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Friday, July 26, 2024 - BBAI26 Live Feed Updates

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12:51 BBT:  Angela suggests selecting Lisa and use the excuse as “just flushing things out” to figure out who has the power app.  She assures Chelsea that she has her back in the future.  Meanwhile, Chelsea assures Angela that she’s not coming after her and if anything freaks her out to come talk to her before doing anything.  Angela tells Chelsea that she doesn’t mind doing the dirty work for her before leaving from the HOH room.  Nobody is waiting outside to talk.


12:54 BBT:  Time for Chelsea’s confessions!  She didn’t mean to win HOH.  She predicts she will put up (couldn’t hear the first name) Angela and Lisa.  She thinks that Lisa is lying to her face.  But she’s gonna finish her nails first.

12:56 BBT:  DING DONG!!  (That didn’t last long).  In walks Makensy.  They talk about Makensy’s power and Chelsea assures her that she hasn’t told anyone that she knows that she has the power app.  However, people are speculating that it is Makensy and Lisa.

Good timing, Mama!  Stepping off for a bit!

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1:23PM BBT

Leah and Cedric chat for a bit. Nothing super importan here, but Cedric was fishing for info from Leah


1:33PM BBT

Leah is finally talking with Chelsie in HoHR. Chelsie says the 8-3 vote jacked her up, and she is trying to figure out who it is. 

Chelsie: Whoever it is, they are lying to me. (she feels strongly it's Lisa, and she is right)

Chelsie tells Leah she is also trying to figure out who else has the power up.

Leah asks her what quadrant of the house does she know about. Chelsie says her side.

Chelsie: I think you know who has it.

The feeds cut to another room just then, so I did not hear her reply.

Now Chelsie is asking about who was involved in the 8. Leah says she can tell her who it wasn't: her and Cedric.

Leah: I don't rush to take sides. I haven't committed to anything. I have not been in a named alliance. I was just feeling everybody out.


[The feeds continue to skip around. Ugh!  -ML]


Chelsie: If I put whoever has the Power Up, I am aware that I have to name whoever has to replace them.

Leah: Another huge reason I never talked game with you is because I thought it was understood that we thought the same, I am not a kiss-ass, you knew from the start we have a connection and I wanted you to save your voice.

Chelsie: I want to play the long game with you.

Leah: I promise you, if I ever win HoH...

Chelsie: You were so close

Leah: I am not putting you up

Chelsie tells Leah she is putting up Kenney, Angela and Lisa then asks who she should put up for replacement nom. Leah says she has to start talking game now.

Leah: I want to win with someone who deserves to win. Don't forget, on paper, I am pretty good on paper so far (she has come in 2nd or 3rd in all comps). Here is what I will say to you...today I decided to put my big girl panties on. I do think Angela should go on the block. 


Leah tells Chelsie about Angela confronting her while she was in the shower. She said something to Leah that really offended her. I think it was something about "growing up" so she has a reason to go after Angela.


The feeds move, again.





1:54PM BBT

Leah tells Chelsie that Lisa wants her (Leah) in an alliance and she wants to name it today.




2:00PM BBT
Cedric is talking with Angela while she sweeps the Futuristic bedroom and hallway. Angela says she really wants to work with them and she is willing to be confrontational whenever they need. Angela says has been married a long time and wins all of the fights. If she didn't, she would be divorced.  "There's still a lot of game. Let this Mama help you."

Cedric: Thank you, Ma

Angela: Ah ha

After he leaves, "Time will tell. Lisa's glitter is more like a sandstorm. It's getting messy." 

[I'm not sure if she meant this literally or figuratively. LOL -ML]




2:07PM BBT

Quinn is teaching MJ how to play bumper pool in the loft.


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2:15PM BBT

BB: Cam, please go to the Diary Room upstairs.

Cam: Upstairs? Okay.

Cedric is making up songs in the loft.

The HGs take turns adding lyrical lines.



"I saw you dancin' in the moonlight, and thought that you were mine."


[Seriously, these guys can't sing. Then they ask Kimo to add his melodies. Kimo sings several lines and it's amazing. Cam and Cedric =are out of tune, big time.  -ML]


They have created a whole song minus a chorus.


Now they are visualizing the music video.

Quinn sings the song, Green Day style (It's good)

Brooklyn: Okay, alternative rock....now let's here the rhythm and blues style.

Cam gives it a shot. This time it's better.

Angela: There's a lot of talent in here.

They name the song "Did Me Dirty"

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2:54PM BBT

Cam is in the HoHR with Chelsie, MJ and Leah offering to be the pawn, "I'll just go out there and win the veto. I'm not trippin'! I'm fine with it."

Cam: I am fine with it as long as it exposes the power.




