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Sunday, August 11, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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2:15 PM BBT:  Brooklyn, Kimo, and Quinn are in the pool.  Cedric has one leg in the hot tub and one leg in the pool- hands on the beach ball.  Quinn and Kimo challenge each other to who can hold their breath under the water the longest.  34 seconds.  Conversation goes to planes and popping ears.



I’m out for now!  Be back later!

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3:39PM BBT

Quinn is talking with Rubina in the backyard saying he really doesn't have reason to put anyone else to put up and her proximity to Tucker is a solid reason. "I just want to approach it with full transparency before I go talk to Tucker about it. I wanted to talk to you first before I talk to him and he accuses me of things."

Rubina: Yeah, you should go talk to him

Quinn: I love appreciate you, and I know that hurts.

Quinn leaves to find Tucker.




3:43PM BBT

Quinn settles on the living room couch to wait for Tucker.



In the backyard, Rubina tells T'kor, Brooklyn and Kimo what Quinn said, "I mean I am not going to be scared. The only thing I worry about is playing against Cedric. He is going to talk to Tucker."

T'kor: Tucker just went in the shower

Rubina says it is her own fault because of her closeness with Tucker. "He said there is no other person who is a competitor and blah, blah. I was like, okay. It's time to prove myself. I don't want to be scared. It's scary, of course. But, that's not who I am in normal life...What's meant to be, will be."



3:47PM BBT

Cedric approaches the group, and Rubina fills him in. Cedric gives Ruby a hug, "It's all right. If you win, I'm cool with that. Let's do this then."


Rubina: I'm staying, and so is Cedric.....and that's that.





3:54PM BBT

MJ joins Cedric and T'kor on the backyard couches with Rubina.



T'kor predicts the next big comp will be The Wall, "I predict I will be the fifth person to fall off."

Cedric: You've been training for this

(T'kor has been intentional with improving her athletic abilities while in the BB House. She has worked up from 0 push ups to 10 and has included some running, too)

Rubina: You have!

Cedric: How many did you do? 5?

Rubina: She did more than that.

T'kor: 10

Cedric: Jabari will be proud (Jabari = T'kor's boyfriend)


*WBRB Fishies


4:04PM BBT

Quinn tells Joseph he is waiting for Tucker to have "that conversation."



Kimo is with Tucker in the HoH bathroom warning him that Quinn is waiting to talk with him, "He is looking to be transparent with you."





*WBRB Fishies


4:06PM BBT

Tucker: If I am up there it is 50/50. It is what it is. I'm not gonna last long in here with everyone after me.

Kimo proposes trying to build something with Chelsie.

Tucker: She has a final two with him....I might as well finish what I started and beat Cedric. It might be better. 

Tucker refuses to work with Quinn because he has been nothing but a liar in the game and has too many sob stories.

Angela and T'kor join them in the HoHR.

Kimo: Okay, so I think Quinn is looking for you

Angela: Looking for who?

Kimo: Tucker

Tucker: Shit

Kimo: But I didn't tell you any of that

Tucker: I think Cedric is the top target. He has fucked over a bunch of people in here. Makensy is the number two, so it doesn't matter what he says.



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Angela suggests he will try to make a deal of some sort.

Tucker: He is the biggest snake in the house.

Angela: Then don't talk to him. Avoid him.

Tucker says whatever Quinn say, "I don't give a fuck, Dude. You are stull my number one target." Tucker says he may just stay up there (on the block)

Angela: Don't do it. You do not need to do that. Don't do it. I am asking you. I am pleading you. Don't do that!

Tucker: I'm not planning on doing that. I think the wall will be next week.

Angela: Thank you! You had my heart going a mile a minute




Tucker says he is 98% sure that's what he will do, "and I was 98% last week."


4:17PM BBT

Tucker heads downstairs with plans to avoid Quinn.

T'kor and Kimo settle on the bed and tune in to the spy cam as if they are watching a blockbuster.



4:24PM BBT

Angela says If he doesn't use that veto on himself," I am going to kill him!"


Angela confides in T'kor and Kimo that she knows Quinn and Joseph are working together because they are both strategic players and she has overheard some conversations. She also reveals that she overhead Leah and Cam in  a tiff over her not knowing there was a boys' alliance which confirms for her they have something (Cam and Leah). Angela says she hears so much and sees everything sleeping in that front bedroom (she calls it The Power Ranger Room)


4:34PM BBT

Joseph is talking with Rubina in the loft. Rubina tells him she won't freak out, she will just do her best in the arena


Quinn approaches Tucker at the laundry machines.

Quinn: Tucker can I see you for like 20 second?

Tucker: Go Ahead

Quinn says he knows Tucker sees it so he just wonders if he is going to use the veto on himself, "I feel like it is a decision by the moment


*The feeds all move to the loft which causes my coffee to find itself slammed against the wall (JK). I want names! -ML



Tucker beats around the bush saying he knows everyone in the house is after him. Quinn leaves to grab a shower leaving Cam and Tucker sitting alone.

Tucker says he hates that "fake-ass dude"

Quinn goes to the bathroom and immeidately reports to Cedric and Brooklyn, "He said he isn't going to use it because he wants to finish this where he started."

They all high five.



Quinn: He could be lying.


Back in the backyard, Tucker tells Cam, "I know you are with him." Cam evades.

Tucker: I know he is gonna put Rubina up because we are in a showmance. You think I'm stupid dog?


[While Cam is very pretty to look at, I think he is terrible at this game. I find him boring and sloppy. Sorry to all the Camsters! -ML]

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5:05PM BBT

Tucker and Rubina are speculating what the competition could be for AI Arena.

Tucker tells her that it doesn't matter because people are going after the super athletic ones. (meaning he doesn't think she is a target at all)

Rubina: Well, I am going to be ready.

Tucker: Be ready! Crush it!

Rubina: Now I can't be associated with you. (joking)

Tucker: Fuck 'em! They're jealous!



Tucker tells her if she is nervous, he is fine not using it. "If I lose, I just cuddle with Ziggy. Tell me tomorrow. If you are nervous. I can fight those demons. Think about it.....let me know tomorrow."

Tucker: I fucking...I want to keep playing games.

Rubina: We can talk about things later. You earned your veto.


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5:26PM BBT

In the kitchen, Kimo is singing something R&B style. (So beautiful!)


5:42PM BBT

T'kor reports that Makensy is not doing good today. "She has been in a corner this entire time. This is the quietest she's been!"


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