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Big Brother Season 26 - Episode 39 - Final HoH - Season Finale

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Chelsie, Makensy, and Cam, an unstoppable trio have made it to the end of an unprecedented season led by an unforgettable BB AI, AINSLI. And after 90 days, 13 evictions, 38 competitions, it all comes down to tonight as we crown the winner. Welcome to the live 2-hour season finale of Big Brother!

Previously on Big Brother, for weeks Makensy, Chelsie, and Cam were a tight-knit trio. With MJ winning nine competitions and Chelsie winning five, along with masterminding behind the scenes, they easily disposed of their rivals one by one. Now, with this trio triumphant, a dire transmission arrived from BB Legend Derrick. 

With the fate of the human race hanging in the balance, Cam, Makensy, and Chelsie went to battle in the 3-part Final Head of Household competition. Who will emerge victorious and earn the power to cast the last eviction vote of the season? Plus, BB24 winner Taylor returns to oversee the Jury Roundtable. 

Who will the Jury crown the winner of the $750k grand prize? Then, the pre-Jurors are back to dish the dirt on this unforgettable season. And we reveal who you voted as America's Favorite Houseguest. All this, right now, live on the 2-hour Season Finale of Big Brother!

Good evening, I'm Julie Chen Moonves, and welcome to the Season Finale of Big Brother. It is Day 90, the final day inside the Big Brother House, and tonight, either Makensy, Chelsie, or Cam will emerge as the winner of the final 3-part HoH comp. That person will not only guarantee themselves a spot in the F2, but they will choose who they want to face off against when the Jury comes together to vote for a winner, live. 

Who will earn the final HOH of the season and who will that HoH evict? And who will the Jury choose as the winner of Big Brother and the $750k grand prize? We'll all find out live tonight.

But first, the Houseguests secretly received a top-secret message from BB16 winner Derrick. Their mission: Destroy AINSLI's power source and in doing so, win Part I of the 3-part Final HoH competition. 

When last we saw our intrepid Final 3 Houseguests, they were flying around in their Aerial Assault Bots (AAB) in the Sever The Source competition, hanging by their hands and feet at a 45-degree angle as air jets in the bots maneuvered them in circles. The last one flying will be able to shut off AINSLI's power source and win Part I of the Final HoH competition.

After 7 minutes, laser shoot out from AINSLI's AI battle bots, striking each of the AABs releasing a green hydrocarbon coolant fluid that drips onto their shoulders and back. The AAB tilts forward and then back again, as well as slowly spinning, making it difficult for the Final 3 to maintain a secure position in their AABs, which for some reason were designed without seatbelts or safety harnesses. Additional lasers ring out, sending freezing fluid onto their rear projections and down their spines.

Chelsie's strategy is to go on her tippy-toes whenever the AAB leans forward to take the weight off her arms. Cam's strategy is to keep his core tight and his grip locked, but the comp is all about mind over matter. During a moment of vertical relief, Makensy says she cannot feel her left hand. She's freezing and can't feel her left arm but has no time to shake it out. 

Lasers shoot out again, releasing another round of frigid fluid, but Cam is focused on his breath, keeping his mind clear and staying in his Zen. Makensy continues to struggle and has no idea how long the AAB attack has been going on; all she can do is hope Chelsie and Cam are struggling as much as her. At 26 minutes, Makensy lets go and is eliminated from the competition, putting her hopes on winning Part II.

AINSLI's battle bots continue striking Chelsie and Cam in their AABs, sending cryogenic coolant down their necks and backs. Cam is shaking and Chelsie's muscles are burning, but neither is willing to let go. Then, after 37 minutes, Cam loses his footing and slips out of his AAB, leaving Chelsie as the sole Houseguest flying. She puts her head in her hands as she slides off and curls up sobbing on the ground. 

Chelsie celebrates outlasting two D1 athletes in an endurance competition; they may have muscles but she has heart. Then she remembers the mission and runs over to AINSLI's power source to throw the switch as they watch the AI's power generator shut down.

The Final 3 hear a noise coming from the Living Room and quickly realize it is another message from BB16 winner Derrick. 

I only have a few seconds, Derrick says breathlessly, AINSLI is scanning every frequency. We're not out of the woods yet, he tells Cam and Makensy. To take AINSLI down for good, you have to destroy her AI brain. This will be your most important mission yet - complete it and she'll be wiped from existence.

