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Fred Flamingo Big Brother Season 26 Blog - Post Four

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I don't know about you, but I love the Olympics, especially the Summer Games. The running, the swimming, the fans flocking together and making bird calls in unison. It got me thinking, what if Big Brother was produced by NBC instead of CBS (or, what if CBS covered the Olympics instead of NBC), what if the theme of this season of Big Brother was the Olympics?  

So I asked ChatGPT to come up with a list of Olympic themed HoH and Veto competitions that could be part of an Olympic-themed season of Big Brother. Here is what it suggested:


Head of Household Competitions


The Golden Relay: A classic relay race with a Big Brother twist. Houseguests are divided into teams. Each team member must complete an Olympic-themed challenge (e.g., javelin throw, hurdle jump, swimming) before tagging the next. The first team to finish wins HoH.


Medal Stand: A physical and mental challenge. Houseguests must answer Olympic trivia questions to earn points. Each correct answer earns a medal. The houseguest with the most medals at the end wins HoH.

Torchbearer Triumph: A timed obstacle course. Houseguests must navigate a course filled with Olympic-themed obstacles (e.g., balance beam, rings, vault). The fastest time wins HoH.

Olympic Opening Ceremony: A creative competition. Houseguests must design and perform a short opening ceremony routine, incorporating Olympic themes and national pride. A panel of judges will determine the winner.


Synchronized Swimming Spectacular: A synchronized swimming competition. Houseguests are paired up and must perform a synchronized routine in the BY Pool to music. A panel of judges will determine the winning pair. A second round between the winning pair determines who will become HoH.

Power of Veto Competitions


Pentathlon Pursuit: A multi-part competition testing various athletic abilities. Houseguests compete in five different Olympic-themed challenges (e.g., fencing, shooting, horseback riding, swimming, running). The highest overall score wins PoV.


Olympic Trivia Tournament: A fast-paced trivia competition. Houseguests answer Olympic-related questions. The last houseguest remaining wins PoV.


Record Breaker: A physical challenge with a twist. Houseguests must attempt to break Olympic records in various events (e.g., high jump, long jump, shot put). The houseguest who comes closest to breaking a record wins PoV.


Olympic Village Challenge: A team-based competition. Houseguests are divided into teams and must complete various Olympic-themed tasks (e.g., cooking, arts and crafts, language learning). The team winning the first round will compete against each other in a second round, with the winning team member earning the Veto.

Medal Ceremony Mayhem: A mental and physical challenge. Houseguests must answer Olympic trivia questions to earn medals. The houseguest with the most medals must then complete a physical challenge. The fastest time to complete the challenge wins PoV.


Fred Flamingo, back on the keyboard. What do you think of the AI's comp ideas? What are your own ideas for Olympic themed competitions? 


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I'm thinking, why didn't BB think of this.? They could also have daily AI challenges for food or clothes. gymnastics, swimming, stair climbing, a BB triathlon...timed, etc.


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Because NBC, the USOC and the IOC would all come after them. You can't even use the word "Olympics," which is trademarked. Even calling it the Big Brother Games would generate a letter from Comcast's lawyers. 


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YES, there may have been legal/copyright reasons for not doing an Olympic theme.


Plus, when CBS was planning the season they may have said "WHY would we want to potentially remind people about the Olympics...people could say to themselves "oh, crapola, I forgot to check-up on the Games" and then switch to an NBC owned channel (broadcast and or streaming) instead!"

BUT now, considering the controversies that have erupted over the opening ceremonies and the situation that led to a woman boxer quitting and the river pollution causing event disruptions, there are some new Olympic boycotts going on so it might have worked out for CBS had they done the Olympic theme. THAT is if they could even legally do so.



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While there is always something media writers have to call out during the games, those controversies are not having an impact on Olympic coverage ratings. There may be some attention-seekers claiming an Olympic Boycott, but my guess is that the USA will earn more medals in these games than people actually boycotting the games (as opposed to just being disinterested in sports).


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