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Tuesday, September 3, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 26 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  Big Brother Season 26 - Discussion Forum

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here) until Sunday, November 5, when Daylight Saving Time ends. 

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.


Get the Morty's TV Big Brother Season 26 HG Reference Guide today!

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Have-Not Room (HNR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)
Lounge Area Across from the HoH room.  (LOFT)
Theme bedroom [Unicorn in the garden] (UBR)


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Morty's TV Chat. Stop in and talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
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9:41AM BBT

The feeds return to Kimo being silly in the bathroom pretending to conduct a veto meeting while intoxicated. "Can you imagine? It's tiiiiiime foooor the veeeeto meeeeeting, and guess whooo hassss it?" They all laugh.



9:50AM BBT 

In the SR, Leah is talking with Kimo about how the label on her mic pack is peeling. She asks production if they can fix it. She begins peeling the label off saying they will just replace it.

BB: Please stop! One moment, please.

Leah: Oh!

Kimo laughs





10:05AM BBT

Leah, T'kor and Rubina are talking in the Unicorn Bedroom about how hard this game is after you have created attachments with people.

Rubina: But this game is mostly run by, you know, men...just like in business.

Leah brings up that anger is an emotion, too, so it is not fair that men use women's emotions against them.





In the kitchen, MJ, Cam, Kimo, Chelsie and Angela discuss what their television shows would be called.

Chelsie says her show would be a comedy.

Cam says his would be "Kicking it with Cam. Like a Hanging With Mr. Cooper vibe." 

Quinn: It would be Dr. Quinn Medicine Man on CW. A period piece.

MJ: What are all these channels? I just did not watch TV growing up. I don't know channels.

They explain the types of shows on CW.

Chelsie says MJ's show would be MakDaddy. MJ says it would be "MJ's Monologue"





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10:13AM BBT

BB: Quinn, please go to the Diary Room Downstairs

MJ: Have fun!

Joseph says he has never watched a single episode of Friends.


Cam asks Angela what her show would be called

Angela: It's a talk show called 'Let's Talk with Angela'


10:24AM BBT

In the Unicorn Bedroom, it appears T'kor has fallen back to sleep. Leah is telling Rubina about her breakup with her boyfriend who put her up in a really nice apartment and paid for everything. She says breaking it off with him was really hard, financially, but she did it.




10:27AM BBT

Joe and Cam are playing bumper pool in the loft.

{It's a good thing Tucker was able to fix the bumper pool table given everyone claims it is the best entertainment they have in the house. -ML]



10:32AM BBT

Leah is massaging Kimo's back in the kitchen. "Massages are my favorite thing to do. You have a few knots. If I had lotion, I could go hard."

Angela: There is lotion in the bathroom

Leah: I'll get some lotion and we will go hard.

Angela: Oh, that is such a gift.



10:36AM BBT

Angela is telling Kimo about her "bonus sons" and how happy she is that they (son-in-laws) "love her daughters hard, "They would clear a path for them. As a mom, that is everything knowing my girls are loved so much." She wants to shout out to them during her next speech.


10:38AM BBT

Angela heads into the bathroom where Leah tells her she is happy to have finally "done something for me." They hug. Leah asks Angela if he has talked to her. Angela says Quinn won't even look at her, but Joseph has pulled her aside twice. "Swan song? He apologized for that, again. He hasn't asked me for my vot eto stay, btu I want to do what you want!"

Leah: I'll keep you posted. I am so happy!

Angela: I'm like, what can I give her? I can give her my loyalty and my vote. I can do that.

Leah: The easy thing would be not to upset and keep them the same, but I don't like to do easy. I'm like, they are not gonna do things just for me, and that's fine, but if I have the opportunity to do something just for me, I'm gonna do it. I don't know why it's okay for everyone to have their person (T'kor/Kimo, Chelsie/Cam) but I can't have someone who is loyal to me?

Angela: I thought the same thing!

Leah: I could not have you leave before at least making it to jury. You going home didn't make sense to me. Afterwards, I looked at Quinn and said, I'm sorry I didn't do what you wanted, but you'll see it was the best decision. You are the only person who I feel has an unwavering loyalty to me. 

Angela: You have that with me, Leah!


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Leah: I control my own game. 




10:50AM BBT

In the loft, Chelsie is chatting with Rubina, T'kor, Cam and Joseph about random life topics while thumbing through the Bible.


They begin playing the "Say the Same Word" game.

Cam: Okay, car and scratch

T'kor and Cam together: 3,2,1...

T'kor: Key

Cam: Bumper

Kimo walks upstairs and approaches Chelsie, "Oh my God. Can I have your autograph?"

Cam: She doesn't sign autographs

Chelsie: I only use my initials so I have time to talk to people.

Cam says Kimo  was asking MJ for her autograph and he was responding about MJ. Chelsie argues that is not true.

Cam: What did I do?

Kimo continues asking the HGs for their autograph (is this his form of campaigning? Weird!)

Leah and Angela walk upstairs.

