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Redo the HOH - SPOILER


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so bb must throw them a bone cause groupies made janelle a popular player gthoh

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uvp, you are ALWAYS saying that the HOH comps are rigged, so now that someone other than a SOV wins you LAUGH if someone else says the game is rigged?? Whatever!! No other contests this season gave a noticable advantage to any particular houseguest...except tonight!!

If Janelle gets sent home this week I will not watch the rest of this season... Not because of the HOH or even because I'm a sore loser but for the simple fact that I don't want to watch a bunch of boring people sitting around waiting for someone else to play the game for them so they can collect their check... I've never gone so far as to say I would refuse to watch anymore if a certain hg is evicted, so I know when I say it i mean it... I realized long ago that this year sucks, but for me PERSONALLY it would suck even more if Janelle was evicted...I know a lot of yall want her gone and if you do then ignore my post, you don't need to respond, because frankly... I DONT CARE what you think!!

ps. Why would I want to watch people like Erika, Marcellus, George, Boogie, Danielle and EVEN Howie?? The only people worth watching are Janelle and Will...

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Its OK....The DR will give Howie the Coup thing and he will overthrow the HOH!!

Not much of a Howie fan.....But I did see him hit the button first.....it was a question with Eric !!

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If CBS doesn't do something than I am going to have to be done with Big Brother. Not because I a big Howie fan, but because he hit the button first. If They don't do something to fix it, Howie should walk out the front door of the BB house and in the front door of an attorney.

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jinx you are correct but not howie but janelle

she totally threw that comp

cause she knows the phrase already

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"jinx you are correct but not howie but janelle

she totally threw that comp

cause she knows the phrase already"

They hadn't been told about the phrase yet. Maybe she through the comp but not because she knew the phrase.

Howie was done wrong.

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i remember years past everyone on here complaining about something or other malfunctioning during a competition, but that information was from the houseguests talking about the competition malfunction after the fact and of course nothing was changed to fix it (that we know of)...this is the first time any houseguest called out a malfunction during the live hoh competition, and erika has already quickly dismissed it that the LIGHT malfunctioned for howie and that he was still the last to buzz in.....CBS will not be changing it, i'll bet on that

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Wah freaking wah.

I actually think that he tried to hit it too fast, and it didn't register ..

Haven't you ever been in an elevator and you try to slam the button too fast and it doesn't light up/register your floor selection?

It's the same thing.

If I had been playing that game I would have been slapping them HARD and hitting them more than once. The others were hitting the button more than once.

So Howie's didn't register .. big freaking deal.

Wah, Wah.

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Guest janey_doll

the VERY FIRST PERSON to buzz in WAS MIKE!!!!

But HIS button DID NOT turn green, ERICA'S light came ON first BUT she was really THE SECOND PERSON THAT BUZZED.


Howie was the second person to buzz in right, he was just a split second after mike!!

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So Casper, you saying that if it had been you in howie's shoes you wouldn't be all mad?I think not!I have to say howie can get on my nerves but he hit it first and i think anyone one in his position would be MAD as hell.

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So Casper, you saying that if it had been you in howie's shoes you wouldn't be all mad?I think not!I have to say howie can get on my nerves but he hit it first and i think anyone one in his position would be MAD as hell.

So Casper, you saying that if it had been you in howie's shoes you wouldn't be all mad?I think not!I have to say howie can get on my nerves but he hit it first and i think anyone one in his position would be MAD as hell.

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Went back and watched the tape and it appears that one of 2 things probably happened.

It is hard to tell, but it looks like Howie may have hit his button just before Julie stopped talking. If the buzzer system is like the one they use on Jeopardy, you have to wait until the question is fully asked before you can buzz in. If you hit the buzzer right as the question is ending, you are actually penalized and your buzzer goes dead for a couple seconds. This may be what happened.


Someone else watching said it almost looed like Howie might have hit both the true and false buttons at the same time. If he did, it is possible that the system didn't register either. Since his light did register when he finally buzzed in the 2nd time, it probably is not a technical issue. I am sure they have some way of tracking behind the scenes.

When are people going to stop complaining every week that the comps are not fair, fixed etc. It is really old.


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since we on redo subject. lets redo the pov cause janelle didnt win :lol:

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If this show were even remotely credible they would show the coup d'tat phrase on their website to show so we'd know who was the first person to actually say it correctly in the diary room . . . oh that's right, we don't have access to the diary room either.

We have no way of knowing whether they're going to just accept whatever Janelle or Howie give as their answer and decline whatever anybody else gives and even if they were to give us the phrase ahead of time we'd have no way of knowing who actually said it first.

Hence, the coup d'etat will be won by either Howie or Janelle - GUARANTEED.

You would think it would be Howie so they could restore justice for the technical snafu, but they may not trust him to think well on his feet in which case they'll give it to Janelle I would guess . . .

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sam youre correct. janelle drop out this hoh comp on purpose

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well id be mad at BB because I think it was a problem on their end.I don't think it was Howie's fault and I dont blame him for being mad at all

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I don't usually post on this board, but I read the updates everday....

I had to post today though because it was so obvious that Howie wasn't the last person to buz in that I don't know how Julie didn't see it...if I was Howie I would be pissed too...he may not have won the comp, but he also shouldn't lose it because of a problem with BB's buzzer system.

I don't think this was done to intentionally screw Howie over, but he is still getting screwed none the less because he wasn't the last person to buzz in on that question.

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