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Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother 26 observations, and screen captures here! If you post opinions or off-topic messages, I will move them here:  Big Brother Season 26 - Discussion Forum

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is Pacific Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here) until Sunday, November 5, when Daylight Saving Time ends. 

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.

To better help you identify the HGs, Fuskie made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.


Get the Morty's TV Big Brother Season 26 HG Reference Guide today!

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Dining Table (DT)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Have-Not Room (HNR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Storage Room (SR)
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet [toilet] (WC)
Lounge Area Across from the HoH room.  (LOFT)
Theme bedroom [Unicorn in the garden] (UBR)


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at Morty's TV Chat. Stop in and talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

Writing a horror screenplay; starts off with a ringing phone. The person answers, and it's their mom saying "I have a computer question."
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7:53AM BBT

The lights are on in the BB26 house. Rubina is in the backyard watching the planes cuddled up on a lounger. 

Angela is seen in the bathroom trying to wake up. 

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2:45PM BBT

Chelsie tells Joseph and T'kor in the backyard that if it comes down to Kenney and Tucker for eviction, she would rather evict Kenney because she is not a fan of his game play at all.




2:49PM BBT

Brooklyn is chatting with MJ in the backyard suggesting she come check out the pageant world.

MJ: Sign me up

Brooklyn tells her that her stepson may be available now, but he's 6'1", so that's on the short side for MJ, "The shortest guy I ever dated was 6'1""

Brooklyn says he (Cage) has tattoos like Cam and is a Marine.


Brooklyn tells MJ that she will be part of her family and can come visit anytime. They live three hours apart.












3:11PM BBT

There isn't really any game talk going on, just a lot of random conversations.



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3:38PM BBT

Kimo is getting emotional in the loft while talking with Joseph. The game seems to be really getting to Kimo, "It's really easy to feel small, especially when you've been working you whole life to not be that."

Joseph: You just gotta not let it get to you. You know your value.


Joseph continues giving Kimo a pep talk. Kimo is very appreciative.


3:46PM BBT

T'kor is whispering with Rubina in the Unicorn Room. T'kor says she doesn't know how to talk with Tucker. She has tried several times, but she can't ever catch him alone. Rubina suggests she try to chat with him when he feeds the fish later tonight.

Rubina: If you don't (talk with Tucker) I'm not gonna.

T'kor and Rubina discuss Cedric's HoH and how people are not really talking with him like they did with Angela and Chelsie during their HoHs.

Rubina: I wonder what that means.



They are getting dressed for a workout. T'kor is borrowing an outfit from Rubina.


3:58PM BBT

Now it's Brooklyn's turn to give Kimo a pep talk.




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7:21 PM BBT:  It seems like the houseguests are getting along pretty well considering everything that happened yesterday.  Outside, Quinn, Chelsea, Brooklyn, Cedric, Angela, Kenney, Cam and Rubina have been talking about movies for the last hour while Leah and MJ have been inside the kitchen making dinner.  MJ is making mac and cheese from scratch.  Leah is making meatballs.


7:30 PM BBT:  Outside, separate discussions are taking place.  Chelsea asks Brooklyn how she monitors her kids on their phones.  Brooklyn says that she knows and gets a feeling when she needs to check their devices and lists some app that they have to monitor them.  Cameras cut to the kitchen where Leah is continuing to roll meatballs as the BB cameras zoom in on her.  Joseph is at the table watching.  T’Kor comes down from the HoH room where she just finished taking a shower.  


7:35 PM BBT:  T’Kor and Kimo are sitting in the bathroom area chatting.  T’Kor wants to whisper something to him, but gets up to check the bathroom stall area first.  Nobody in there.  While she’s doing that, Kimo runs over to the workout area to check if anyone is in that spot.  Nobody.  They both run back and are whispering so low that at full volume, it’s hard to pick up.  Kimo talks full voice about how bad it would be for him to run out of Cetaphil and all cameras go to WBRB.


7:40 PM BBT:  Cameras come back to Kimo saying that “he apologized to me yesterday by the pool about it but he didn’t want to get…I don’t know…I don’t know!  He did apologize about it”, but that during their conversation, Cam came in which made things feel awkward.  T’Kor says that she thinks that Tucker is a hypocrite and that she wants people to take her opinions into consideration instead of being told what to do.  Leah walks in shortly after and asks if they both like onion.  Yes.  Do they both want special sauce like on a Big Mac?  Yes.  

