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Big Brother Season 26 - Episode 7 - Power of Veto

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Previously on Big Brother: The Big Brother house was still reeling from the shock of Matt’s eviction as the episode began. The houseguests were buzzing with speculation about who had voted to keep him, with fingers pointed in various directions.

The competition for Head of Household was fierce, with players vying for power and safety. Ultimately, Chelsie emerged victorious, shaking up the house dynamics once again. She wasted no time in forming a strategic alliance, dubbed “The Pentagon,” with Cedric, Cam, Quinn, and Brooklyn.

Chelsie's nominations of Kenney, Angela, and Lisa sent shock waves through the house, as alliances were tested and loyalties questioned. The stage was set for a dramatic Power of Veto competition, with the fate of the nominated houseguests hanging in the balance.

Chelsie's strategic mind was evident as she explained her nomination choices. She aimed to avoid immediate conflict by not targeting those closest to her. Her decision to nominate Angela, who had been a formidable force as the previous HoH, was a calculated move. Meanwhile, Makensy felt a sense of relief that Chelsie had chosen not to expose her Power of Veto, strengthening their bond.

Quinn's strategic maneuvering intensified as he recognized his position within The Pentagon. Aware of his potential vulnerability as a lower-ranked member, he sought to strengthen his position by building additional alliances. Forming connections with his fellow Have Nots and creating a separate alliance with T'kor and Kimo, named The Visionaries, demonstrated Quinn's ability to play multiple sides of the game. However, his loyalty to The Visionaries raised questions about his commitment to The Pentagon, setting the stage for potential conflicts in the future.

A potential alliance begins to form as T'kor suggests a loose pact between herself, Cam, Cedric, and Chelsie. The group aims to support each other's journey to the jury, understanding the importance of maintaining a low profile to avoid becoming a major target. Unbeknownst to them, Angela is silently observing their interactions, recognizing the potential opportunity to her game that this group of Houseguests could represent. She approaches Quinn and says simply, this is the group to watch. Quinn, wary of Angela's reputation as an "alliance destroyer," misinterprets Angela's comment as implying they are a threat to their game, and decides to inform the T'kor about Angela's suspicions.

The paranoia begins to spread. T'kor, armed with the knowledge of Angela's surveillance, shares her concerns with Cedric and Joseph, who are already wary of Angela's intentions. The realization that Angela is actively monitoring their interactions creates a sense of unease among the group. They do not want to be seen as another Cookout, even as they promise to look out for each other. 

Meanwhile, Angela, feeling increasingly isolated, takes matters into her own hands and confronts Quinn about his potential betrayal. Quinn defends his actions, saying he understood her to be warning him about them. Angela protests that was not what she meant, but Quinn does not believe her. 


The Power of Veto competition commences with the drawing of chips for the last two players. For the second week in a row, Brooklyn and Joseph are chosen to play, with Quinn hosting. AINSI has been hit with a virus and the HG must construct the anti-virus code to cleanse her. Players are tasked with constructing a tower using 1" ringed 0's and flat squares representing 1's. 

Kenney quickly establishes an early lead, placing the largest )'s in a triangle that is used to support the platform for the next level. He builds each level from the biggest to the smallest, building a tower that quickly reaches an impressive height. Meanwhile, the other Houseguests, Brooklyn, Angela, Lisa, Joseph, and Chelsie, face repeated setbacks as their structures crumble. Ultimately, Kenney's strategic approach and steady hand prevail, securing his victory and removing himself from the chopping block. Chelsie is faced with the unenviable task of naming a replacement nominee.

In the aftermath of the Veto competition, Cedric wasted no time in informing Chelsie about Angela's observation of the emerging alliance. Eager to address the situation head-on, Chelsie confronted Angela about the perceived slight. Angela says the only person she told was Quinn, so Quinn must have told T'kor, which was a betrayal of her trust.


While Angela tearfully denied any malicious intent, the damage was done. The conversation escalated as T'kor joined the conversation, highlighting the potential racial implications of Angela's comments. Despite Angela's insistence that her intent was to build a positive strategic relationship, the incident exposed underlying tensions and further fractured relationships within the house.

In the DR, Quinn confesses he had a double motive in telling T'kor about Angela's comment. First, she was part of his alliance and he wanted to warn her. But he also wanted to stir up some trouble and make the target on Angela's back even bigger. 

Desperate to not be painted with a racist brush, Angela approaches Cedric and reiterates that she was thinking of him, Cam, Chelsie, and T'kor as strong game players. Cedric says he understands and didn't think it was racially motivated. 

As the dust settled from the Angela-T'kor confrontation, Tucker offered himself as a pawn to Chelsie, expressing confidence in his ability to win the upcoming AI Arena Battle. This strategic move positioned him as a potential ally who gives Chelsie a way to not get blood on her hands while simultaneously putting himself at risk.

As the fallout from her confrontation with T'kor continued, Angela questioned Quinn's loyalty. Knowing that he possessed the Deepfake power, she wondered if he was deliberately targeting her to eliminate a potential threat. This newfound suspicion added another layer of complexity to her feeling of isolation and danger of eviction.

Recognizing the potential damage caused by her earlier comments, Angela took the initiative to apologize to T'kor. Her sincerity seemed genuine, and T'kor accepted the apology, emphasizing the importance of respectful communication within the house. This reconciliation marked a small step towards healing the rift caused by the previous confrontation.

In an attempt to uncover Makensy's secret power, Tucker laid a trap for her, half-jokingly saying she had the power of two votes to evict. While initially hesitant, Makensy eventually revealed the existence of power to Tucker, though without disclosing its specific nature. She knows this positions her as a target, especially if Tucker chooses to share this information with others. She tells him that only Chelsie knows and emphasizes she is only telling him out of trust.

With Makensy's power now confirmed Meanwhile, Tucker returns to HoH to suggest maybe he is not the best replacement nominee after all, and that this is an opportunity to flush out Makensy's power. Chelsie faced a critical decision. Tucker's suggestion to target Makensy due to her power presented a tempting opportunity to neutralize a potential threat. However, she was wary of the consequences, understanding that such a move could solidify an alliance between Makensy and Leah.

After Kenny removed himself from the chopping block, Chelsie made the strategic move to nominate Tucker as a replacement nominee. By not choosing or create a larger rift within the house, she aimed to maintain a sense of stability. Tucker, aware of his position, accepted the nomination with a confident demeanor, believing in his ability to win the upcoming AI Arena Battle. This strategic maneuver set the stage for a tense and unpredictable live eviction night.

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