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Saturday, August 17, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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10:10 AM BBT:  Chelsea thinks that a sock that she put in a bag (that was Cam’s) is gone.  She thinks he is wearing it now.  “Disgusting,” she says.  She talks about how he hasn’t washed his underwear and had to hand wash them.  She thinks there are dookie stains.  If people ask why it smells back here, that’s why.  The spray does nothing for that room.  It’s permanent funk.  She’s grateful to not be in the block, grateful for this game.  She puts sunglasses on because she is about to throw shade.  Apparently she walked in on someone doing MJ’s predictions.  “HOLD UP, WAIT A MINUTE!”  She says someone is trying to copy her.  It’s like someone taking over the Oprah show.  She is going to prepare to be the best host on the show, because we (us watchers) already know.

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10:15 AM BBT:  Kimo is called to the diary room upstairs (him and Rubina were getting stuff to clean the bathroom).  Meanwhile, Quinn and Brooklyn are talking up by the fish.  Brooklyn says, “They’re all spineless and he’s the head” (presumably talking about Tucker).  Brooklyn says she’s not scared of anybody.  She continues by saying, “Leah told MJ that there was an 8 person alliance and that’s why we’re mad because Joseph, Kimo, and T’Kor flipped on it.  Whoever is in power, that’s the 8.  So whoever is in power, ohh, let’s go that way.”


Quinn says he told T’Kor about Angela saying his name and then that changed his relationship with Angela.  Quinn wants the slip and slide.  Brooklyn wants the bowling game.


10:20 AM BBT:  Chelsea and Leah are in the unicorn room talking AGAIN about Cam.  Leah thinks he’s mad at her.


Quinn and Brooklyn are talking more about possibly putting Kimo on the block on the future.  Quinn thinks it’s sad because he would have never thought about putting Kimo on the block.  “You, me, Cam, Chelsea…not told.”  Quinn feels left out of things.  Both her and Quinn didn’t know about Angela’s birthday celebration.  

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10:30 AM BBT:  Joseph has joined Chelsea and Leah in the unicorn room.  They are predicting what the future comps could be.  Shortly after, Brooklyn joins the conversation.  They talk about past contestants.


“Eggs are ready if anybody wants some,” can be heard from downstairs.



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[Okay y'all! I like Quinn, but this guy keeps digging himself deeper. Tucker agreed to work with Quinn and give him another chance (after being FIRMLY against it when discussing with Kimo,T'kor and Rubina) by putting Quinn on the block "as the pawn." He was willing to honor the plan and target Brook but said if Quinn told anyone, he would abandon the plan and go back to targeting him. Quinn then went and told Brooklyn that Tucker told him he was the pawn. Brooklyn had already confirmed that Tucker told Cam the same, and since Tucker also told her she was a pawn for her needed intellectual strength, Brooklyn did the math. Tucker denied this to Brook when she confronted him this morning, but now Quinn has sealed his fate and has lost all chance of working with Tucker! Why is Quinn doing this? I call it idiotic for Quinn to keep putting himself in jeopardy with the clear strength in the house. Quinn's mouth is his Achilles heel. As much as I like Quinn, he is terrible at this game and deserves to be evicted. -ML] 


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10:40 AM BBT:  Joseph is talking to Quinn about Kimo and T’Kor feeling that they were at the bottom.  Apparently the flip was the idea that Quinn had, but feels slighted on his “HOH”.  Joseph talks about how he would tell Cedric everything, but that Cedric wouldn’t tell him shit.  He felt like Chelsea and Brooklyn were starting to get close, quick, too.  After thinking about things all day, he shares that Cam was “on to it”.  When he walked into the storage room, that’s when T’Kor shared that she was voting for Rubina.  Then after seeing Kimo and Rubina holding hands…he knew what his vote had to be.  Quinn feels bad he was left out of it.  He feels like he was there for them (Joseph, Kimo, and T’Kor) from the beginning.  He feels slighted since he feels like they gravitated towards Tucker since he has been winning so many comps.  But Quinn keeps falling on back on that he has been there from the beginning.  Joseph suggests talking to them (T’Kor and Kimo). 

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10:51 AM BBT:  Joseph says he sold out The Pentaton.  Quinn did, too.  Quinn talks about how he was down with the underdog thing, but that Tucker ruined that idea for him.  Joseph says he (Quinn) is dead in the middle as far as being in a good spot in the house goes.  Quinn says he was working hard to work with Leah, but that she never comes to meet with him.  Joseph says he isn’t telling Leah shit now.  He tried.  Quinn confirms that it doesn’t work with her.  Joseph asks Quinn, “Is there anything else?”  Quinn tells him that he thinks he has told him everything.  