7:46 PM BBT:  In the kitchen, MJ is doing dishes.  Rubina walks by and Leah asks if she wants onion and Big Mac sauce.  She’s not going to eat hamburgers tonight.  Oh yeah, no meat.  Does she want dairy-free cheese?  Leah offers to make something else.  It’s okay.  In the bathroom area Kimo and T’kor are still talking.  T’Kor says that they need to find Quinn and talk to him about everything because she believes that he was honest and true about them being a final 3 (her, Kimo, and Quinn).  Rubina walks in and they change the conversation.  Someone left underwear in the bathroom.  Rubina discusses her different colors of hair that she has had in the past.  Red looked so good.

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7:52 PM BBT:  Rubina, Quinn, and T’Kor are asking what they call the shoes on Rubina’s feet.  Sandals…flippers…. Rubina says out of the blue, “I wasn’t interrupting anything, was I?”  T’Kor and Kimo reassure that she wasn’t.  Kimo says that they were just checking in on each other since sometimes people need to talk, plus they’re bored and there is nothing else to do.  They don’t do any game talk with Rubina while she is in there.  Rubina is seen shortly after laying in the hammock by the pool.  Everyone seems to have gone inside.  Brooklyn is doing the dishes.


8:02 PM BBT:  For whatever reason, cameras stay on Rubina in the hammock for quite a while before going back in the house.  Angela is talking to Kenney in the living room.  Angela is bringing up a past contestant that kind of observed everyone, wasn’t too loud, but ended up winning.  She says she’s not good at remembering season numbers.  She can’t wait for everyone to watch themselves back.  She then goes on saying that she wants her grand babies to watch and see that “Nana preserved.  She fought through some crap.  You’re going to have grand babies and they are going to see this”. (Basically hyping Kenney up to keep pushing through this hiccup that occurred with everything this week)

Baaccckkk to Rubina in the hammock.  It looks like she has brought along a tube of Cetaphil with her.  After looking at her nails she says, “Eeewww, my nails!”  She goes inside to work on her nails.  Angela tells her as she comes in that Cedric can’t run. (Angela looks like she’s changing clothes in the shower space).  Angela tells Rubina that she’s a 14/16, but that she would buy pants at a store that would purposefully make your pant size smaller to make you feel better about your size.  Angela doesn’t seem to be a fan of that idea. Lol



8:15 PM BBT:  Kimo and Cam are talking at the hammock area.  Cam is empowering Kimo by telling him that he thinks that he is good at this game, strong, and someone that can go far in this game.  He tells him that his personality is made to be here…made to be on TV.  He is extroverted and funny.  If he ever questions why he should be here, he should know that there are many reasons as to why he should be here.  He said “that whole thing changed my perspective on the game”. (Probably everything with Tucker yesterday).  It was something that Cam said he needed in his life.  He doesn’t want to be a sneaky person.  He said he couldn’t back door Quinn and let him know.  Mimi said he didn’t know that he was in an alliance with him.  Can replies, “Yep, me, Cedric, and Quinn.” (Maybe he is going to relay information back to T’Kor).


8:20 PM BBT:  Angela comes out and brings up issues with ants.  Apparently they are going to be closing up the backyard for the next four days, they think.  WBRB.




(I’m out for the night!)

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Flashback starting at 2:41AM. Quinn had a restless night and was sleep talking and walking on and off.  It started at 2:41AM with talking, and continued with another burst at 3:16AM.

Then at 4:18AM the sleepwalking started.  He got out of bed, hovered over Rubinas bed and touched her, startling her.

Then at 4:20AM he woke up on the little padded stoop between their beds, looked around and then conked out again.


Finally, at 4:22AM he sleepwalks a bit next to the bedroom wall and climbs into bed backwards where he stays the rest of the night that was visible (production cut to other no-activity bedrooms the rest of the night).


Then at 9:52AM (the first part we were able to see, the beginning of this ws WBRB), Rubina and Brooklyn tell Quinn what he was doing last night. He is horrified.  This is apparently the second incident of him sleep talking/walking in the house. First time was on Day 2.


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