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Big Brother Season 26 - Episode 19 - HoH Competition & Nominations

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Previously on Big Brother, Brooklyn, Cam, and Chelsie competed in the AI Arena. Chelsie won the challenge, securing her safety. The house then scrambled to decide who to evict. Brooklyn pleaded to stay, but the Houseguests voted to send her home. Only Chelsie voted to keep her. During her exit interview, Chelsie stated she remained loyal to her original team and was honest about her choices.

Brooklyn's eviction marked a victory for Tucker, whose strategic focus had been on eliminating her from the beginning of his reign as Head of Household. Having won the AI Arena and secured her safety, Chelsie experienced a sense of relief. Her position as a replacement nominee had raised concerns that she might be a target for a backdoor eviction.

Leah felt compelled to follow the house vote, despite her personal attachment to one of the nominees. Her decision highlighted her perceived isolation within the game, as she felt she had no other option but to align with the majority.

The Houseguests faced off in the "Sound Bites" competition to determine the next Head of Household. The challenge involved a series of sound and video clips followed by questions that tested their recall. As the first question was asked, Angela and Quinn were the first to make errors and were promptly eliminated from the game. The second question proved difficult for Leah, Kimo, Makensy, and Cam, who were also eliminated after answering incorrectly.


With increasing suspense, the third question was presented. Joseph, Chelsie, and Rubina failed to answer correctly and were also eliminated. This left T’kor as the last Houseguest standing and the winner of the HoH competition after just three questions.

Though she was excited to have power this week, T’kor was keenly aware that she was in a precarious position, because she’s been playing the middle between multiple and overlapping groups of people. Right away, Cam was worried that he could be in trouble this week and Makensy was wondering why everyone was following T’kor around “like lost puppies,” insinuating that they were kissing up to the new HoH.

Kimo and Rubina felt comfortable with T’kor having the power this week, but Joseph and Leah also felt safe, that their loyalty in the last few votes would keep them off the block this week. Though Joseph is part of the Sixth Avenue alliance with T’kor, the original four members (T’kor, Rubina, Kimo and Tucker) did not feel like they’d need to keep Joseph and Angela protected through the entire game. As such, they formed a new sub-alliance called Friendzzzz.

The next day, Tucker was brought into the diary room for the news that America had voted him as the AI Instigator for the week with the intent of spreading misinformation in the Big Brother House. It would be up to him to choose a Houseguest avatar and dictate what they would say to the Houseguests at his own discretion, all with a chance of earning up to $20,000 in a subsequent America’s vote beginning Wednesday night. The catch was Tucker could not reveal to anyone what he was doing or why.

For his first act, Tucker chose the Quinn avatar. The Houseguets were started to hear Quinn calling them to the Living Room over the House speakers, none more so than Quinn. Once gathered, the Deep Fake Quinn declared that he caught Tucker and Rubina holding hands and that the house should have gotten Rubina out when they had the chance because “Tucker wouldn’t have been able to handle it.” He also ended it with: “Pentagon for life.”


No one understood why a message like that was delivered to them, weighing the option that it would be something to memorize for a future comp or another power upgrade that someone earned. Immediately, Rubina got in her feelings and wanted to know why someone would put her name out there like to make her seem like a threat. Tucker took her up to the HoH room to console her, but obviously could not disclose his role as the AI Instigator. He thought he was trying to “clear the air” in a fun way so that they wouldn’t have to hide their showmance, but that is not how Rubina took it (He's going to have to do some explaining after the game is over).

Angela had not enjoyed her week as a Have Not (putting it mildly), so as soon as her time on slop expired, she dove into the waiting BLT sandwich of her dreams alongside Joseph and Kimo. It was no charcuterie, of course, but it was everything she had been fantasizing about for days.

When Chelsie got her one-on-one time with T’kor, she was surprised to hear that she was one of the handful of people in the house who would be absolutely safe this week. The two of them committed to having each other’s backs until the end of the game.

In other meetings with T'kor, Makensy called Quinn the biggest threat in the game and noted that Angela seemed protected. Leah awkwardly avoided throwing out any names, Cam said that he doesn’t “personally” have a target yet he feels targeted, and Tucker offered to be a pawn if it would make her HoH easier despite not wanting to actually be nominated.

In one HoH confab, Angela bursts into the room in full-out tears. She takes a seat next to T'kor and states that she feels like she’s going home this week. T’kor, Kimo, and Rubina were all perplexed as to why she even felt in danger. T’kor assured her that she wasn’t even being considered.

At the nomination ceremony, T’kor revealed the digital portraits of Makensy, Cam, and Tucker as her three nominees. She said that the decision was difficult for her given the smaller pool of people to choose from and she hopes that one of them wins the veto to take themselves off the block.

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