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Dr. Will


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Will was kicking the beach ball inside (juggling it like a soccer ball) and it flew into the ceiling and broke some decorative, mother of pearl, sea shell thingy hanging from the ceiling. It was really funny, because he ran away like a little boy who had done something naughty. Then he got in trouble and cutely pouted for a moment, demanding to see his contract in order to see where it says, "can't play ball in the house." :lol:

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First of all, even Shannon said that Will was a homebody so I doubt this is something that he does all the time. As far as we know, he didn't french kiss or tongue anyone and he didn't lick the body butter off anyone's erogenous zones - bikinis stayed on! He hasn't crawled into anyone's bed either. I am the last person to be insecure about what my man does (particularly since he is probably more conservative than I am) but I honestly don't see the big deal about what Will has done within the context of the game when he has specifically outlined his evil plan to make Janelle fall in love with him so she will do what benefits his alliance. He talks about Erin constantly even to Janelle and I think he has made it abundantly clear how he feels (to the live feeds anyway). I guess when it comes down to it, you have to trust your partner and, if you don't, move on. Just be sure it's your partner that you don't trust and not your own judgment!

Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable but I can't understand how you could be so nonchalant about your significant other kissing and licking other women . . . is it because you are a big flirt yourself and then whoever you're with you guys basically have an agreement that it's okay to kiss others type of deal? Like it's just different strokes for different folks :)

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No, I don't mind answering. First of all, I was referring to this specific situation with Will in the BB House in a very public incident (on camera) which did not (to my knowledge) include intimate kissing (only pecks on the cheek). Also, during the part I was watching, Will actually refused to lick any body butter off Janelle (he kept protesting that he couldn't and bringing up Erin's name).

My man is far too private to ever consider being on a reality show (he isn't even interested in watching them) and he is quite conservative so I have to admit that I would never have to worry about him behaving like Will has. However, if I were to date someone who enjoyed appearing in reality TV shows (like Will) and who was otherwise a homebody, I just don't think I would take seriously what I consider to be part of the strategy and gameplay. Now, I might be completely wrong (and naive), but I think that Will's behavior is merely strategy and gameplay!

I would be upset if my honey was intimately kissing and licking some other woman (particularly in a private situation) but somehow, being in a shower with Boobie and Erika on camera for TV just doesn't sound that sexy and Will was very quick to get Boobie out of bed to chaperone him!

And yes, I used to be a big flirt (before I became such a homebody) but my definition of flirting does not include physical contact of any sort or being alone with the person you are flirting with. Flirting (in my opinion) is just harmless mutual admiration that does NOT lead to anything inappropriate. :P:lol:

Hope that helps!

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Didn't like him in BB2 (only watched the show), but I have learned to appreciate and respect his game play. He's playing everyone, including Mike, and if he's in the final two with anyone other than Janelle, I want to see him win it again.

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I had forgotten what Will was like... But in his season by the end of the show I had gotten hooked...LOL... I am hooked again...He cracks me up...Would love to see Jani win it all But not sure that can happen...so go WILL... :):D

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I'm just recovering from my fling with Dr. D, mind is clearing up and all my faculties seem to be returning. My only statement on Dr. D is: How in the world could Janelle not be influenced by Dr. D? His seduction of the camera yesterday is proof positive, that this man is ever soooo sexxxxxy and here's the clencher, funny!!! Can you imagine how you would feel if he was doing that in person:blush: , oh my God!!!!!

I remember his season and just like most of the women on here, did not like him at first, but he sure grew on me quick.

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Actually as an entertainer he's done a good job, on the outside the boy would have to get a tan and a haircut :D

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I don't care for Will anymore because IMO his psychological games have crossed the line into cruelty. However I think they should sign him up to help produce the show. He has excellent ideas about competitions and things to entertain the HG and feed viewers. Why not have someone who actually played the game assist it making it better. He thinks he's all that as a producer, make him prove it :P

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I did not watch season 2 (atleast I don't remember if I did hehehe) and the first few weeks of this season I was saying get this arrogant jerk off this show. Now besides Janie - I want him to win again. He has sooo grown on me more than anyone in the show's history. He is a great entertainer. I almost wish he had his own show but if it was scripted - I don't think he could actually stay to the script. LOL He would be doing what he wanted to do.

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Will has janelle in checkmate for the rest of weeks she is there. the idiot girl still have fate in these guys after all they done to her. watching a bb legend toying with janie doll is :lol: to watch. it is almost like a girlfriend who cant leave an abusing boyfriend cause she fears him.

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Will has janelle in checkmate for the rest of weeks she is there. the idiot girl still have fate in these guys after all they done to her. watching a bb legend toying with janie doll is to watch. it is almost like a girlfriend who cant leave an abusing boyfriend cause she fears him.

He could sell the Janey Doll along with the Coffee Bean Bears. :lol: All you have to do is pull a couple of strings and it does whatever you want.

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I love that he said the game was being rigged in Janelle's favor, but that HE is the one doing it..


I had another Will dream last night, I've NEVER dreamt about anyone on TV, I find this quite scary.

In my dream I was in the BB house and Will was MINE.. but then I had to leave because I worked for the Center for Disease Control and there had been a nasty outbreak of Chicken Pox..

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LOL CM I think a lot of women are now dreaming about the the devious Dr.

I am like you never dreamt of anyone on tv (especially reality) and hell I want him in my dreams lately. From someone that couldn't stand him the first 2 weeks to one that is now a huge supporter... he has done good.

I can see where Janelle would fall for his BS being that close to him. We know what he is doing and still falling from it and we aren't even in close quarters with him.

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