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Did BB talk Marci into giving up the Slop Pass?


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I think george was trying to hold on to the end of the comp then he would have been HOH and he could have eaten so thats what he was holding out for. I think as long as he was given the pass he should be able to eat. Doesnt matter if it said for 60 days afterall if he became HOH he would be able to eat anyway so no difference!

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I dislike Marcy and I hope he is on slop next week, but I wouldn't have givin george the slop pass...

George made the choice in the first place to go on slop for 60 days... George also could have dropped off and got the egg, instead he went for HOH, so to bad so sad....

Marcy is sooo gullible...

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I think people feel sorry for George just because he's so much older than the rest of them... physically, he's not as in shape as the other HouseGuests are... mentally, he's older so he's not as sharp. I think people feel bad for him just because he has a less possibility of winning competitions.

I don't feel bad for him. Well, maybe a little because he's in a house with so much younger people. But I'm a Chicken Geroge fan because he's amusing to watch, funny, and is a good guy.

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A pass is a pass. It means he got a "get out of jail free" card, so to speak. I don't see what the big deal is. I remember during the luxury competition Janelle making a point of saying that even if you are on the slop diet, winners of the luxury competition would be allowed to eat refreshments (popcorn sodas and candy) at the movie and I wanted George's team to win for that reason.

P.S. I would be willing to bet that BB talked him into it, by pointing out how magnanimous it would be of him to do it.

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P.S. I would be willing to bet that BB talked him into it, by pointing out how magnanimous it would be of him to do it.

I bet that's how they did it. They told him that he would look like the hero and he might be able to get a vote from Geroge, if it came down to it.

And I'm seriously wonder if he would have given it to Geroge, if BB didn't show him all the benefits.

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