2:59PM BBT

Kenney rings the HoHR doorbell, and Chelsie asks everyone to let her talk to him since she hasn't talked with him yet.

Kenney says he is playing a neutral game. Chelsie says she agrees, and to be honest, she is putting him up. Chelsie says he is not her target. Kenney says he is okay with it because it gives him the full experience in the BB House.

3:06PM BBT

Chelsie tells Cedric about MJ bringing up Cam as a pawn. "Cam said he is good with it, but I don't think he is good with it."



3:07PM BBT

BB: Chelsie, please go to the Diary Room downstairs.

Chelsie heads down, "This sucks. Thanks guys."

Angela questions Chelsie about her statement that putting her on the block is what the house wants, "Then why did everybody vote to get Matt out." Chelsie tells her because everyone wanted Matt out.




3:13PM BBT

Now we have RCHS on the feeds. It's time for nominations.

It's important to know before we get nominations that Chelsie was second guessing putting up Lisa from jump and using her as a replacement nom, instead. BB called Chelsie to the DR three times, and she still was unsure what to do. While talking with Cedric, he offered himself as last resort. Chelsie hates being in this situation. 

[She should stick with her original plan of Kenney, Lisa and Angela, IMHO -ML]

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4:32PM BBT

The feeds move from RCHS to WBRB

4:34PM BBT

Now back to RCHS


4:34PM BBT

And now the feeds are back to HGs moving about the house

In the bathroom...

Lisa:(to Rubina)  I'm fine. I'm just going to have to fight this whole game. Thanks for checking.



Chelsie nominated Angela, Lisa and Kenney.





4:42PM BBT

In the bathroom, Kenney tells Rubina and Kimo that he thinks Lisa has the power and if she uses the power, he will go home. "That will be good for Chelsie...to expose the power."



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5:00PM BBT

Kenney and Lisa have been talking in the backyard that they both have been told they are not the target


5:03PM BBT

Chelsie is ta;lking with MJ and T'kor in the HoHR. Chelsie addresses the cameras and says, "My girls are still here." MJ says she would have loved winning this HoH but feels God was looking out for her because she would have been like, "Don't talk to me! I know what I'm doing, and you better all support me." Chelsie says she won HoH by accident.

T'kor: You think it was an accident, but there aren't any accidents.


5:08PM BBT

Angela walks into the bathroom where Kimo, Rubina and Cedric have been talking about her being the target this week. SHe asks if anyone is in the loo. Rubina says no.

Angela: I want to make sure because I heard someone got walked in on.

Rubina: That was me. I walked in on Lisa but barely. I didn't see anything.

Cedric: Was it vacant? (the sign)

Rubina: It was vacant; hate that the door doesn't lock. It doesn't even close completely, that's what gets me.


5:12Pm BBT

Chelsie talks with Cam at the hammock. He says he was definitely willing to take one for the team but wanted to tell her he thought it would have been a bad move since everyone already knows they are close "It would have been too obvious, but I couldn't say that in front of them." Chelsie says she could have never put him up. They discuss Leah and how she is working now to find allies. 

Chelsie: I couldn't nominate Leah as my Cap sister." (They are both Capricorns)


5:16PM BBT

[I have a lot of packing to do, so I am out for the night.  -ML]

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5:52 BBT:  The houseguests are eating supper together.  One of them say that they are a regular at their local taco joint.  WBRB comes on the screen.  Chelsea’s confessions comes on all screens where she is talking about how she does not trust Cam.  She wants either Tucker or Angela to win tomorrow.  She said she knows that MJ has a power and didn’t want to put her up because she wants to use it to her advantage.  Plus, she could take herself down.  Chelsea wants Lisa to be exposed for having the other superpower (little does she know…).  She shares how people are crazy but she is doing her best.


6:01 BBT:  Cameras cut to Leah in the kitchen cooking beef which I believe is being made into sloppy joes.  MJ is helping by adding what looks like ketchup and brown sugar to it. 

6:11 BBT: Brooklyn is running back and forth outside.  Lisa is talking to Kimo and Brooklyn about who they would pick if they win the veto challenge.  Brooklyn and amino say they would have to talk to Chelsea since it’s her HOH.  Lisa mentions she doesn’t have much energy from the slop.  It seems that the have-nots are making their own version of sloppy joes while the houseguests are eating regular ones.


6:16 BBT:  Brooklyn continues to run in the backyard while Lisa lounges in a beanbag lawn chair.  The sound of an airplane sounds on all four cameras… WBRB comes back on…again…

6:19BBT:  Quinn is talking to the camera “What’s good what’s good!”  No sooner than when he starts his camera talk, Joseph walks over.  He then walks away and Quinn tries to whisper lower, but the camera cuts out from him and into the kitchen.


6:22 BBT:  WBRB



[It’s On Patrol time, so I’m out for now!]

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