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He was on the block as a pawn Week Three. He avoided target by telling everybdy that he couldn't go to sequester and so he would willfully bow out the week before people started going to sequester house. This gave him time to work people over and get people to work on getting other targets out. Also, Kaysar had another one of his brilliant schemes (that's sarcastic incase you're a bit slow) to leave Chilltown in the game so people would have other people to target besides them.

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Funny, you deride Kaysar for leaving CT in the game as a diversion, but CT is doing the same thing with Janelle. So when CT does it, it's brilliant, but if Kaysar does it, its idiotic?

If James didn't go all flippy and stuck to his alliance, CT may not be there today. It was olny James willingness to ally with CT and Dani that gave them power. This was intiated by James and not one of Will's many manipulations.

CT's plan will backfire, just as Kaysar's did if they bring Janey to the final 3.

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for some reason i have a sneaky feeling that janelle came into the game in a secret alliance with CT. that it was really those three and not kaysar and howie and janelle that were to go to the final 3.

this feeling stems from my other feeling that janelle and will are really a couple and the significant others they speak of are fakes. But that's just me.....

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in the very first show of the season, several people said that they wanted to get janelle out. Everyone outside of season 6 was wanting to go after bb6ers and janelle was on the top of that list. janelle and kaysar.

the biggest target from day one was janelle. and since bb6ers won 4 weeks in a row... the rest of the house wanted the target to be Will. Will has been nominated once.. as a pawn. Janelle has been nominated how many times? and won pov to save herself how many times?

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:lol:doesn't hurt when its your own flipper!

and i love janie....with or without the target on her back. i just don't want to see her get played by willy...that's why i hope they are together

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you know, i think you're VERY VERY jealous of the flippers!!! would you like me to get you a pair?

and their kids would be very good looking.....competitive and atheletic too!

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Since Kaysar (admittedly) was lying about having a girlfriend, I wonder if Janelle is doing the same.

Her stories about her BF aren't adding up. She said once last night that her BF was a Football lineman. Later she said that he was a Pro Baseball player and that he was the catcher. :blink:

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oh come on . . . lol

Janie deserves definite props. Since day one she was a target, nominated over and over, and she made it to the final 4. From this point, i dont really care what happens, just glad to see she made it so far

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I'm with you, bbcanfan! How can Janie and Erika not know they're being played if Booger didn't even put up Will as a pawn? He'd told Erika they had an agreement to put Will up but "not now" back when he got her to backdoor her homegirl. Erika should be thinking "if not now, WHEN???"

Even if she wins yet another POV, I seriously doubt that Janie will wise up. It was so damned obvious when Will took Janie back to the bedroom before the nominations last night that he was going to manipulate her - and then he gets her to stay until Julie calls them so no one else can get to her??? I thought she was smarter than that.

Saying five little words, I nominate Will and Boogie, would have put 500,000 clams in her polyester pockets. George would have had her back and the remaining CT would have no choice but to ally with her because Erika and CG would have been too weak to get him to the final three.

Of course, if Erika would have used the veto to save Will, George would have gone up against Booger and the result would have been the same. It's the THOUGHT PROCESS or lack thereof that leads me to believe that neither girl is playing their A game right now.

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Janelle is a great competitor and has definitely earned her spot in the final 4. I'm not sure she will make it to the final 3 unless she wins the POV today.

And yes her comment about breaking a nail paled in comparison to Will smashing his thumb. However, Janelle asked Will several times last night if she could get him some ice for his thumb and if she could get him some Tylenol for the pain.

I think that at the time she made the statement about breaking her fingernail, she didn't realize how bad he hurt his thumb.

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I am very disappointed in both the girls right now. I wish girls would wake up when it comes to boys and quit getting played by them. It was very obvious that Will convinced Janelle to put up Erica and George. Erica needs to pull her hand out of Boogies pants and think for a minute. Also, it seemed as though Will was not as friendly with Janelle last night, but I guess she will just blow that off too! The best thing would be for Janelle to win POV then vote out Will. Second, win HOH and take Erica to the finals. I would love to see Will and Boogie's faces if she actually would do that, but I know she won't. So, I guess we are going to be stuck with Will and Boogie in the end.

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If Janelle and Erika are smart enough to team up once they're both nominated, I would respect Erika so much more.....not that I do now.....but I would is she would use her brain. Same with Janelle.

You're absolutely right Texas. If Janelle wants to make it to the finale she needs to do something drastic and fast. Cause she could definatley win if she makes final 2.

I'm sure of it.

Oh and if Will was in it with her, it would probably be the best final 2 ever. Ooooo I can only imagine and hope just for the sake of a good competition when it comes to final votes in the end. They deserve it the most B)

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