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Fuskie's Big Brother Play-by-play

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Consider this my signature! :deal2:

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Dream ... add my daughter (at college) AllieJay.. she is suppose to join here this week.


Add my other daughter (lives an hour away) Kimbo ... she is suppose to join Sunday when she gets back from Florida

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*looking around for the form to sign* sometimes I feel so lost here! lol Do I just put my pencil in the air and say I've signed, or can I actually modify that first post and add my name? :)

I'm not usually home watching the show live on Thursday nights... our family has gotten sooooo used to recording and watching everything delayed... but I just may break down and go live on Thursday nights this year! Here's a motivation for Fuskie... if he doesn't do the live play by play, I WILL get on here Thursday nights and do it myself! :outfitted_pirate:

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