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HOH Week 2 - Kaysar


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I was reading Morty's today and read that Jase and Kaysar are in an alliance .....together..first I heard of this, have not seen anything on te live show that would have made me think this, Jase seems to be in an alliance with everyone but seems to be loyal to Janelle.....? He told her about CT and their plans on the live show...

Kaysar and Jase talk plans, Jase is down with voting out Diane. Jase tells Kaysar that by like week seven, when the BB6ers are thinned out, him and Kaysar will be the most solid alliance in the house.

Video here..

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Ok, I am as guilty as anyone else on ragging on Kaysar, but I'm waiting to see if his plan works. Give anyone the benefit of the doubt. For Kaysar fans, if it works - the validation of your loyalty is acknowledged, and for the Kaysar haters, if it works - give the player their due. It's time for stragegic moves and the only thing I'm seeing on here are personal jabs, but I notice that some like doing it just to get people riled! Guess you could call that "thread strategy". This is my look at it, and I'm not a player-hater! Now, I think this covers everyone, so if I get hate remarks, it's all part of my "thread strategy" :unsure: or is it?

oops...the word is supposed to be strategic, not stragegic

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I cannot believe that people are so hateful towards Kaysar on here..it is just a show,and... they are all actors, and I am just like Erika and her mom watching him......I love Kaysar!.... Leave the man alone..he's never hurt any of you has he? Didn't think so..so stfu about him being stupid!

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Lets get it straight Kaysar has made one good move and that was getting Eric out. Other than that he has made awful decisions, that have gotten him evicted twice and weaken his alliance. Giving up HOH to your enemy was just plain stupid. He was instrumental in getting Sarah evicted when she was party of his alliance and his team needed the numbers.

Janie noms were legit and not part of some bogus "master" plan. Janie nominated Ali and Dani because they were a direct threat to her and her alliance. Dani came up with the original plan to weaken BB6 and Ali tried to help implement it to get rid of a member of BB6. Diane and Nakimos, did not pose an immediate threat. Kaysar is just afraid to go after a real threat. I hope Nakimos stays in and win HOH. She should put up someone from each allilance and let thrm fight it out. She should put up Kaysar and Will. Now that would be entertaining.

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I'm not the biggest Nakomis fan, but it seems that she will be the one to make a big move. I don't think it's in Kayser's best interest to keep her, but for some reason he thinks he can trust her over Diane. Sure, Nakomis is aggravated with Will and Boogie but she would be smarter to target Kayser. I think the rest would understand that he put her up so she would just be paying him back. It is for that reason that i think his plan to evict Diane is not so smart.

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Kaysar's problem with "thinking three moves ahead" is his ego-driven assumption steps one and two will go off without a hitch. His plan about getting rid of the "floaters" that would back the Booger Doctor so that when they are nominated they do not have votes to save them from eviction is a GREAT plan. Well thought out, however, by putting up Nakomis instead of Jase he has torn the house. He doesn't know who is going to stay. Step two may not happen, meaning his plan is going to backfire. He forgot that the best plans are the simple ones.

I did think his calling out Booger Doctor in the HT was pretty sweet, but it underscored his arrogance to the one player who has the chance of being the biggest swing vote the longer the game goes on, Chicken George!

No, I don't think Kaysar is an idiot. An arrogant master planner, maybe, but not an idiot. :rolleyes:

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I'm sorry, I know this has probably been posted, but it's worth it to say it again...

I COULD NOT have been happier when Kaysar flipped the script on Will in the hot tub right in front of everyone. He totally called him out...and left him speechless for the first time.

Kaysar could not have given a better response to Will when Will was bitching about them not being able to choose between Nak and Di...without missing a beat Kaysar replies, "Ok, who do YOU think should go?" Will sat there with that stupid look on his face...what 's he supposed to say? He can't very well tell Kaysar, "We think a Sov should go" What a stupid, half-thoughtout move on Will's part. What made it even sweeter was Will's pathetic attempt to cover his butt and be the "hero" by volunteering to go up on the block! Kaysar and the Sovs now have the advantage again! WOOHOO!

I love it!!

