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Fred Flamingo Big Brother Season 26 Blog - 26th Post

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We are down to the Final 4, and two of the three Final 3 spots have been claimed by Chelsie as Head of Household and Makensy as the winner of the final Golden Power of Veto. No big surprise there. 


I have been studying humans through Big Brother for longer than AINSLI has been processing bits and bites, and using my expansive knowledge of the last 25 seasons, here is my expert opinion. 


Chelsie has secured her Final 3 spot, so her primary focus needs to be on best positioning herself to reach Final 2. Secondary to that is convincing the jury she deserves their vote. Of the two post-veto Nominees, Cam is the most likely to take her to Final 2 if he somehow wins the Final HoH; Rubina is more likely to take Chelsie. But as HoH, she doesn't have a vote. However, she does have a voice, and she has used it effectively all season to maneuver Makensy into doing what she wants. She will have to decide whether she needs Rubina's Jury Vote, though, and that means treading lightly until the eviction.


Makensy has also secured her Final 3 spot, so her primary focus, as with Chelsie, is to best position herself to reach Final 2. In this case, she likely realizes Cam is more loyal to Chelsie than to herself, so keeping Rubina is the better choice. But at the same time, she doesn't want to lose Cam's Jury Vote even as she evicts him just before the Final 3, and she also does not want to upset Chelsie right at the finish line, giving Rubina an opening to get into Chelsie's good graces.


Rubina does not appear to be in control of her own destiny, but she has more power than it might appear. Her focus has to be on ensuring Makensy chooses an all-female Final 3 over staying true to her allies. However, she doesn't want to burn bridges with Chelsie by campaigning hard against Cam because that could be the difference between coming in 3rd and battling it out in front of the Jury.


Cam doesn't appear to be in control of anything, which, depending on how the other three Houseguests are thinking, could be his greatest power. He has a completely blank resume, with no comp wins, no strategic moves, and other than being affable, no deep connections outside of Chelsie to call a social game. His best pitch might be to recognize that his value to Makensy is having no claim to any Jury Votes, making him the ideal pawn to carry to the finale.


It is not clear, however, whether Cam fully appreciates this argument; he is just as likely to rely on Makensy being loyal to Chelsie and himself. That would probably be a fatal move, considering he knows Makensy distrusts his motivation in competitions.


But enough of what I think. Let's see how your favorite flamingo stacks up against OpenAI's ChatGPT:

With Chelsie winning Final 4 HoH and Makensy winning Final 4 Veto, discuss how each of the Final 4 guests should think of the other three Houseguests in terms of Final 3 and Final 2 strategies.



With Chelsie winning the Final 4 HoH and Makensy securing the Power of Veto, the dynamics within the Final 4 of the Big Brother house become extremely delicate. Each remaining Houseguest—Chelsie, Makensy, Cam, and Rubina—must carefully consider their strategic relationships and weigh their options for the Final 3 and Final 2 based on competition ability, jury perception, and personal loyalty. Here's how each houseguest might view the others in terms of positioning themselves to have the best chance of winning the game.

Chelsie’s Perspective

As the Final 4 HoH, Chelsie has already secured her spot in the Final 3, but her power is somewhat limited because Makensy holds the Veto and will decide who goes home. Chelsie needs to think carefully about her ideal Final 3 and Final 2 partners, both from a competition and jury perspective.


  • Makensy: Makensy has proven to be a fierce competitor, winning multiple competitions, including the crucial Final 4 Veto. If Chelsie brings Makensy to the Final 3, she risks facing a strong competitor in the upcoming endurance and mental challenges that will determine the Final HoH. Additionally, Makensy’s comp wins could make her appealing to the jury as a strong player. However, Chelsie might also consider that Makensy could be loyal to her in a Final 2, especially if they’ve built a strong alliance throughout the game.

  • Cam: Cam is likely seen as the least threatening in terms of competition ability, as he hasn’t been as dominant as Makensy. This could make him an ideal person to bring to the Final 3 because Chelsie might feel more confident about beating him in the final HoH. However, Chelsie must consider Cam’s jury management and social game. He could be perceived as a “floater,” which might work in Chelsie’s favor if they sit next to each other in a Final 2, but it also means he could have connections with jury members who appreciate his low-key style.

  • Rubina: Rubina’s social game has made her a potential jury threat, as she could have strong personal connections with those already evicted. However, Rubina hasn’t been as dominant in competitions, which could make it easier for Chelsie to beat her in the Final 3 HoH. Additionally, if Chelsie considers loyalty a key factor, she might see Rubina as a safer bet to bring to the Final 2, as Rubina could be less likely to win against her in front of the jury.

