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Well......she did give a good FOOTBLOW:

Gotta say Erika has taken the J-Blo rap to a new level:

Erika may or may not still be with Josh. Josh claims they are not..........she has told James that they are, yet.......


Erika gave Booger a FOOTJOB three nights ago. Two nights ago....it looked like she was giving him a handjob, but Booger later told Will she was rubbing all over his pubic area, but didn't touch it that time.

Booger also told Will that Erika spent the night at his house the night before sequester. they were supposed to have sex....but Booger decided to wait until the mrning because that's "his MO". But she left in the morning because they had to go to sequester that day.

So FOOTBLOW sounds like a great name for Erika as she seems to be just as "loose" as last years J-Blo. Erika is even willing to use her body to advance in the game and make more money.........just like a HOOKER. Even J-Blo didn't do that!!!!

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I think Erika is transparent. She is sucking up to the men to get protection. When BB6 had control of HOH Erika was all over Kaysar (and sucking up to Janie). BB6 no longer control HOH so now she is all over Boogie (and sucking up to Dani). Besides the footjob, she let Boogie shave her legs yesterday. She is just trying to gain protection and ensure her position as the ultimate floater. She brings NOTHING to this game.

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You know what makes her a true Nerdherd; when she asked Dani "Do you think Amercia still loves S6?" It was so pathetic they way she asked her that....exactly the same way in S6 April and Ivette asked Maggie. If Dani is the new Maggie- then Erika is the new April...NOT A GOOD THING!

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Quote: "Erika gave Booger a FOOTJOB three nights ago. Two nights ago....it looked like she was giving him a handjob, but Booger later told Will she was rubbing all over his pubic area, but didn't touch it that time."

If you ask me the "Booger" deserves nothing but the best...where else but in the BB house can you get a hand job from a skeleton hand. That girl needs to eat real food she is wasting away before our very eyes.

If she has a eating disorder and BB should know this because this is what they do: watch people and they should know if she is not eating (she may even be phsically ill too) ...then they should have her talk to someone.

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I just have to say: I cannot stand this boney b@#!%.

How dare she cry to Kaysar and say that if she votes one way she is betraying Dani and if votes the other she is betraying Kaysar! Since when the hell were her and Dani together? What did Dani ever do to protect her?

Erika is the one who basically handed HOH to Dani, so why is she lettinf Dani call all the shots.

I understand throwing a comp to not be a target, BUT she clearly has no opions of her own.

Had she been more loyal to Kaysar she would have been protected by the SOVS for sure.

I wish it was her that left instead of Diane. Atleast Dianes intentions were clear and she didn't pretend to "close" to someone and then completely turn her back on them.

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i remember erika was asked when she was going to win an HOH, and she replied 'when i need to'.....so, i guess she simply decided she needed to, how convienent for her.....i wish someone would add fatback to her bowls of slop

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Okay, I have two questions about Erika:

1) Does she know that James is in with chilltown?


2) If she does know, and she starts to realize that Janelle is after her, does anyone think that Erika will spill the beans to Janelle as a way to save herself?

I so want Janelle to know that James and chilltown are working together, or even that Danielle is working with chilltown and James as well. Is there ANY HOPE that someone will be letting Janelle know BEFORE nominations?? so that she can realize that putting Erika up guarantees that Erika is going home and NOT Danielle who is her real target?

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if she doesnt know she is clearly a naive idiot

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Hey UVP, hadn't commented on your comments in a while - how wah ya!

Anyway, let's trace back as Janie questioned Kaysar extensively about James already defecting and HE is the one that told her absolutely not and to include him and back him! But, since this is an Erika post, HE believed her too. So, many times Janie has wanted to go with her gut, but K or H talked her out of it. Guess she really IS playing the team game. I know you don't like Janie, and that's ok, but being naive and trying to believe in your team is 2 different things. And, I know you want to be rid of erika too.

Agree? :blink:

Good talkin atcha!!! :P

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Any chance Erika might lose her casting job at CBS as a result of her lawsuit comments? I mean she was really pissed about last night's HOH debacle. What are the odds CBS is going to want to keep her on the payroll after the lawsuit threat? Thoughts anybody?

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""I am about to say some really mean things about erika right now:

she makes me so angry and the fact that she's an ugly, anorexic, weak, useless, whore in the house makes it even worse. for those of you who can janie a whore, no way. janie doesn't rub on guys crotches under the sheets or give them footjobs to get farther along in the game. erika is a user, do you really honestly think she likes boogie as a person? she's on the rebound from a 5 yr relationship! janie can take herself off the block, erika would probably cry or footjob her way out.

in conclusion, i have no respect for erika, yet somehow she makes me feel sorry for her because she is so pathetic, a leech and the bb ho of the season.

i hate being mean like that but after i see the way she is in the house, i have to rant. sorry bye the end.""

I did think it was kinda gross one night when she let skeevy Boogie lick whip cream off her legs and then let Howie grab her chest two minutes later. I was surprised that people said things about Janelle when they saw that going on. Outside the house Erika might make a good friend but all these other interesting personalities really overwhelm hers and she doesn't seem like she belongs on Allstars.

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Erika asked the shirted boys tonight to go topless. She later sidled up to James and pulled up his shirt and rubbed his belly. I can only assume the red room will be open later tonight for FJ business. Gotta love the campaign season. <_<

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