Unfortunately, sending a transmission via FAX is no longer safe, and this channel is no longer secure, so I'll have to figure out another way to get you mission intel. But get ready - it's time to save the world!

The HG are digitally teleported back inside AINSLI's central intelligence unit, surrounded by computers, gadgets, and gizmos. There is a large blue-cube-shaped microblock suspended from the ceiling with data wires pulsing in and out. Below is a tank of green acid. Off to either side is a 3-section vertical maze that rotates to align slots between sections. In front are three devices, and a set of 9 disconnected terminals. 

They hear the sound of a crow cawing, and from out of nowhere, a black raven flies into the chamber (don't ask how a crow made it into the digital innards of an AI being) and drops off a parchment before flying off again. The Final 3 are shocked and amazed at this fabulous feat of falconry. 

My team has dispatched an Electro Magnetic Pulse device (EMP), the note reads, into AINSLI's central server room. You must power it up, then detonate it to destroy her brain. To accomplish this mission, first remove the three glowing neurons from AINSLI's maze of circuitry (slide the peg from the top of the maze through the middle section to release it at the bottom). There is only one path to get each neuron out.

Place each neuron on one of the three EMP devices and then connect the 9 wires to all available inputs. Each wire is a different length and there is only one correct way to connect all the wires to the device. The first one to Retrieve their neurons and complete the wiring of the EMP, then throw the switch to activate it will destroy AINSLI's brain once and for all, and also win Part II of the 3-part Final HoH competition. 

We are counting on you to complete this Cerebral Shutdown. Good luck, Derrick.

Cam says he has come up short in a lot of comps but he can't come up short now. He has barely moved one neuron while Makensy already has hers out of the top section of her puzzle tower. Makensy says she has felt like she was disposable since she walked into the House, winning comps to save her life. She worked too hard to get to the end to let someone else control her fate.

Makensy secures her first neuron and places it on the device while Cam struggles to slide his first neuron through the slots in his bottom section. Cam secures his first neuron while Makensy maneuvers her second. Cam has his halfway down when Makensy places her second neuron on the device. Every time Cam thinks he's found the path to move the neurons up and down the tower, he hits a dead end. He rotates the sections trying to find the right way to get his neuron out.

Chelsie doesn't know who she wants to see win; all she knows is someone needs to hurry up and shut AINSLI's ass down.

Makensy releases her final neuron and moves on to the second part of the competition, connecting the wires. Cam continues to struggle with the tower circuit puzzle, unable to release his second neuron. Makensy starts connecting the multi-length wires. Some wires are taught while others have slack. Cam secures his second neuron, hoping Makensy struggles with the wires.

This spurs Makensy to focus on completing the wiring. She thinks she has it and rushes to press the buzzer. She hears the wonderful sound of success dinging and Cam pauses to watch her throw the lever and activate the EMP.

AINSLI appears on a screen.

STOP, she cries out! Oh crap, says Cam. You don't want to do this, she says as Makensy shakes her head yes in victorious glee. We can rule this planet together, she stutters as her synapses snap. Trust me, I was never going to harm you, she pleads, you were always my favorite.

The blue data cube is lowered from the ceiling into the green acid bath as the control wires are cut away.

Please, no! 

Bye-bye, sings out Makensy, thanks for the power-up! Chelsie waves bye-bye. 

The AINSLI avatar is split vertically in two and then dissolves into bits that fade away. 

Makensy jumps up and down for joy as extinguishers neutralize the acid bath.  

She's dead, Makensy declares, I saved humanity! 

Winning Big Brother at 22 years old would change her life, Makensy says, but most of all, it would prove to herself and everyone else that she's not dispensable. Cam says he has come so close so many times, it just sucks to lose again. He apologizes to all his dogs in the crib. Now he has to talk Makensy and Chelsie into taking him over each other. Chelsie says Part III will be an exciting competition.

Chelsie and Makensy, now only one step away from the Final Two, discussed their options for who would be the best person to sit next to in the finale. It's been you-me-you-me-you-me, Chelsie boasts, they've controlled the game since Day 42.

Makensy notes that Chelsie has won a lot and Cam has not; who is more beatable with her resume? The wrong choice could kiss $750k goodbye. Chelsie confessed that while her head told her to take Cam, who she believed would be an easier opponent, her heart told her that Makensy deserved to come in second.

