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The show is NOT rigged! (LOL)

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Guest jordansmom

^^ Good point but then again ppl who work for clebs. sometimes have to sign those contracts(forgot what they are called) where they can't say anything.

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just like in war. you can have millions of soldiers @ war but only those few in charge knows the plans and strategy of the assault on the enemy

you can have 200 workers but only a few knows about the rigging

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With all the problems in the world that need fixing and that people SHOULD be outraged against, and SHOULD be writing to the people in power about, and they instead choose to get all worked up about things on this show that are pure nonsense.

And if you watch, it will be the same folks on here crying "foul" everytime just to get everyone riled up.

Boy, if these people just used their influence for good instead of evil.....


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you are so right Dep. i use my time to email networks for cancelling my favorite shows. not complaining about bb being fixed!!!


but seriously, you are right...people shouldnt waste their time OR cbs's time.

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did he mention the night ericka won hoh. i bet he got a door full of emails and nasty phone calls immediately after comp finish

and when boogie talk about his coup de tat powers ;)

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did he talk about the emails :blink: ?

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what about the george veto? Could they of had that veto when nakomis and diane were on the block? No...none of them would of done anything past maybe the blueberries. Come on that had to be a fixed to keep george in the game. You cannot deny it when you watch that competition again. WATCH AGAIN IF YOU QUESTION ME

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yeah, ok.. that the george veto was a fix... they just happen to run out and buy up all the blueberrys in California without a minutes notice. :rolleyes:

the only thing i could see them fixing for that comp is it was all males that did the comp and no females. i guess they figure the only ones that would even consider shaving their heads would be the men.... so they probably only put balls with the guys names in the bag. which to me gave everyone in the comp an even playing field.

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I thought it was a great House Calls .. one of the best ever that they've done.

Very few Producers in Hollywood would would step up like that to come forward

after such speculation and ridicule. They would've "whatever'd" the fans and

let it go. Instead this guy took time out to answer and address the fans.


I believe in the area of non-rigging after all the botched game show issues and other

scruitny of late so all the Urban BB Chat legends and whining should take a break

and enjoy what this show IS.. Entertainment.


I do wish he would have addressed some of the competitions though as they seem

weaker and not as challenging, but more degrading than others and there IS no

competition in that. Am just waiting for the finale' to be a giant Jello wrestling match

between Chicken George and Will .. something that will give me nightmares for months

to come I'm sure!! Again a great piece of House Calls. Did laugh as Bunky was there

not knowing what a Coup De'tat or "coop" was.. prior to asking Arnold about it.


PS...Kudos for the production crew on tuesday's show for highlighting the Howie vs.

Marcellas doll incident... and not arresting Janie and putting her in prison with all the

other reality show doll assault convicts (being a crime according to james)


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Lol i dont think its rigged, i think they would perfer (example..) sov last year to be in it because they were huge in the ratings and popularity, but they only WANTED that, they didnt rigg it (obviously look at the final 2)

but i love how he says "janelle will and boogie" when he was saying "I dont rigg it for.." lol hmmm.

and ppl actually called in to complain over and over? lol pathetic. justa show ppl.

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uvp, orion....stop calling Shapiro and leaving nasty messages...it's not nice. I am pretty sure he mentioned you two specifically. He said, "UVP and Orion....please stop calling me and harassing me!"


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I believe he did the same thing last year in response to a callers' question.

But at least he responds to the public, which is more than you can say for a lot of executive-types

CBS is in a lot of hot water from the FCC over Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" at the Superbowl a couple of years back and paying all sorts of fines. I really doubt they are rigging the show to favor one contestant over the other. They DO switch up their comps to favor a variety of strengths but he made it clear last year that those comps are designed well in advance of when they are used.

I was one of those who sent an email to CBS after Erika lost her HOH, but it wasn't nasty. It just said that they should have re-done the comp from the point of the malfunction and asked that it not be an elimination week because of the controversy.

I wish now that I could take it back because when they showed the replay of the comp, it was clear that Booger's light malfunctioned at the same time Janie gave the wrong answer. In other words, CBS was right to re-do the entire comp. Humble pie tastes like shit btw! :P

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I realized something when I was reading George's spread sheets. Will has played every POV except the first one. The names go in the bag....do the HG het to see the names go in the bag before they choose? Now I just realized that if two of the same name would be chosen that would be a dead give away that there was cheating going on. I just answered my own question. I am trying too hard to find a rig? Okay, I will go do something other than think about this game. :)

If I had the feeds I'd have something better to do... :D

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