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imho the leech a lock for final two

she position herself quietly in every alliances in the house

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I think I understand why Generika is so thin, instead of eating normal food, she spends her days chewing and sucking on the inside of her own mouth..mmmm collagen.

Someone tell her that those faces make her MORE unnattractive, if that's even possible.

I'm really hoping that when James leaves, he mistakes her for his luggage and carries her out the door.. but really could he be that stupid? I mean I'm sure his luggage doesn't feel THAT much like old leather.

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Guest StarBaby

Just had to add to the Erika hate a little -- I was so annoyed (the nicer of the two words that came to mind), when during the veto comp and it was her turn to say which doll she had, she held up the doll and said something like "my boy Kaysar". I wanted to puke all over her.

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ok yes erika looks like an alien from timbuktu, but can anyone blame her if she won BB...i mean there is no rule book on how to play BB, just because you sit back & ride coatails or "float" doesnt mean that you are any less worth to win than someone who sumbagged others.

If E makes it to F2 then she will more than likely win becuase CT lied to everyone in the house, so who will vote for them (except janie will vote for will because she is clueless when it comes to him) deep down I dont think anyone likes Dani, & although I luv Jani, I think she is safe this week & that is it unless she gets HOH.

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