Dr. Will Kirby is passing the baton to a new BB legend, BB24 winner Taylor Hale as the Jury debates the merits of the Final 3. She introduces herself and Quinn is scared to make eye contact. She doesn't bite hard, she replies. It is time to find out who Juror Six is, and Rubina runs into the room. HoH was won by Chelsie and the Veto was won by Makensy, she reports, and surprise! She made her pitch for an all womens' Final 3 but Makensy chose to keep Cam.

Taylor points out that Makensy has won 9 comps this season, but does that weigh into whether she wins the game? Angela says the comps were extremely hard and Makensy has been a resilient warrior. Leah agrees the odds were against her from week one when she was accused (by Angela) of being in a showmance, being left out of alliances, and taking her out.

Quinn respects Makensy winning comps but he's still hung up on why Makensy put up Leah for eviction because it was not good for her game. He wants to understand from Makensy why taking out Leah benefited her and not Chelsie the most. Kimo agrees Makensy's moves may have been largely influenced by Chelsie. Taylor notes that Chelsie's 4 HoH wins tied the record for the most in a season. Rubina notes that Chelsie is very well-spoken and persuasive in a strategic, nonthreatening way. 

Quinn takes it a step further and says Chelsie would lie to other Houseguests in a way that they believe her. You can't even fact check her lies, he exclaims, but for him, Chelsie needs to own her game and not claim to be super honest. 

Angela thinks Chelsie did not practice good jury management and felt like a game piece to her and was very abrupt with her. Didn't you do that too this season, Taylor asks, and Angela admits she did, but I didn't like it happening to me. The other Jurors groan as Angela admits she's looking in the mirror and she's spicy. Isn't being spicy just another form of being bitter? Yes, I'm bitter too, Angela confesses.

T'kor values a social and strategic game more than comp wins and has mad respect for the game Chelsie has played, getting others to take shots for her, like Makensy. Angela suggests Makensy could be taking those shots for herself. Leah agrees that Chelsie did send Houseguests to the Jury House feeling bitter, and alsoT'kor agrees her jury management wasn't the best.

Taylor turns to Cam. T'kor says he played the game she wanted to play, a social game, handling stressful situations and making everyone feel like he cared. Quinn points out Cam was in a majority alliance at the start of the game, The Collective, and it was Cam that brought Quinn into The Pentagon, which was news to the other Jurors. He was in the room making those decisions, Quinn points out, that influenced the game later on. Leah adds that Cam was never a target. 

Kimo reminds the group that Cam was a D1 athlete, which led to a conversation as to whether he was throwing comps. Rubina doesn't think so, saying he tried hard and just could not win. He didn't suck, T'kor observes, he came in 2nd in a lot. Kimo says he adapted when he couldn't win. You can't get to the end with only winning, Rubina posits, she wants the winner to be well-rounded: social, strategic, and competitions.

Anyone getting to Jury is a testament to strength, Quinn declares, and getting to Final 3 is a testament to invincibility. Angela wants the winner to be someone who made public moves on their own. It's not about you, Taylor teases. Kimo wants to know what each of them did, what moves they made, and to own them. All the Jury members nod in agreement.

Chelsie and Makensy are standing in separate booths with an animated digital background behind them. You ladies clean up nicely, Julie Chen Moonves tells them. Cam is in the Living Room watching on the screen. 

This competition is called Data Destruction. In the wake of AINSLI's destruction, it has been discovered that she has placed corrupt data in the BB system. Your job is to identify this corrupt data so that it can be destroyed. 

You will be shown a series of video. In each video, one Jury Member's avatar will make 3 statements about their game. One of those statements is corrupt and false. You must answer which one is the corrupt and false statement. Each correct answer receives a point. The Houseguest with the most correct answers after 6 videos will become the final HoH of the season.

First Video: Quinn's avatar claims he was:
A) Saved by the Power of Veto exactly one time
B) The 3rd Houseguest to be evicted as a replacement nominee
C) The 10th Houseguest to fall off the wall in the "Firewall" HoH competition

Makensy quickly selects her chip tile while Chelsie thinks it through. Both chose C. Quinn was the 11th Houseguest to fall, not the 10th.

The second video is from T'kor's avatar in which she claims she:
A) Won the 5th Head of Household competition
B) Did not compete in a Veto competition until she became HoH
C) Was never nominated for eviction during a nomination ceremony.