Go Sovs

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I think the nominations this week have caused everyone to see what chilltown is really about and they don't like it. Chilltown are nobodies who think they are somebodies right now. Will is at the top. I thought Kaysar took the high road in that scene. He could have said much more. Chilltown looked like the idiots they are.

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i thought it was funny when Kaysar said "its not like they (bb) will magically drop someone from the outside into the house so we can vote them out, someone from the house has to go home"

:lol::lol: and the whole time kaysar was talking, Will had such a look on his face like.. "what was i thinking calling him out here...now i have to come up with a solution.... "

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I watched the same HT scene between Will & Kaysar but I didn't get the same take on it. I didn't see Will become speechless at all. Will seemed calm & collected & devious as usual. Afterwards, I did see Kaysar go up to the HOH & brag about how he told Will off (which wasn't true).

The SOV's didn't get back their advantage. Kaysar has put them at a huge disadvantage with his silly noms this week & the SOV's can't even secure the votes to keep who they want. The only way the SOVs will get back their advantage is to win HOH tomorrow.

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will didnt say anything until kaysar got up and started walking away.. and then he said "i will go home, put me up"

up until that point, Will was looking like a deer in headlights.

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I fear I fell into Will's trap that he tried to set for Kaysar. I was jumping up and down yelling for Kaysar to mention the Booger Doctor's "deal" about taking all of the floaters out. But Kaysar remained calm...calm enough to make me think he's actually on something :D other than the hooka.

Maybe because I'm introducing my 3-year-old to all of the Loony Toons cartoons, I kept picturing Wylie Coyote throwing a bolder onto RoadRunner. RoadRunner holding a tiny spring over his head and the bolder bouncing off and squishing Wylie. :lol:

Beep Beep, Kaysar...Beep Beep!!

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i like dr will i think he's playing a very smart game, i like kaysar alot too he's playing a smart game also (this is his 3rd attempt after all lol) i thought it did seem like kaysar put will in his place it was pretty cool i also liked wills comments in the DR about kaysar playing smart with these noms buying himself 2 to 3 more weeks, i think thats exactly what kaysar did and right now he needs to look out for himself his alliance will break soon they can't win HoH forever and right now kaysar has a smaller target on his back because of these noms he really only has to worry about diane (or nak whatever) getting HoH

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I am so happy people are starting to realize what chilltown is all about - Will is playing exactly the same way he did last time, and if they let him get away with it, then he deserves to win again (that was hard for me to say since I hate him) So hopefully now people are waking up and will get Will and Boogie out ASAP!!!

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I think Will is wearing his "Mandana" a little too tight these days...he got caught slippin

I love the Wylie Coyote analogy used....the only thing missing from it would be a big white bubble over his head with a huge ? in it..as if to say.."what just happened here?!"

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i think they both looked like morons after the conversation. the HG's are good at one thing......talking and talking without saying anything. none of them make any sense anymore. i say put kaysar and will on the block together......kaysar because his noms this week suck and will because someone needs to knock that *&^%$@ off his high horse.
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lol Scuba :lol:

Okay, I'll give props to Kaysar on getting the best of Will in that one-on-one. But Marcellas made some really awesome points about why Kaysar has been so insufferable to deal with as HOH - him making nominations unilaterally without bothering to see where the rest of the house stood with regards to who he should nominate, not putting up Danielle after sort-of promising Marcellas that she would go up next in exchange for his vote against Alison last week, telling Chilltown he wanted to go after floaters next week (and he expects Marcellas to still do what he wants ?!?), telling the house that he wanted Nakomis out then changing his mind and saying he wants to keep her, and basically threatening Marcellas if he didn't vote the way Kaysar wanted him too . . . Kaysar's making it really hard for me to be his fan :(

On the other hand, I think Kaysar correctly sensed that Marcellas isn't 100% on the sov bandwagon and would be really happy to see some of them go - what's frustrating me with him is that he expects peoples' loyalties to be clearcut and isn't comfortable with the ambiguity . . . I think that's very polarizing.

PS Yeah, Chilltown's egomania has been through the roof - I still think though if a non-sov wins hoh they're going to go after the sovs and not Chilltown . . . jmo :)

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