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I love this, reading about it is great, but I can't wait to actually see the looks on everyone's face, this is gonna be awesome, I bet Michaels' laughing his ass off

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Guest DraftKing

The good news: they've cut away from April's lies.

The bad news: they've cut to Ivette's loud mouth, and I feel a headache setting on (not a coincidence).

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Guest bb_bliss

Of course James is going to use the POV why wouldnt he?? Why would you wanna stay on the block for

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Guest cdmon

bb were in the house leaving them clues. they were in ld outside....they came in and found a blacklight flashlite

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is that y we had FOTH? i sure hope not
looks like they got some clue i don't know what it sez something about c's in the house and they have a blacklight flashlight
They need to turn off the lights in the room...  Try using the blacklight on the wall.  I suspected before that the codes actually are on the wall; note that there's a lamp in the room without a bulb.  I figured BB would give them a blacklight bulb and let them figure it out, but perhaps BB doesn't think they're that bright?
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Guest DraftKing

They finally smarted up and turned off the lights; Kaysar is working on a number hunt right now.

I suspect that the lamp with the missing bulb was going to be used, with the houseguests to be given a blacklight bulb to go in it, but maybe BB feared that they wouldn't be smart enough to figure out where the bulb should go?

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ok from what i can tell sarah found the flashlight and a clue behind a blue panel in the rainbowroom (the room with the beds) i think she found that blue panel from another clue they got, not sure. kaysar seems to have checked both the HoH room and the gold room ith the black light they sed some 3"s on the back of the safes but they don't think they mean anything, kaysar took down the map and was trying to check the back but BB sed "kaysar stop that" they got some other clue (i dunno form where) dunno what it exaclty sez something about counting c's in plain sight they think it has to do with coasters or chairs they are not sure

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Guest livefeedwatcher

and the sheep are just hanging out without a clue that anything is going on... typical.

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