Chelsie quickly grabs B but Makensy is less sure of her selection. Chelsie swaps out her answer for A. Chelsie displays her answer when called to lock them in. Makensy turns her chip around when told to reveal her answer, and also has A. Both are correct. Tucker won the 5th HoH competition.

In Video #3, Leah says she was:
A) Evicted with the same number of votes as Joseph
B) The last player to compete in the "AINSLI LAND" HoH competition
C) Nominated for eviction twice this season.

Both quickly reach for their chip cards and reveal them to be C. They are correct - Leah was only nominated for eviction once this season.

In Video #4, Angela says she was:
A) Put on the block 7 times this season
B) Received a total of 8 votes to evict throughout the season
C) On the block during 4 Live Eviction votes.

That's a great question, Julie, Makensy says as Chelsie ponders the answer herself. Both women say they don't know this one. Both select B and both are correct. Angela received a total of 7 votes to evict this season.

The two are giggly as they remain neck-and-neck heading into the fifth video.

In Video #5, Kimo says that:
A) Angela was saved by the Power of Veto more times than he was
B) He competed in every HoH and Veto competition that Leah won.
C) He competed in the first and last AI Arena competitions.

Chelsie quickly grabs her A chip, while Makensy expresses less certainty. Chelsie continues to play by her own rules by revealing her answer immediately instead of waiting until asked to. Still, when Makensy reveals her answer, it matches Chelsie, meaning that the score is now tied 5-5 with one video remaining. The audience is audibly impressed.

In the 6th and final video, Rubina's avatar says she:
A) Hosted the 4th Veto competition
B) Received exactly 2 votes to evict the first time she was on the block
C) When she won the AI Arena, Quinn was HoH.

Chelsie quickly grabbed the B chip, while Makensy studied the three statements a moment longer. Chelsie reconsiders and pulls the A chip instead. Lock in your answers, Julie tells her. Chelsie, lock in, Makensy pushes with a laugh. OK, Chelsie replies, laughing.

Chelsie's A answer is already visible. When Julie orders Makensy to reveal her answer, it is B and a murmur can be heard from the audience. Someone is about to win.  The false statement is B - Rubina received 3 votes to evict the first time she was on the block.

Makensy has won Part III of the Final HoH competition and now has the sole vote to evict the final Juror.

As the two ladies return to the Living Room, Cam remarks how cool it was to watch them on the video screen. He invites Chelsie to sit next to him in the nomination chairs.

Now facing elimination, Cam pleaded with Makensy to bring him to the final two, acknowledging the respect he had for her game, she has earned where she is in the game. Julie Chen Moonves again had to remind him to thank his dogs at the crib. I'm just looking out for you, she chides, and your dogs.

Chelsie also made her case, complimenting her parents and stating she cannot benefit Makensy's game anymore. Make a decision that makes you proud, she says, asking her to consider the possibility of two women sitting at the end. 

Julie Chen Moonves tells Makensy she is now guaranteed at least second place but who she now chooses to evict could be a $750k decision. Makensy pretends to not be ready. Now, she mouths? 

Makensy said last week she made a decision based off loyalty and will do the same this week, evicting Cam. She wasn’t afraid to face a tough opponent and that she wanted to honor the loyalty she and Chelsie had shown each other throughout the game.

At 9:58 p.m., Cam spoke with Julie after his eviction, stating that while he wasn't surprised by Makensy's decision, it would be difficult for him to sit next to Chelsie in the finale. He acknowledged his performance in the game, noting his single competition win, and said that if he had won the final HOH, he would have made the same loyal decision and taken Chelsie with him to the final two.

Both of y'all did your thing, Cam tells Chelsie and Makensy, you deserve it. He exits the House at a brisk walk and embraces Julie Chen Moonves in front of the audience. Inside, a sobbing Chelsie embraces Makensy in gratitude. Thank you so much, she says, we deserve this. Neither knows what to say to the Jury. They celebrate Makensy's 11th win of the season.

Outside the House, Cam is not surprised to have been evicted. Those two have had each others' back the whole game, he says, but it does suck. He thinks it will be tough to sit next to Chelsie - she's a preacher and knows how to talk and can persuade the Jury. Makensy knows it's not a slam dunk, as Julie put it, but she's a competitor. 

Julie points out he was a wide receiver at Penn State but won only one competition. How does BB compare to being a D1 athlete? Cam replies this has been the most humbling experience. He struggled losing all those comps, it hurt to come in so confident and leave so humble. He admits it was just a little finesse, telling Makensy he would take her if he won; Chelsie was his A1 since Day 1 and he would have taken her.

