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Maybe then she will hear how reasonable it would be for her to evict April?

I was hopping she would do it to open her eyes to the fact that Howie and Janelle don't trash them like her HOH people trash Janelle. That Howie and Janelle have fun. Howie and Jan could strategize a little (just enough for Ivette's benefit) and Ivette would realize Howie and Janelle aren't backstabing her and it's to her advantage to evict April.

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Isn't this the same person who talks about others lieing, being sneaky and manipulative and yet she wants to hide under a bed an entire night just to be nosey. Correct me if I am wrong but, wouldn't that fall under one of the catergories that she detests so much about the other group?? (or shall I say, one of the catergories that she has made up about the other group)

Just my opinion tho.

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Isn't this the same person who talks about others lieing, being sneaky and manipulative and yet she wants to hide under a bed an entire night just to be nosey. Correct me if I am wrong but, wouldn't that fall under one of  the catergories that she detests so much about the other group?? (or shall I say, one of the catergories that she has made up about the other group)

Just my opinion tho.


THIS is the reason why so many dislike/hate the NH.

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I am curious to why CBS blocks out the live feeds on some of the talk that doesn't really matter. They were just talking about the seasons they watched on dvd, but then we get the colorful fish (which one fish was just shaking its tail), but why would that matter if that talk gone out on the feeds? 24x7 feeds.. hmmm

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On the feeds, there was a 2 minute leak showing the HoH competition being setup. I'm sorry that I did not get a video or pic. If someone got it, please post.

It looked like a circular stage cut into 3 parts (pie-shaped, from above), each third of the circular stage walled off from the others with each houseguest's name in each third. I assume they'll each be standing in one third of the circle so their answers are hidden from the others.

Oh, and a few staff standing around talking, but nobody really doing anything.

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It seems this is always the comp when it gets down to just the three. They ask questions and they answer, no hurry or answer before another one does. Just right or wrong.

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How.... boring  <_<

Guess it shouldn't surprise me anymore that the BB people can't think of something original.......

They could at least do what Survivor did... use some ideas from viewers for their competitions.

Wouldn't that be great? I'd suggest setting up a ring and giving them boxing gloves. Janelle would kick some ass then...and the cows deserve it.

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