Howie...yum. BUT, I chose Kaysar. Those eyes, that smile. Now, when he opens his mouth, we'll have to see if he disappoints or not.
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I voted for Eric.

I don't even remember which one he is but, yesterday when I was reviewing their bios I scored each other 16 "favorites" by comparing to my "favorites" and Eric had the most in common with me. I hope he was a cute one... LOL

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I voted Howie, because our family did a 'compatability' test based on the profiles of all the HGs, and I had the most similar interests with him...

(April, Beau, Ivette and Sarah came in a close second)

(gonna go post my idea for the 'compatability' test in another thread)

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I voted for Michael. Just look at those eyes!!

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lol what are you trying to say houston? lol

and what's the difference between being H-O-T and a hottie? :wink:

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I voted for Michael because when I visited his website, I was blown away by the intelligence he sounds like he has. Plus, he has lived all over the world, what a cultured man! Oh yeah, the eyes!!!! :shock:

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