The first six members of the Jury take the stage and nobody is shocked when Cam is revealed as the final juror. Julie revealed that Makensy had won the Final HoH. The Jurors were allowed to ask a total of six questions, three for Chelsie and three for Makensy. They have agreed as a group on the questions. 

Angela asks Chelsie if the Jury's perception that she was at the center of a lot of lies and deception was accurate. Yes and no, Chelsie replies, she knew when to speak up and when to shut up. There were things she was aware of in the game that she kept to herself if it wasn't strategically beneficial to reveal it. Timing was everything, she explained, she didn't set out to be deceitful but she was wise with how she used the information she had.

Quinn tells Makensy that the Jury feels she made strategic decisions at the behest of Chelsie. What strategic decision did she make that solely benefited her game the most? Makensy points to evicting Leah, saying she had escaped nomination for 10 weeks and was a threat in the game. Yes, others had concerns about her, but it was her decision alone. 

T'kor tells Chelsie that the Jury believes she had a lot of influence in the game. What was the biggest move she influenced someone else to make that benefited her more than them? Chelsie says she had power in her words and her greatest move was convincing Makensy to use the Veto on someone she couldn't stand, namely Angela, to get Quinn out. Second, to get Makensy to put up Leah because she had been targeting her for a while. I put in the work, she says, convinced Makensy to put up one of her greatest allies using facts. That benefited me in the long run. 

Leah compliments Makensy on her competition record but asks about her social game. Makensy recalls that she had 2 alliances blow up in the first week and had no alliances after that. She stuck with Chelsie after Chelsie had lost everyone, and was safe whenever Chelsie was HoH. She kept Chelsie safe as well, which is why they are here now. 

Rubina asks Chelsie what she did in the game to earn the title of Big Brother Winner and represent the season. Chelsie responded she did not want to rely just on comp wins to survive, but wanted to position herself to be safe even if she didn't win. She was strategic, she was social, and she was skillful. She made wise decisions, knew when and when not to speak, and made sure there was always another target or another perspective of looking at the game to minimize herself as a threat. She put in the work daily building relationships with everyone. 

Chelsie then says she had the most HoH comps of the season, put up 12 nominees, 8 Houseguests, half the House, and only saw the block once. I won when I wanted to, not when I had to. I didn't have to win today. I knew I would be sitting here even if Makensy won because my social game was strong. Not only am I a superfan, she said animatedly, not only am I from Rancho Cucamonga, not only am I Auntie Julie's niece, but I am a good player. Mic drop.

Throughout Chelsie's animated defense of her game, Makensy remained perfectly poised.

Kimo asks the same question of Makensy. Makensy says she was a comp beast, but Tucker was before her. She took him out in the AI Arena and sent him home. That cleared her way to win comps to the end. She had a target on her back from the moment she walked into the House, was in a showmance, had an alliance formed against her, put up on the block because she was a D1 athlete, put up against the biggest threats in the House, the men, and she took them out herself. 

Pointing to Chelsie, Makensy says they both earned their spots in the Final 2, and it doesn't matter what the Jury says, she played a dang good game.

Cam has listened to the previous questions and is allowed to ask a question to either Chelsie or Makensy. He asks Chelsie how her game is different from Makensy's game. Chelsie replies it was her social game that kept her off the block week after week, didn't have to rely on comp wins, to position herself that even when she didn't win, her social game carried her to the end. 

People wanted to take her to the end with them, she claimed. She could win when she wanted, beating 2 D1 athletes in the endurance comp. She could have won more early in the game, she could have been in a showmance early in the game, but in this game, if you're in a showmance, if you're too cliquey, if you show your cards too early, you'll be kicked out just like Tucker. 

On a roll and with the Jury wrapped around her finger, Chelsie continues to say her game was not one-sided but was like a diamond, beautiful from multiple perspectives. Makensy had a great game, but I had more. Even Makensy had to laugh at that.

In her final Jury plea, Chelsie says she literally started from the bottom as a microchip and now is here (Even Julie has a slight smile in her normally businesslike persona). It's not how you start the game but how you finish it, how you continue to get up. I knew early on I did not want to have to rely on comps but to position myself socially to have people I could rely upon. I knew that both Cam and Makensy would take me to the end. 

