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Janelle & Dani


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It would be stupid of Janie to go against CT and align with Dani. There would be nobody to back up Janelle. Chicken George OR Dani can't win an HOH or POV unless it is a fluke. Janelle just needs to sit back and wait untill after the next HOH to see which way the wind is blowing.

Danielle made her own mess and Janie should not have to bail her out.

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About the only way Janie can't take down CT is to get HOH and nominate one and a pawn then backdoor whichever one she truly wants to take out of CT, my guess would be Will because if Booger makes it to the final 2 Janie will def win and Janie can def win against the girls and CG. To take down CT, she has to do it this week so she can have the votes to get rid of one of Chill Town.

So having said that, I agree with Tarman12. :P

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At this point, I don't think anyone should be trusting what ANYONE says, of course they are all trying to save their own butts!!!

I'd still like to see Dani and Janelle in final 2... taking CG to the final 3 with them.... but guess it don't matter what I want hey??

GAME ON!!!!!

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The only two people in the house that trust each other are Will and Boogie, and they've both said earlier in the show that they wouldn't hesitate to send the other packing when the time came. This year must be a lot more stressful for these people than their previous year. Like walking through a minefield, waiting to be blown to smithereens every step they take.

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I watched the video between Dani and Jani in the SR today, but there was no audio. Does anyone have another capture of it with sound? It really looked like it had some good strategy advise from Dani to Janelle ......

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It would be stupid of Janie to go against CT and align with Dani. There would be nobody to back up Janelle. Chicken George OR Dani can't win an HOH or POV unless it is a fluke. Janelle just needs to sit back and wait untill after the next HOH to see which way the wind is blowing.

Danielle made her own mess and Janie should not have to bail her out.

About the only way Janie can't take down CT is to get HOH and nominate one and a pawn then backdoor whichever one she truly wants to take out of CT, my guess would be Will because if Booger makes it to the final 2 Janie will def win and Janie can def win against the girls and CG. To take down CT, she has to do it this week so she can have the votes to get rid of one of Chill Town.

Can/Should Janelle trust anyone now after what she knows? If I were her, I'd start playing for herself and do what CT does--let everyone think they have their backs!

meh, looks like Danielle is toast so the only 2 women left for me to root for are either Janelle or Erika. Guess that makes me a Janelle fan now :P

Yeah, Danielle sucks at comps but it's all relative - one advantage of the women banding together is that when Erika can't play next week, Janelle and Danielle would both still be in the game if Erika put up Chilltown and the house got rid of Chicken George instead. If Janelle wins HOH next week and the house got rid of one of Chilltown, then there's just one of Chilltown left against the 3 of them the week after - if Janelle and Erika make a deal in the final endurance and Janelle makes it to final 2 against Erika she would likely win the whole $500k instead of just one third.

Another advantage to keeping Danielle around would be the mental fortitude she'd offer Janelle to make Janelle more comfortable taking out Boogie next week if that becomes a possibility. I'm not so sure Janelle would want to take on that risk of upsetting Will for a greater chance at winning the entire pot when Chilltown is offering her 1/3 of a pretty sure thing.

But yeah even if Janelle could trust Danielle, keeping Danielle to help her get rid of Chilltown is a much riskier scenario - factoring in the trust issue, yeah it doesn't seem like a very good bet (?) I guess Janelle can maybe trust Chilltown to the extent that they will use her to keep them safe and will split the $ with them if one or two of them make it to the end. I don't think Janelle can trust them to the extent that the deal they are offering her MAY not really be in her best interest - ultimately I guess it comes down to how much of a tolerance she has for risk and how comfortable she is allying with the devil she doesn't know instead of the devil she does (?)

I don't know :P . . . basically, if she banded with Danielle to take out Chilltown and kept winning comps at the rate she has been then she'd have a really good chance at winning $500k. If she settles for the deal with Chilltown, best she can do is 1/3 of that. (Alternately she could try and take on Chilltown next week without Danielle's help but I don't see her taking on that risk all by herself).

