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Thursday's LIVE Eviction Show - 8/31


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I'm now hoping that either Will or Boogie win.................Janelle and Erika deserve what they get. Both women should have started thinking with their heads instead of their.................


Of course Janelle gets the most dumbest title because it was her move.

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like i said in the beginning of season she good @ comps but sucks @ strategy. dont worry cbs will have her back in the veto like they did in the hoh comp which was straight memory and design for her to win imho. ccg is mentally challenge he was the only one really going for hoh with janelle.

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J. KNEW she should have put up MB with E. But Will isolated her after HoH until noms. Did everyone hear him tell her 'let's stay here until Julie calls us, it'll add to the drama'?

As he did with E. (when D. wanted to get to her) he made sure he was the last one to talk to her before she did his dirty work for him.

But he wasn't strong enough to win PoV.

There's nobody left whom I want to see win. :angry::(

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cg was gone regardless if janelle talk to WILL or not. cbs didnt want cg there anymore. both comp were design to seal cg fate.

RIP CG go enjoy your slop in sequester.

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I think it's likely that Janelle would have evicted CG anyway BadassJanie. I think Janelle will likely need to win the POV to save herself or else she will be evicted- I think Chilltown will bring Erika over Janelle because Janelle is harder to beat at competitions.

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What were they thinking....George would be easier to beat in the last comp before finals. Anyone who doubted that Will can't win a comp should think again. He fought hard to win it.

But tell me........did he fight hard to keep noms the same and still vote out CG or was the plan to get rid of Erika by keeping noms the same?

Thanks in advance for replies.

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he had no chance @ both comps and cbs knew it. they should have put in a game of chance to be fair to cg. he got a raw deal.

mentally handicap guy had no chance :(

CBS dont care about the mentally handicap

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