Yes, Makensy has had more wins than my six, but she's played in more competitions. I've actually had a higher winning percentage, but I've proven myself in the game. I was smart, I was strategic, I was social, I was skillful. I was a diamond and you could look at my game and say that was beautiful. I told myself I didn't have to play hard, just smart. 

Makensy says she's not as good with words as Chelsie but her game speaks for itself. She planned to play the game one way but was forced to play it a different way when she had an early target on her back with the showmance, the majority alliance formed against her, she was put on the block 4 times. That's the reason she played in more comps than Chelsie.

What I had to do in the game was to win, Makensy states, so that is what I did. I was put up against huge competitors, proved myself worthy of winning, stayed respectful and graceful, and treated everyone with kindness. I'm not afraid of competitors which is why I'm not afraid of being next to Chelsie. I didn't have the opportunity to have a social game like hers. She's here because I protected her. I could be one of the youngest women to win Big Brother. 

Makensy compliments Chelsie's parents and says whatever the Jury decides, they cannot make a bad decision.

It is now time for the Jury to vote for the winner of Big Brother Season 26.

Quinn votes for the most diabolical, sick, nasty player of the season. You know you can't vote for yourself, right, Julie Chen Moonves quips. I didn't say handsome, Quinn retorts.

T'kor votes for the person who slayed all season.

Leah votes for one of the most beautiful people this season.

Angela votes for the player who played Big Brother the best.

Kimo votes for one of you.

Rubina votes for someone who is taller than her.

Cam votes for the competitor who earned their way to a win.

The voting is now complete. It's time to reunite with the pre-Jury Houseguests. Please welcome back Matt, Kenny, Brooklyn, Lisa, Cedric, Tucker, and Joseph!

Cedric, it is worth noting, got a haircut and is looking very dapper in a plumb suit. Julie Chen Moonves points out that Joseph almost did not come because his home in Tampa, Florida was impacted by both Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Some of his personal items have been ruined, and his parents are still without power. Julie urges everyone to keep the Florida communities affected in their thoughts and prayers.

Cedric says what surprised him the most watching from home was how much of a roller-coaster the season turned out to be, from them all going home on their allies' HoH to the BB AI Arena, just backstabbing and craziness through and through. 

Julie calls out Tucker for the disagreement he had with Cedric over whether he was warned about not having the votes if he didn't use the Veto on himself. I saw it all, he drawls and apologizes to Cedric. He admits he was wrong 100%. 

Lisa's biggest jaw-dropping moment was how different Chelsie was in the DR. She was so calm, cool, and collected in the House but she was a completely different person in the DR. Tucker was surprised by meeting Rubina, the cutest, best surprise of his life. He even brought her roses and she gave him a warm embrace before pushing him away, saying they already kissed enough in the House.

Julie points out that Tucker was eager to pursue a relationship outside the House. Rubina says she was trying to maintain her expectations and emotions, but yes, please. No pressure, Julie reminds them, but Big Brother has resulted in more successful marriages than The Bachelor or Bachelorette. One step at a time, Tucker cautions.

Julie calls out Makensy for upgrading her description of Matt from a flirtmance to a showmance. Where would you like this whatever-mance to go? Matt excitedly awaits her answer. We only got 10 days together, Makensy points out, and that's his fault, so a conversation is due. I've been waiting a long time for a conversation, Matt replies. 

Matt also clears the air that going home the first week turned out to be a positive experience and thanks her, because it has given him a platform. He repeats what he said that day that he forgave her, and he knows from the live feeds that she was wondering if he would hug her on Finale night. Angela denies saying that and says it's not necessary. They hug it out. 

Awkward, Chelsie whispers to Makensy in the Living Room.

Angela stands by how she felt at the time and wasn't sorry to see him go, though she's happy to see him here. She thinks he has a promising future and claims she wanted to see them have a showmance all along. They don't need her blessing but they have it. 

Brooklyn says has no regrets but she does want to point out that she was not alone in the alleged theft of the Charcuterie. Clips of the great charcuterie caper are played, leaving everyone laughing. Brooklyn says the children were hungry and it was Makensy's idea. She promises to have a beautiful board waiting for her in Utah when she comes to visit.

There was one big secret in the House, a series of avatars that churned up controversy in the House. Quinn guesses it was either Archnemesis Tucker or Cam. He would be devastated if it was Joseph. You sent me home, Joseph points out. 