Angela pretends to take pictures of Leah with Kimo.

Leah: Thank you. Have a great rest of your day.

Kimo: Good Morning Angels!

All the females: Good Morning Charlie!




10:56AM BBT

Leah gets Kimo settled on the couch and begins massaging his back with lotion.



The Same Word game continues in the loft with everyone but Quinn and Joseph playing.


11:07AM BBT

WBRB Fishies


11:08AM BBT

Quinn is soaking in the HoH bathtub





Quinn's hat got wet in the tub.


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2:17PM BBT

The topic of conversation in the loft is focused on the differences between the generations based on their life experiences. (generation gaps)



Although, it appears many of the HGs have fallen asleep.



Chelsie walks into the loft and notices a lot of sleepers.

Leah: Yeah, my stories put people to sleep.



2:33PM BBT

T'kor and Chelsie are whispering in the bathroom about the votes.


Chelsie tells T'kor that Tucker and Cam had a final two.

They laugh over Tucker getting himself evicted because he didn't like Quinn wearing Rubina's skirt.

Chelsie says she knows Cam wouldn't put her or Leah on the block if he won HoH.

 Chelsie: I don't think you should try to win HoH next week.

T'kor: Okay

Chelsie: But at the same time, do what you want to do. I don't want to win next week, either. Maybe the next week.

T'kor: The best people to win next week would be Angela or Rubina

Chelsie agrees.

Joseph enters the bathroom and breaks up this conversation. Topic of conversation moves to the Same Word game.

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Chelsie tells T'kor and Joe that Angela approached her for a final two within 5 minutes of entering the house, "And then she did the same thing to Kimo"


2:54PM BBT

BB shows us all of the sleepers in the loft one at a time. The cameras zoon in on faces, feet, hands....but no warnings to wake up.











2:59PM BBT


Kimo: And with that, thank you so much for attending my guided meditation.

The HGs now scatter in search of sustenance.


3:00PM BBT

Leah plans to make chili tomorrow, so she asks Kimo to request hamburger buns and fries.

BB: Leah, please go to the Diary Room downstairs.

Leah: Perf! I'll ask.

Kimo: You sure?

Leah: Yeah!


MJ: Well, the days where we are stuck inside really do suck!

Quinn: It's fucked up.

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4:09PM BBT

Preparing food in the kitchen has become a full on stage production that Kimo says is a zombie musical

Cam: I was trying to save you, but she bit me

T'kor: You threw me

Cam: I was gonna save her, pick her up and run her away and then let it turn into song. You went off script.

Kimo: You were supposed to get a fever dream

Angela: Blood? Rubina, where are you bleeding

Rubina: In my mouth

Kimo: Round of applause

Rubina: Method acting

Kimo: There is a stage and film version. Other actors here, what do we think of Cam's performance?

T'kor: It was terrible. It was disrespectful the way he threw me.

MJ: It wasn't in the script



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4:43PM BBT

In the Unicorn Bedroom, T'kor tells Rubina that she feels like Quinn really messed up his HoH. 

Rubina: This week could have been very different.

They discuss that they still love Quinn but he screwed up.

T'kor: But I am still going to to try and maintain a good relationship with him. He still wants to work with me.



IMPORTANT: It's an actual formed  Women's Alliance...


4:48PM BBT

T'kor tells Rubina that it is best if she or Angela wins HoH next.

Rubina: Why? Because I have reason to put Quinn up?

T'kor: Yeah

Rubina: I know I need to try harder. Do more. Do better. There is a level of nervousness that hits when I know it's on the line. I don't know how Tucker did it, but I want to channel that.

T'kor: Well, both of y'all have experienced that before. Joseph hasn't

Rubina: Yeah

T'kor: Joseph hasn't had to play a single game for survival. Worst case scenario...Kimo leaves this week. If the woman thing doesn't work out, we go with Chelsie and Cam.

Rubina: I want a Plan A then we will reassess.

T'kor: I don't know what the next challenge will be, but I really believe we have a good shot. Makensy is on board. Leah alludes to being on board. Chelsie is on board. Angela is on board.

We bring Angela and Kimo for numbers to help us take out Quinn and Cam.

Rubina: Yeah

T'kor: We stick with the six women, and we keep moving forward

They both share the same sentiment that their new alliance is very diverse and represents many countries/cultures "Phlippines, England/Ghana, Russia, Texas..."

Rubina: I like the bigger purpose of uplifting women. Then I like the even bigger purpose of uplifting women of color. I love the name "Age Range"

T'kor: Me too!  





4:54PM BBT

All of the HGs are studying days/comps in the LR.



[Okay, y'all. So, according to the solidified women's alliance, the target is Joseph. If Joseph takes himself off the block, the target will be Kimo. I expect only Quinn (but he's not voting as HoH) and Cam would vote to save Joseph if he ends up still on the block. Was this the girls' plan all along? I strongly feel a few have wanted this, but Leah taking Angela down and Quinn putting Joseph up as the replacement certainly made this more possible. It will be an exciting live show on Thursday. -ML]


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