I need to get off for about an hour!  I’ll be back!

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1:20PM BBT

The feeds have been down for 2 hours now. I feel like the competition is in the backyard since it has been closed down since Monday and did not reopen after the HoH Competition. At least it is only 82F at the BB House. It's 99F in ATX.

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4:18PM BBT

The feeds have finally returned to WBRB

Tucker is wearing the Veto necklace



They played Hide and Go Veto

Tucker is pissed that Quinn messed up his stuff.

The houseguests are cleaning up the house.





Chelsie and Rubina are talking about how Tucker is annoying because he is so good at everything. 

Chelsie: But he is coming for Quinn's head

Rubina: What happens in AI?

Chelsie: If Quinn wins? We have to talk about it.







Just so y'all know, the HGs spoke about Hide and Go Veto a few weeks back, and Tucker made it clear he would be pissed at anyone who made unnecessary messes or went through personal belongings.


Tucker: Joseph, did you throw my clothes on the ground.

Joe: No

Tucker: I know who did  it. That little bitch. (Quinn)



The houseguests are glad the mess isn't too bad.


Tucker is heated feeling that Quinn went after is stuff in a personal attack.



In the kitchen, Angela whispers to Tucker, "Cam did it."

Tucker: My clothes?

Angela: I'll tell you more later.



4:34PM BBT

Tucker approaches Cam, "Did you fuck with my clothes?" Cam denies saying he didn't even need to go in that room because Quinn's was hidden easily, "Quinn's, I found his so early, I should have played defense."



Tucker: That was a legendary comp.

Brooklyn: An iconic one.


Brooklyn and MJ are wearing cute 1940s style swimsuits.




Chelsie: We get the backyard!

Rubina: Yayyyyy

Chelsie: Yes, girl!


Angela is mopping the floor. Joseph is eating pickles.






4:41PM BBT

Brooklyn and Chelsie are whispering in the cave bedroom. Chelsie says Rubina wants to talk later. Brook says Rubina talked to her earlier.  Chelsie tells Brooklyn that Leah said to her, "You secretly hate me." (Leah is not wrong. For being such a "Christian" Chelsie has had no problem showing visible disdain for Leah with facial expressions and even asking MJ and Brooklyn not to give her attention)


Brooklyn says Tucker "allegedly" wants to send Quinn home.

Chelsie: You think he playing?

Brook nods in agreement.





Brook says Tucker acts like he is God of the comps, "Which he is, right now."

Brook is counting votes and says, "maybe Leah"

Chelsie: I don't trust Leah. I don't like the suck-up.

Chelsie asks Brooklyn, "Who don't you trust?"

Brook lists Leah, Joseph, Tucker, Kimo and T'kor

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8:05 PM BBT:  Tucker and T’Kor are talking in the floating room.  He is sayin, “This shit needs to get exposed effing STAT.”  He talks about how MJ is basically repeating everything Brooklyn is saying.  She knows for sure Brooklyn and Chelsea won’t put him up next week (at least that’s what Tucker is saying MJ is saying).


Outside, Chelsea and MJ are taking on the patio furniture.  Chelsea says, “T’Kor definitely wouldn’t touch me.  We have a thing.”  MJ feels the same way about her and says Tucker is talking abo it maybe taking someone off of the block.  Chelsea says the only person that she would put on the block right now is Joesph.  “He played a really nasty game,” Chelsea says.  T’Kor walks outside past Joseph and Rubina who are sitting around the hot tub area and joins Quinn in the hammock.  MJ and Chelsea continue talking.  MJ is talking about who needs to go.  (Is the curly hair bringing out a meaner alter ego? -Guest). Brooklyn comes out and joins the conversation saying that she doesn’t want to go home.  Brooklyn and MJ assure her that she isn’t.  Tucker walks out of the kitchen past Angela and Quinn who are lying on the bean bag looking lounging chairs.


8:26 PM BBT:  Quinn, Rubina, and Tucker are talking around the hot tub while Chelsea and Brooklyn have decided to set up a game of pool.  Cam can be seen talking to Angela and Kimo on the bean bag looking chairs.  Lots of general talk.  It seems the houseguests are just enjoying the outside.

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