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Sunday, August 25, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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3:27PM BBT

The feeds pop back to the HGs after an AI Insitigator message

Leah: I'm going to make everyone do a line-up


Rubina whispers to Quinn, "I think it's Angela!"

Quinn: DId you look at her face?

Rubina: It kind of looks like they are working together.

Quinn: Trust me...Joseph. Do you ever talk game?

Rubina: Not him or Cam



At the hot tub, Tucker, MJ and Cam are whispering.




Cam: Okay, when are we just gonna call it out though? We gotta call her out.

Rubina: Never? We just let her keep thinking.

Cam: Her face!

MJ: She was like this? (makes a f.ace)



Cam: I was just looking at her in the mirror

Rubina: The whole time

MJ: Immediately guilty. Okay!

Rubina: That one was for sure

MJ: Cause it sounded like the way she would put a joke together for sure. Like how she speaks. How she talks.

Tucker: For sure.



3:35PM BBT

In the kitchen, Chelsie, Angela and Kimo are prepping food. 

Chelsie says she doesn't understand why some are targeted while others don't get targeted at all. (by AI Instigator)


RCHS pops back on the feeds.


3:39PM BBT

The feeds pop back and nothing is out of the ordinary. It seems production just forgot to switch the feeds back to WBRB after the latest AI message.

Kimo is cooking burger patties. He asks T'kor if they look cooked, "I'm always worried with meat."

T'kor: Well, you have an interesting method because you put them all in at different times

Kimo: They look good, though.

Kimo begins singing

T'kor: You better be careful before they call you out

*silence for a minute* Then Angela begins singing, "Do do do do" She abruptly stops and laughs.


3:44PM BBT

Rubina whispers to T'kor and Kimo that she fell asleep outside and missed seeing who was going into the DR. Kimo says he saw Quinn come out celebrating because he loves all this AI drama.

Kimo: That was a Tucker move


Many feel like the Instigator is Angela.


In the SR, MJ tells Rubina to begin watching the way "she" is acting.  (I am pretty sure she means Angela)


3:51PM BBT

Chelsie, MJ and Rubina discuss Angela's punishment and how much respect they have for Angela powering through.


T'kor: Y'all still down for girls' night tonight?

Rubina: Hell yes!

MJ: Yes



In the backyard, Angela is swearing to Tucker that she doesn't have a final two "with her"

Tucker: I trust you

Angela: And the whole thing about the showmance? In this house, nobody cares.

Tucker says he is just worried she would vote him out. Angela feels strongly Rubina would never do that. Tucker says he has heard things from other people that tell him otherwise.

Angela: Actions mean everything

Tucker: True

Angela tells Tucker that Joseph is super smart "and someone you should have on your side. He knows this game and is brilliant." Tucker sways he hid that well i n the beginning, but they need to keep the 6 safe.


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Tucker: I wanted to win that veto so bad. And then I knew there was going to be a costume thing.




Tucker says he really wanted to do the costume as an epic adventure and part of the game, and he wanted to give "her" the money, "and her lip was quivering when I gave it to her."

Angela says it was a beautiful gesture. Angela says she knows Tucker is America's sweetheart because he is such an amazing person. Tucker says he and Rubina are doing great in the house, but he worries it won't be the same outside of the house. They are going to take it one day at a time.


Tucker: I doubt they are gonna put you up, but if they do, we are gonna flip the script and keep you here. I love you, and I am always gonna be here for you.

Angela: Thank you

Tucker: You have already proven everybody wrong once. You will do it again.

Angela: (through tears) I will do it again.

Angela heads inside.

Tucker: Shit! That sucks, dude. Oh, that sucks man.




4:08PM BBT

In the kitchen, Rubina is wearing a tin foil hat and giggling with Leah.




4:10PM BBT

In the Cave Bedroom, Tucker tells Cam that he still thinks his beef with Quinn is squashed and he would through him a bone since he took him off the block.

Cam: Well, I don't think it's Quinn. (AI Instigator)

Tucker says he knows it's not Quinn, but he has noticed that Angela is spending a lot of time with Joseph.

*Kittens from RCHS


The feeds are back.

Tucker: It makes me worried for the rest of the days

Cam: I think it's gonna get worse

Tucker: Hell, yeah

Cam: I think Tuesday will be bad, and then they'll ley you rest on Wednesday.


Tucker: I have no idea when it ends. They said a week. 

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4:29PM BBT

Kittens from RCHS


4:32PM BBT

The feeds pop back

Tucker says he is always up there

Chelsie: America is going to eat that up, though


4:36PM BBT

Most of the HGs are eating their lunch. Cam is sleeping. Rubina is in the DR in her foil hat.



Rubina comes out of the DR, "I did it!" Everyone laughs.

Chelsie says the hat looks ridiculous from the back.



Leah is making homemade pop tarts.


4:41PM BBT

Kimo and Tucker take their food outside. 

Kimo: Angela cornered me. Sha asked, 'Am I the renom?'

Tucker says he talked to Angela a long time, "I don't think it's her. I think it's Leah!"

Kimo says he does, too.

Rubina joins them.

