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Salary Questions and Discussion

Guest michguy036

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?????? is that 750 take home or before taxes.... yes Texas has no state income tax, but we pay a high taxable tax on purchases. 8.25 to 8.5. We have one income cause of kids, but manage to live on $603 a week. Motgage, utilities, food, and a few extras a month.

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Guest HeartofDavid
?????? is that 750 take home or before taxes.... yes Texas has no state income tax,  but we pay a high taxable tax on purchases.  8.25 to 8.5.  We have one income cause of kids, but manage to live on $603 a week.  Motgage, utilities, food, and a few extras a month.

Where you live? I'm moving there! LOL

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Guest HeartofDavid

It's just plain crazy here in Vancouver. Average price of a home is $400,000. As expensive as it is to live here.. it is just so beautiful and so many wonderful cultures and people. I just moved from the east coast and I love it here so far. I was in Houston once. I remember eating at a place called I think Fudruckers? It was a really cool burger joint.

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Guest WebNuts

Also remember that these are mostly younger people (with a few exceptions) with a lower cost of living to begin with. I think your average 25 year old single person would think this is a decent rate of pay.

I'm thinking that Eric, April and Maggie are the only ones that are actually taking a pay cut doing this, judging by their job description, and for April and Eric at least, they are married and their spouse may work. Include their vacation pay to what they make from the show and that cut's their loss even more.

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I don't think they all quit their jobs, probably most of them don't.  Some of these people are students, no job to quit there and school is optional in the summer.  Most places will grant a leave of absence.  We know Erics job is safe because as we all see by his actions here, he is indispensibe.  As for the rest of them, if they are willing to give up their income to be on a TV show, they can either afford it or they dont give a crap anyway.  Priorities, Priorities.

I know Jenn had to quit her job, Eric had to make a lot of deals to get the time off, and the students don't really worry about it. Consider someone like Kaysar or Micheal who probably work freelance. They are taking a hit from this.

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Guest Shockalot
Yea.. I guess you're right. Depends on where you live and your lifestyle. My mortgage with utilities alone is $3000.00, nevermind kids schooling, groceries, vehicles, clothes, bills and on and on.... I live in Vancouver (most expensive place to live in Canada)

I remember what it was like when I was younger. The thought of making like $500 a week was a big deal.. he he.


Im going to presume you are from a very wealthy class of people and not just deliberately trying to flaunt your extreme wealth.

Having owned a condo in Greater Vancouver for many years Im going to tell you and everyone else that a 3,000 Mortage and Utilities in Vancouver is VERY VERY VERY HIGH!.

Dont you know that?

Even say your Utilities are 500 bucks a month (VERY high)

That means you are paying a 2,500 mortgage!?

Either you have one incredible home or its in one absolutely prime location or maybe you are paying it off doubletime.

Either way - how can you not know that?

Now then you say "I remember what it was like when I was younger. The thought of making like $500 a week was a big deal.. he he."

He he?

Dont you know that would be about 14 dollars an hour - THAT WHAT ALMOST EVERYONE MAKES IN VANCOUVER!

In fact that is not too shabby.

MANY people make far less than that.

When were you a kid might I ask?

Back in 1970s making 14 dollars an hour was VERY VERY GOOD money but you now saying 'He He' at what the vast majority of everyone else in the city is making?

Dont you know that?

Why would you come on a forum board and pretend like a 3,000K a month Mortage and Utilities is 'what everyone must have' and then giggle at what is the average (and actually high average) wages of virtually EVERYONE ELSE?

Id really like an answer to this post. Im really curious what you have to say about this?

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