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Veto-Week 10


Chill Town-Veto?  

91 members have voted

  1. 1. What will Chill Town do for the veto?

    • Throw it, letting the girls fight it out, and let the best girl win.
    • Fight hard to win it, keep things the same, and let Will cast the only vote.

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So, do you think the boys in Chill Town will just let the girls fight for the veto, trusting that the girl who wins will send the other woman home, or do you think the boys will step it up, to make sure both girls don't win the veto and are nominated, so Will stays off the block, and therefore, he'd have to make the decision, which, according to past talks, he would send Erika home, and save Janelle. What do you guys think?

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Will wants Janey in the final three, Boogie wants Erika...

I'm hoping Will casts the vote and Janey at least makes it to the final three... so she can win HOH and send Booger packing!

But if she plays smart (which she hasn't been lately) she'd send Will home and go with Boogie.... then she'd win!

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boogie will throw it, b/c he doesn't much care what the outcome is. will will play for it, b/c he can't risk erika voting him out.-pattilup

That's just it. It seems if Erika has the chance to vote out Will or Janelle, even after a lot of talking by both Will and Boogie, she might just vote Will out, because she's so unsure if Boogie will take her or Will to the finals, and this way, she can ensure Boogie does take her, and plus, Janelle has told her, lie or not, that she is taking Erika to the finals. So Erika might see this as her chance, and especially think her spot in the final two is secured.

It might be weird if the final four goes like this....





Besides Boogie, that's how the other three placed their seasons.

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At this point, I think that they will all be gunning full force for the POV. None of them want to risk throwing the competition and going home because of it.

Will will want to ensure that he is not put on the block, ensuring the CT will be in the final 3.

Janelle will want to win it to ensure that she is not going home and that Erika doesn't win it.

Erika will want to win it to ensure that she is in the final three.

Boogie will want to win it so that his nominations will remain the same and he can ensure that CT will be in the final 3.

At this point in the game, the stakes are too high for anyone to "throw" the competition.

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boogie was just talking to the live feed watchers.. and he said to get ready for some hard play cause pov is coming and its gonna be knock down drag out fight.

sooo i take that as him and will are gonna bust their butts to win pov.

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janelle hasnt won any comp in the clutch yet

her fate is seal

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I think Erika is leaving next and then Janelle will win HOH and send Boogie out. The problem with Will and Janelle in the final 2 is Will is not going to win twice. Everyone in that Jury house knows how he has manipulated everyone especially those in sequester because he has taken blame for everything thinking Boogie would be in the final 2. My prediction is that JANELLE is going to win BB All-Stars!!!!

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I know everybody hates it when I bring up the subject of possible producer 'rigging' or 'fixing' or 'manipulation' but I think it MAY be a possibility that the gravy train may come to an end this POV. If you agree that the producers are have preferred that Janelle stay in the game to up viewership to increase revenue to pad their pockets then they are the biggest people users of all. I don't know how confident they're feeling about getting away with all their questionable behavior in light of the fact that people have actually been calling and writing CBS to complain about favoratism, but maybe they won't want people thinking along those lines with Katie Couric starting in a couple of days and with there already being an uproar over their doctoring of her photos?

I don't know because that producer seemed pretty cocky when he looked into the camera on Housecalls and assured the fans that he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, I mean that he did not favor anybody for the win.

I don't know . . .

PS Oh and did you notice that during the voodoo doll comp when it was down to Janelle, Erika, and James, Janelle had already seen the Marcellas doll in that corner and was closest to it and James was farthest away from it? And did you notice that each of the questions for the last POV had one of Janelle's friends/allies in it with some of them being used more than once while some of the non-friends/allies were not even used at all? Also when they revealed peoples' times Janelle even questioned her own time saying 'I didn't even think I did that good'. Grrr . . .

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I think it is crazy when paople say that the show is rigged when things go a certain way for a certain person. Do you think CBS is just plum stupid to rig a show of this magnitude. If I remember correctly Janelle was the favorite last season too and she lost to a bunch of LOSERS. I hate when people have nothing better to talk about and just start assuming things that don't even make since. Sorry if this comes across mean but really....think before you type.

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Are we sure there will BE a veto competition? Has BB said that for sure? Who knows what will happen this year--they've changed quite a few things around.

Now that George is out of the picture, they could have a more physical challenge and it would be fair. They've stayed away from those so far this year.

Will has to try for the veto. It's imperative to Will that Erika not get anything with power attached to it, because Will will be gone if she does. She knows that Will can sway not only the jury, but also Boogie. She is afraid that Boogie would choose Will over her if he wins the last challenge. If she gets rid of Will, that problem is solved for her, and Will knows it.

Normally I stay out of the "contest rigging" talk, but I have to say this. Why is it that people only talk of rigging when it is for Janelle? When Will's veto could physically not come out of the rope loop this last time around (giving Erika that POV), I didn't hear anyone yelling that BB is rigging contests to keep Erika, or to get rid of Janie. Why is that?

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I think it is crazy when paople say that the show is rigged when things go a certain way for a certain person. Do you think CBS is just plum stupid to rig a show of this magnitude. If I remember correctly Janelle was the favorite last season too and she lost to a bunch of LOSERS. I hate when people have nothing better to talk about and just start assuming things that don't even make since. Sorry if this comes across mean but really....think before you type.

Um, didn't you just make an assumption that doesn't make 'since'? And no, mean isn't the word that comes to mind when I read your post . . . Freak (referring to your screenname, of course)

When Will's veto could physically not come out of the rope loop this last time around (giving Erika that POV), I didn't hear anyone yelling that BB is rigging contests to keep Erika,

Because a couple of people did point that out and nobody seemed to dispute it. I wonder what they would have done with that 'tight' timeline and Colonel Saunders if anybody other than George had gotten evicted on live tv since he was the only one who already had his bags packed. It does look George got screwed there though . . . :(

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sam i made a thread about pov time that something was fishy about it and the groupies all gang up on me saying i had janellousy.and then thread got closed :o

sam keep on spreading the truth :)

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fear ;)

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I thought will wanted to get janie out himself, to prove to his gf and janie that it was just strategy? he's been saying he'll keep her in final three throughout the game, but with the way he's been lately, i think he might have the nerve to vote her out. :(

( but of course we know it wasn't JUST strategy will)

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