Tucker tells Rubina that he talked with Angela, and he really thinks the instigator is Leah. He thinks Angela's shady behavior is because she is worried she is no longer in their group (The Tanks)

Rubina: Aw!

Tucker says they need to talk with Angela and make her feel more confident., "It has to be Leah! Didn't T'kor and Leah talk a lot?"

Kimo: She is trying to get to know T'kor more

Tucker: SHe is super good at being that in between person with everybody

Rubina: Mm Hmm

*RCHS on the feeds, again (Come on Control Room....hit the right switch)


The feeds pop right back to T'kor talking with Chelsie about how HoH is very exhausting mentally and physically, but she is trying to make sure she puts up the right person who aligns with what they want, "I ain't get no sleep....I have only talked with two people today"

Chelsie: Who?

T'kor: Cam and Leah. Cam, as usual, didn't give me much

Chelsie lets out a cackle


T'kor tells Chelsie that she learned from Leah that Leah believes the guys have a big alliance.


T'kor: So she is thinking that... (Chelsie finishes T'kor's thought)

Chelsie: A guy should go up there

T'kor: Mm Hmm

Chelsie: And she is suggesting Quinn?

T'kor doesn't respond, as she is in thinking mode

Chelsie: Or Joseph. It's interesting. I don't know where the guys lie.

T'kor: That to me was really interesting.

T'kor says she thought Leah was trying to be just pulled along by the guys, but after her talk, she realizes that Leah actually sees the guys as a real threat in the game.

Chelsie says she does feel Tucker and Quinn are locked in, as well as Tucker and Quinn. She isn't sure about the others.

T'kor says she sees Tucker having a relationship with each of the guys.

Chelsie suggests that no matter who she puts up, "you are fine next week."

Chelsie tells T'kor that she needs to think about who her target this week is, and then put someone up that helps get that target out this week.

Chelsie says she doesn't think Quinn, Cam, Rubina or Angela would vote out Tucker. "What's your plan talking to Makensy because she is freaking out right now?"

T'kor: I have no idea what my plan is talking to her. The thing is that Makensy is not a personal threat to me.

Chelsie: She's not! She's not!  If she is sitting up there against Angela, she is going home. If she is sitting up there with Leah, she is going home. If she is sitting up there with Tucker, she is going home.

T'kor: How can I help the group?

Chelsie: That's a great question.


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Chelsie: The only wild cards, really, are Quinn and Leah and Cam. I don't know what they would do if they win HoH. But I don't think any of them would put you up. Either way, you're good.


4:59PM BBT

Puppies from RCHS are on the feeds

Feeds move to WBRB (they got the message)


5:06PM BBT

MJ and Rubina are whispering in the SR.

MJ: It's clear that people think I'm a threat

Rubina: In that case, you can take yourself off

MJ: But I am going up against the greatest comp beast

Rubina: I would be shitting

MJ: I know Tucker has my back, and I have his

Rubina: Yeah

MJ: But at any moment, things could change and he could say it doesn't want someone in here who can compete physically

Rubina: Yeah

MJ: A lot of the game is social driven. I have energy and it comes out in moment, but I don't give the effort. It's just like, nah. I'm always like not there with big group things.

Rubina: I feel like you are there

MJ: Sometimes but not a  lot of times




5:10PM BBT

WBRB Fishies


*I am out for now. -ML

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6:13PM BBT

T'kor has been talking with Kimo for a long time in the HoHR. Rubina joins the conversation. They want to confront Tucker on him forming alliances with other people.

Kimo: We have to call him on this shit. He can't be doing that.

Kimo believes Tucker threw the veto to Cam.


[An example here is that MJ seems to believe she is a pair with Tucker. They realize he is just using it as a strategic measure, but they also see him talking a lot with Joseph, Cam and Angela...making all of them feel very safe with Tucker. -ML]


T'kor doesn't like that Tucker says things to people that don't need to be said.

Rubina agrees that Tucker needs to "shut the fuck up."



6:20PM BBT

T'kor says she is in a bad position because she has good relationships with everyone in the house. This replacement nomination is difficult for her, and she wants to be very wise about it, "I told Leah, Cam and Chelsie that I want to align with people and make a decision that is best for the group."

Kimo says their alliance is the best hidden alliance in the house. T'kor agrees saying that Cam, Chelsie and Leah all commented that they had no idea how Kimo and Quinn feel about each other. T'kor does not want to nominate Leah because Leah is beginning to open up to her, and she feels if she did, Leah would not hesitate to nominate all three of them together when she wins HoH. T'kor says that she doesn't think they can do Girls' Night tonight because she still has s o many people to talk to. The decide they will confront Tucker about his "Double Dipping and go from there." T'kor asks Rubina to send Quinn up to the HoHR. She asked Kimo to stay behind so they can talk all together then she will talk with him alone, "I just want to solidify that this is solid."

Kimo: I think he is 100% in.

The doorbell rings.

T'kor: Come in!

Quinn: Hey guys.

Quinn tells them that Joseph is acting like they (Kimo and T'kor) don't even know Quinn at all, "He told me he would make sure my name doesn't come out of your mouths."


6:32PM BBT

WBRB FIshies

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