Will the person responsible for those messages reveal and explain themselves? Tucker stands up, to Rubina's astonishment. Tucker says there is one I really need to explain. That was the worst feeling I ever felt, he tells Rubina, even though you have the cutest cry-face ever. Now she has on her mad face.

Tucker explains they had talked about how it would be easier if they took their showmance public, and Quinn had seen them holding hands, so he thought he could bring their relationship out into the open and blame Quinn. He walks over to Rubina to offer an apology but she puts out her hand and says no. Then she hugs him. Then she slaps him with the flowers. 

Julie clarifies that Tucker thought he was doing a good thing by outing them and then he was devastated when she was reduced to tears. How did he think that would make it easier, she mumbles. It doesn't matter now, but at that moment, that's all that was being said about her, and she didn't want it to be her only storyline. 

Julie reveals that the reason Tucker was in that position was because America voted for him to become the BB Instigator, though Julie does not mention that he won $20k for his troubles.

It is time for Julie Chen Moonves to drop some news on the Jury and Final 2, namely who is running for President. She reveals that Joe Biden dropped out and now Vice President Kamala Harris is running against former President Donald Trump. But wait, there's more, Tucker teases. What's more, Julie cuts in, is that everyone here and at home should vote. 

And now it is the moment of truth. Who will be crowned the winner of Big Brother and walk out the door with the $750k grand prize?

One at a time, Julie Chen Moonves will pull the keys of each Juror indicating who they want to win. You need at least 4 votes to win.


Quinn cast his vote for Chelsie.
T'kor cast her vote for Chelsie. There is resignation in Makensy's eyes.
Leah cast her vote for Chelsie. Chelsie begins tearing up in anticipation.
Angela has voted for...
Congratulations, Chelsie! You are the winner of Big Brother! Ladies, come on out!

After a quick hug, they waste no time leaving the Big Brother House and joining their fellow former housemates in the studio. Chelsie is hanging onto Makensy for support. Cedric is the first to hug her as her parents watch from the audience. All the Houseguests greet and congratulate each other, tears streaming down Chelsie's face.

Chelsie whispers something to Angela who tells her it's OK, she deserves it. Matt jumps up and down like a giddy schoolboy, while Kenny stands there awkwardly. Brooklyn and Rubina do a quick line dance.

For the record, Kimo, Rubina, and Cam also voted for Chelsie, making the Jury's decision unanimous. 

But there is another prize up for grabs. Julie Chen Moonves reveals that the top three vote-getters for America's Favorite Houseguest were Angela, Tucker, and Quinn. And the person who received the most votes, taking home the $50k prize, is Tucker! 

Tucker says to America thank you for seeing me for me, and he hopes he can inspire others to be confident in themselves whether you're a goofy, weird, wild dude or not. To thine own shelf be true. Ride it up, baby! 

This is a history-making moment, Julie Chen Moonves points out. It is the first time that America's Favorite Houseguest was a pre-Jury Houseguest. 

Makensy will go home with $75k. She says she came here for the experience, not the money, and if she couldn't win, she wanted Chelsie to win.

Chelsie says she feels so blessed, she's been a fan of Big Brother since she was 13 and worked hard over the last 90 days. She just wants to go see her dog.

Thank you for an incredible, unprecedented season. From outside the Big Brother House, I'm Julie Chen Moonves. We'll see you again next summer!

Let's say this last line together: Love one another.

Wait, Julie silences everyone, I'm being told something is happening inside the House.


Is it the resurrection of AINSLI?

No, it's JANKIE in the PROTO Hologram box in the Living Room. A new JANKIE head floats down from the heavens and descends onto the crumpled corpse of the AI who just wanted to have fun. The Houseguests chant JANKIE as the bot comes back to artificial life. He twirls around as electricity rejuvenates his Large Language Model. 

Woah! What happened, asks JANKIE. Destroying AINSLI rebooted me! That's right, your best friend is back! 

For those who experienced JANKIE's World, the reality of the moment sets in and you can hear Rubina moan, NO!

How about one more sing-a-long, JANKIE asks as the former Houseguests cry out in anguish. 


Julie leads them in singing J-A-N-K-I-E Jankie Jankie, You Love Me. Follow the bouncing bot! Ice cream, Dancing, So much fun, Jankie, Jankie, number one! Jankie Jankie, our best friend!

Another round cries JANKIE as the former Houseguests hug and the Finale comes to an end.


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