EDIT: Oh wait, I screwed up the Charlie's Angels alliance scenario (inspired by their reunion tonight at the Emmy Awards) - here's how it would give Janelle a great chance at the $500k: The women band together and Erika puts up Will this week, Will gets evicted. Janelle wins HOH next week and Boogie gets evicted. Final 4 would be Erika, Janelle, Danielle and George - clearly George would go. Final 3 - Janelle and Erika beat out Danielle who is 3rd best at comps of the 3. Final 2, Janelle wins. I love love loved Charlie's Angels as a little girl - I wish they'd get rid of Bosley :P (I guess the only snag would be convincing Erika to get rid of Booger and Chicken George since they are the only two she might be able to beat in the final 2? Maybe Janelle could tell Erika Chilltown was going to throw HOH next week so Janelle could get rid of her?)

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Danielle gave Janie some good advice..I JUST HOPE SHE IS SMART ENOUGH to take it....Dont play with your emotions this is business.. Otherwords...DO NOT listen to CT because they will pick CG over her...they are using her as a front to get down to final 2...As long as she is in the house she is a target...and Janie is like...WILL he LIKES ME!!!.....

btw Dani did not create her own mess as you CALL it...She only got in this situation because she didnt take her own advice this year and DONT TRUST NO ONE..and erika the slime she is Ughhh!! i CANT WAIT UNTIL SHE IS GONE THIS WEEK double eviction...and i cant wait until she sees the Tapes of the show and Boogies diary room sessions.... If Dani goes then I am pulling for CT because these women are STUPID!!!!

No need to reply I will not read...OBTW Ginger...I did reply to your post a couple of weeks ago...read it if you wish...

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I love danielle and if she goes idk what i'll think im just getting pissed off that erika backstabbed her (yes its part of the game) but erika needs to wake the hell up!!!!!!! so does janelle now that we're on that subject, these guys don't really like you.

looks like will just won once again.

PLZ DONT GO DANI, your my favorite!

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This clip, I only hear the beginning when they were in one of the rooms. When they move to the weight room, it goes silent. :o I thought it was just me, but every other clip that I open, I can hear loud and clear.

Does anybody know what was said between those two...I so want to know...bad?!

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I never understood why Dani didn't fight harder to keep James. Her ship has been sinking since chilltown told her they were going to get rid of James. She had to know she was next no?

she didnt have the votes

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Dani has not played a good game at all. She made all wrong choices. Her meltdown last night is such and embarrasment. I really think she has a drinking problem. Anyone would be crazy to allign with her now that her true colors have surfaced. She was calling people out.

Think of all the times Janelle has been on the block and you never saw tirades about being nominated. Janie did have somewhat of a meltdown when Howie left and she found out the whole house was against her. She did not lash out at people though. She was very hurt. Dani tends to get angry and her reaction is to lash out and hurt or destroy others.

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I realize that but you have to fight to change the votes to your favour. That's the game. She didn't try as hard as I thought she would. Like going to Janelle and finding out which way she was leaning instead of assuming she would vote out George. That's really dumb. She might have been able to swing Janelle maybe don't know but you have to try.

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there is a big difference in trying to get the votes to favor you and totally freaking out and doing what she did. she has been acting crazy for a few days now and its only getting worse.

last night she was such a broken record, i dont know how anyone didnt pull their hair out when was going on and on repeating things.

and how bout when she was trying to figure out how she can get the votes to stay... right in front of CG! :blink: the girl is losing it.

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I am proud of Dani...SHE HAS BALLS..:lol: better be glad if wasnt me last night You better be glad I am not playing or Next year the HOH door would have been made of Steel :lol: I surely would have kicked that damn door down POW ....COME HERE BTCH!!! :lol: well I got to see my idol play .... I like the way Will and Mike ran in the house like a bunch of frickin cowards when she mention LOD...Hopefully Janelle put that together remember Howie mentioned it to her as LOV....but if Dani goes...I HOPE SHE GOES GUNS A BLAZING...TURN THAT HOUSE OUT...she has nothing to loose now...

Oh you would think these ladies would catch on when boogie did not sleep with erika and Janelle did not sleep with Janelle or stay up with her...He his using the same anmo with erika holding her hand like he did with Janelle...these 2 guys deserve the win if Dani leaves...because these girls are freakin IDIOTS!!!!

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yep the girls are idiots. especially janelle who ct screwed over a million times :lol:

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