Makensy’s Perspective

Makensy, holding the all-important Veto, has the power to decide who stays and who goes at the Final 4 eviction. As a strong competitor, she must weigh her options carefully to ensure she’s not sitting next to someone who could outshine her in the end.


  • Chelsie: Chelsie is a strong player who has demonstrated strategic prowess and physical ability by winning the Final 4 HoH. Makensy has to be wary of bringing Chelsie to the Final 2, as Chelsie might be viewed favorably by the jury for her overall game performance. However, if Makensy feels that she has outplayed Chelsie in competitions, she might be confident that the jury would recognize her comp wins and strategic moves, giving her an edge in a Final 2 situation.

  • Cam: Cam is likely seen as the weakest competition threat, which could make him an appealing option for Makensy to bring to the Final 3. However, Makensy might also see Cam as a social threat if the jury perceives him as an underdog who avoids making enemies. If Cam gets to the Final 2, the jury might reward him for his social maneuvering, even if he hasn’t been as dominant in competitions. Makensy has to decide whether keeping Cam is a safer option or whether he could surprise her by rallying the jury’s support.

  • Rubina: Makensy has to weigh whether keeping Rubina benefits her game. Rubina has a strong social game and could have considerable jury support, especially if the jury respects her ability to stay under the radar while avoiding eviction. In terms of competition ability, Makensy might feel confident that she can beat Rubina in the final HoH, but Rubina’s jury connections make her a risky choice for a Final 2 opponent.

Cam’s Perspective

Cam, as one of the more low-key competitors in the Final 4, must rely on his social game to secure a spot in the Final 3. His strategy will likely focus on convincing Makensy to keep him and making deals that guarantee him safety moving forward.



  • Chelsie: From Cam’s perspective, Chelsie could be both a threat and an ally. On one hand, Chelsie has won competitions and could be a favorite to win the Final 3 HoH. On the other hand, if Cam feels that he can make a compelling case to the jury about his social game, sitting next to Chelsie in the Final 2 might not be the worst scenario. He could argue that he played a low-key, strategic game while Chelsie was viewed as more of a target throughout the season.

  • Makensy: Makensy’s competition dominance is likely intimidating for Cam, as she could easily win the final HoH and choose to evict him. Cam should aim to stay on Makensy’s good side and convince her that keeping him in the Final 3 benefits her. He could argue that she has a better chance of beating him in the final competitions, while also pitching that he would take her to the Final 2 over Chelsie or Rubina.

  • Rubina: Cam may see Rubina as both a competitor and a potential ally. Rubina hasn’t won many competitions, so Cam might feel confident in beating her in the final HoH. However, Rubina’s social game could make her a jury favorite, so Cam has to carefully consider whether keeping Rubina in the Final 3 increases or decreases his chances of winning the game.

Rubina’s Perspective

Rubina is in a precarious position as she’s not in control of the Veto or HoH. Her best move is to use her social game to stay in the house for one more round and solidify her place in the Final 3.


  • Chelsie: Rubina may see Chelsie as a threat due to her ability to win competitions and the strong relationships she has built in the game. However, Rubina could also argue to Chelsie that taking her to the Final 3 is beneficial, as Chelsie might have a better chance of beating her in competitions. Rubina should emphasize loyalty and pitch herself as someone Chelsie can beat in the Final 2 while downplaying her social relationships with the jury.

  • Makensy: As the Veto holder, Makensy has all the power, and Rubina needs to convince her that keeping her around benefits her game. Rubina might argue that she’s a weaker competition threat and thus easier to beat in the Final 3 HoH. However, she must also be careful not to appear too threatening in terms of jury votes, as Makensy might see her as a social threat and opt to evict her.

  • Cam: Rubina might view Cam as someone she could beat in the final HoH, but she must also consider how he’s perceived by the jury. If the jury views Cam as an underdog who played a strong social game, Rubina could lose to him in a Final 2 scenario. Therefore, Rubina’s best move might be to advocate for keeping the women together and pushing Cam out, while ensuring she’s not the next target.


At this stage in the game, each Houseguest needs to carefully consider not only their competition strength but also the social dynamics of the jury. Chelsie, Makensy, Cam, and Rubina each have different strengths and weaknesses, and the decision of who to take to the Final 3 and potentially the Final 2 will be based on balancing immediate competition risks with long-term jury management.


Ultimately, the player who can navigate these final decisions with a clear understanding of their position relative to the other houseguests—and who can manage the jury’s perception of their game—will have the best chance of walking away with the grand prize.



So who do you think is more on target, ChatGPT or yours truly, Fred Flamingo? What do you think is going to happen?


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